< Spanish

< Lesson 8

El cuerpo (The Body)

Las partes del cuerpoThe parts of the body
la cabezathe head
la pielthe skin
las cejasthe eyebrows
el ojothe eye
la orejathe (outer) ear
el oídothe hearing
la narizthe nose
el bigotethe mustache
la bocathe mouth
la lenguathe tongue
la barbillathe chin
el cuellothe neck
la nucathe back part of the neck
el pelo/ cabellothe hair
la espaldathe back
el pechothe chest
la mama/la teta (vulgar)the breast
la barriga/abdomenthe abdomen
la inglethe groin
el brazothe arm
el hombrothe shoulder
el codothe elbow
el antebrazothe forearm
la manothe hand
la muñecathe wrist
el dedothe finger, the toe
las uñasthe nails, the fingernails, the toenails
las piernasthe legs
la rodillathe knee
el pie/los piesthe foot/the feet
el estómagothe stomach
el corazónthe heart
el pulmónthe lung
la gargantathe throat

In Spanish, possessives are used much less frequently than in English when relating to body parts and clothes.

Le duele la cabeza = his/her head aches
Mírame a los ojos = look at my eyes
Tienes rota la camisa = your shirt is torn

A sentence like “le duele su cabeza” sounds artificial. However, probably due to badly translated television movies, you can hear “dame tu mano” instead of “dame la mano” (give me your hand).

^ Spanish ^ | << Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 >>

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