< Sidux


What you have to do first is downloading ISO image of aptosid (former: sidux) from the project page:
I'll make my installation on old laptop Compaq Evo N620c, Pentium M 1.3GHz, !.5GB RAM, 40GB hard drive,
graphic card ATI Radeon 7500 so i choose XFCE.
I suggest to use any download manager such as FlashGet, GetRight or Firefox web browser with DownThemAll! add-on.


Most burning applications have "iso image burn/write" option so use that one.
Burning should be make as slow speed as possible to evoid writing mistakes.

Attention !

If you have only one partition on your computer hard drive with Windows installed on it, you must:

  1. Make cleaning "C" drive: to remove all unwanted files.
  2. Make defragmentation of "C" drive.
  3. Make Back-up of Windows system to an external drive or burn it on CD/DVD drives.

Booting live CD

  1. Put sidux CD/DVD in your computer optical drive.
  2. Re-start your computer and get to BIOS with F2 or F10 bottom.
    1. Go to BOOT section - choose BOOT from optical drive as the first booting option.
    2. Next: SAVE CHANGES.
    3. Confirm changes with F10 and start sidux live CD.
  3. After displaing BOOT LOADER choose F2 from OPTIONS if you want to change language (default=english).
  4. Click ENTER to load system.

Network configuration

  1. Having ETHERNET connection do nothing, connection will be established itself.
  2. WIRELESS (Wi-fi) connection - have a look Ceni


Any changes you make on hard drive may damage existing file system
- you do that on your own risk!
This is sample partitioning - it may be vary, dependent of existing partitions.

1. Running installation

Choose "sidux-installer" icon from desktop-> then Next

2. Standard partitioning

Run Partition Manager "gParted" for : /dev/sda -> Forward
2.1. Partition /dev/sda1 (C:) contains system Windows with ntfs file system.
2.2. Partition /dev/sda5 (D:) contains ntfs file system - delete it.
2.3. Create new partition on unallocated space as "Extended partition".

2.4. Create new partition on unallocated space as ext4 file system sized 100 MB (sda5).
2.5. Create new partition on unallocated space as ext4 file system sized 10000 MB (sda6).
2.6. Create new partition on unallocated space as linux-swap file system sized 500 MB (sda7).
a. If your RAM memory is up to 1 GB make swap partition two times bigger than RAM.
b. If your RAM memory is more than 1 GB the swap partition may be the same or smaller than RAM.
2.7. Create new partition on unallocated space as ext4 file system using rest of it (sda8).
2.8. Changes have not be made yet - you can still abort it ;)
2.9. Click on green bottom-> Apply

2.10. After that close gParted and get back to installation window; new partitions are visible now.

3. Partitioning of only one existing partition with Windows system installed on it

Run partition manager gParted for: /dev/sda -> Forward.
3.1. For Windows XP usually it's partition /dev/sda1 or /dev/hda1
3.2. For Windows Vista you have to detect partition with installed Windows system,
I never work under Vista before.
3.3. For Windows 7 (on my second laptop) it is partition /dev/sda3
3.4. Do not delete the partition !!! Just change the partition size for two times bigger
than Windows 7 occupy now -> Resize.
3.5. On a part of partiton you made free create "Extended Partition" first and four other partitons
as the same way as above (standard partitioning).
3.6. Click on green bottom -> Forward - Are yoy sure? -> Forward.
3.7. When you finish partitioning stop the installation.
3.8. Run Windows system and wait until Windows checks its own file system and run it normally.
3.9. If everything is ok, run sidux live CD again and back to installation.

4. Set mountpoints

Set mountpoints for all partitions (remember it's only an example) such as:
4.1. Main (root): /dev/sda6 as "/"
4.2. Boot: /dev/sda5 as "/boot"
4.3. Home: /dev/sda8 as "/home" -> then Forward.

5. Grub/Timezone

5.1. Bootmanager: GRUB
5.2. Target: mbr
5.3. Time zone: Etc/UTC; if you want to change it click on: PREFERENCE and choose your country,
and your city, then-> OK.
5.4. Click on Forward.

6. User

Type root password, user name and password -> FORWARD.

7. Network

Hostname: keep "sidux" or type your name -> FORWARD.

8. Firmware

Installator has been detected missing drivers unavailable on sidux CD
8.1. One of theme is Wireless Networing Card driver so I can't make internet connection without it.
8.2. Using another computer download package "zd1211-firmware" from: debian.org
8.3. Then copy the package on blank CD/DVD or a pen drive and move it to your home folder.
8.4. Open Terminal: Menu-> Accesories-> Terminal as root (root password is not set up)
8.5. Check your home folder with "ls" command to make sure the "zd1211-firmware" package is there.
8.6. Install the package:
dpkg -i zd1211-firmware_version_no.deb
modprobe -r zd1211rw
modprobe zd1211rw

9. Ceni

Now open Network Manager Ceni: Menu-> Network-> Ceni.
9.1. Choose "Hardware interface": wlan0
9.2. Next: Scan
and choose your Wi-fi name's network from the list
9.3. Type your Wi-fi password in "Preshared Key" window and click on: Accept
9.4. If your router gives IP automatically leave method: dhcp on "Network settings for wlan0".
9.5. Then: Accept and close Ceni down.

10. Non-free firmware

Get back to installator - there is still missing "tg3" driver.
10.1. In option: Installable driver found. Installation add non-free sources (it will add non-free repositories)->
click on Add.
10.2. Then go to Terminal again and install missing driver:
apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree
modprobe -r tg3
modprobe tg3
3. Close Terminal down.

11. Back to installation

Get back to installator again :-) and click on Forward -> Save config & Next
11.1. umount all partitions? -> Yes
11.2. Click on: Begin Instalation to start installation
11.3. After 5-10 minutes about
system is installed
11.4. Close the live system down, remove CD and boot your computer up from hard drive.

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