< Scouting < BSA
The requirements to this merit badge are copyrighted by the Boy Scouts of America. They are reproduced in part here under fair use as a resource for Scouts and Scouters to use in the earning and teaching of merit badges. The requirements published by the Boy Scouts of America should always be used over the list here. If in doubt about the accuracy of a requirement, consult your Merit Badge Counselor. |
Reading this page does not satisfy any requirement for any merit badge. Per National regulations, the only person who may sign off on requirements is a Merit Badge Counselor, duly registered and authorized by the local Council. To obtain a list of registered Merit Badge Counselors, or to begin a Merit Badge, please contact your Scoutmaster or Council Service Center. |

Plumbing diagram
Requirement 1
Do the following:
- A. Describe how a properly working plumbing system protects our family's health and safety.
- B. List five important local health regulations related to plumbing and tell how they protect health and safety.
- C. Describe the safety precautions you must take when making home plumbing repairs.
Requirement 2
Do the following:
- A. Make a drawing and explain how a home hot- and cold- water supply system works. Tell how you would make it safe from freezing.
- B. Make a drawing and explain the drainage system of the plumbing in a house. Show and explain the use of drains and vents.
Requirement 3
Show how to use five important plumber's tools.
Requirement 4
Identify and describe the use of each of the following: washer, retaining nut, plunger (rubber force cup), solder, flux, elbow, tee, nipple, coupling, plug, union, trap, drainpipe, and water meter.
Requirement 5
Name the kinds of pipe that are used most often in a plumbing system. Explain why these pipes are used.
Requirement 6
Cut, thread, and connect two pieces of steel pipe.
Requirement 7
Under the supervision of a knowledgeable adult, solder three copper tube connections using a gas torch. Include one tee, two straight pieces, and one coupling.
Requirement 8
Do the following:
- A. Replace a washer in a faucet.
- B. Clean out a sink or lavatory trap.
External links
- Plumbing Merit Badge with Workbook PDF, current requirements, and resources.
- Merit Badge Presentation from BSA Troop 23, Northwest GA Council, Coosa District
- 12 Basic Plumbing Supplies For Home Tool Kits: DIY Guy
- YouTube Video How to replace a washer in a leaky faucet for dummies
Earning Merit Badges in the Boy Scouts of America |
Professions and Trades |
Animal Science | Architecture | Automotive Maintenance | Dentistry | Drafting | Electronics | Engineering | Farm Mechanics | Game Design | Graphic Arts | Home Repairs | Journalism | Landscape Architecture | Law | Medicine | Metalwork | Plumbing | Programming | Public Health | Pulp and Paper | Salesmanship | Surveying | Textile | Truck Transportation | Veterinary Medicine | Woodwork |
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