< Ruby Programming


There is a list of Best Practices[1].

What is the Best editor?

Several editors exist for Ruby.

Commercial: The editor of preference on OS X is Textmate. RubyMine has also received good reviewed[2]

Free: NetBeans offers a version with Ruby support. RadRails is a port of eclipse to support Ruby syntax. Eclipse has a plugin DLTK that offers ruby support[3]. On windows for rails projects there is RoRed.

See some more questions answered.

  1. http://blog.rubybestpractices.com/posts/jamesbritt/and_your_Mom_too.html
  2. http://www.rubyinside.com/rubymine-1-0-ruby-ide-1818.html
  3. http://www.infoq.com/news/2007/08/eclipse-dltk-09
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