< Romanian
- January
- ianuarie (ya-nooh-ah-ree-yeh)
- February
- februarie (fe-bruh-ah-ree-yeh)
- March
- martie (mahr-tee-yeh)
- April
- aprilie (ah-pri-lee-yeh)
- May
- mai (mai)
- June
- iunie (yoo-nee-yeh)
- July
- iulie (yoo-lee-yeh)
- August
- august (ow-goost)
- September
- septembrie (sehp-tehm-bree-yeh)
- October
- octombrie (oc-tohm-bree-yeh)
- November
- noiembrie (no-iehm-bree-yeh)
- December
- decembrie (de-chehm-bree-yeh)
- today
- astăzi (ast-a-z)
- yesterday
- ieri (yehr)
- tomorrow
- mâine (muy-neh)
- this week
- săptămâna asta (sehp-teh-muh-na ahs-tah)
- last week
- săptămâna trecută (sehp-teh-muh-na treh-coo-ta)
- next week
- săptămâna viitoare (sehp-teh-muh-na vee-ee-toah-reh)
Days of the week
- Sunday
- duminică (doo-mee-nee-ka)
- Monday
- luni (loohn)
- Tuesday
- marţi (mahrtz)
- Wednesday
- miercuri (myehr-coor)
- Thursday
- joi (joy with the 'j' like the French "Bonjour")
- Friday
- vineri (vee-nehr)
- Saturday
- sâmbătă (suhm-buh-tuh)
Note that as in most languages, but unlike English, days of the week and months are written with lower-case letters except when the word appears at the start of a sentence: luni not Luni.
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