Words with misguiding final letter
Following words look as words on \6 -r but they are in fact words on \8 -s:
- a~C6 cár → aD8\ cas- "head"
- aY6 cor → aY8\ cos- "war"
- eD2^6 fandor → eD2^8\ fandos- "monster"
- t#6 mar → t#8\ mas- "home, dwelling"
- 5%`V6 nier → 5%`V8\ nies- "honey-bee"
They only have a final \6 -r in the nominative singular, in all other cases they are declined as aY8 cos (see Declension Paradigms).
And these words look as words on \8 -s but they are really words on \1 -t:
- aF7R8 ceres → aF7R1\ ceret- "earthenware"
- 9R8 hes → 9R1\ het- "sibling"
- qEj%8 palis → qEj%1\ palit- "sward, lawn"
They only have a final \8 -s in the nominative singular, in all other cases they are declined as iD7E1 sarat (see Declension Paradigms).
Doubled t-stems
doubled stems in ts
When these words end in \1 -t we don’t find a genuine doubling but rather an extra \8 -s:
- 9Rj$1 helet → 9Rj$1+\ helets- "fur-coat"
- 9R5$1 henet → 9R5$1+\ henets- "window"
- `N7Y1 orot → `N7Y1+\ orots- "cave"
- zFj$1 quelet → zFj$1+\ quelets- "corpse"
Also some words in \8 -s belong to this group:
- `C7T8 aris → `C7T1+\ arits- "daughter"
- aDs#7T8 cangaris → aDs#7T1+\ cangarits- "weaver"
- eD8 fas → eD1+\ fats- "tassel"
- 5^8 nos → 5^1+\ nots- "damp"
- `H`C7T8 oaris → `H`C7T1+\ oarits- "mermaid"
And one exceptional word in \`V -ë:
- yT1R vitë → yT1+\ vits- "sap"
These words have a special locative and possessive singular, and they all have a u-dual:
Singular | Plural | Dual | Partitive Plural | |||
Nominative | 9Rj$1 helet |
9Rj$1T+ heletsi |
9Rj$1U+ heletsu |
9Rj$1iRj% heletseli | ||
Genitive | 9Rj$1Y+ heletso |
9Rj$1iG`N5 heletsion |
9Rj$1iJ`N heletsuo |
9Rj$1iRj%`N5 heletselion | ||
Possessive | 9Rj$1nE heletwa |
9Rj$1iGyE heletsiva |
9Rj$1iJyE heletsuva |
9Rj$1iRj~ByE heletselíva | ||
Dative | 9Rj$1iR5 heletsen |
9Rj$1iG5 heletsin |
9Rj$1iJ5 heletsun |
9Rj$1iRj%5 heletselin | ||
Ablative | 9Rj$1iRj°^ heletsello |
9Rj$1iGj°^5 heletsillon |
9Rj$1iGj°^6 heletsillor |
9Rj$1iJj°^ heletsullo |
9Rj$1iRj%j°^5 heletselillon |
9Rj$1iRj%j°^6 heletselillor |
Allative | 9Rj$1iR5"# heletsenna |
9Rj$1iG5"#6 heletsinnar |
9Rj$1iJ5"# heletsunna |
9Rj$1iRj%5"# heletselinna |
9Rj$1iRj%5"#6 heletselinna | |
Locative | 9Rj$1R+ heletsë |
9Rj$1iG,R5 heletsissen |
9Rj$1iJ,R heletsussë |
9Rj$1iRj%,R heletselissë |
9Rj$1iRj%,R5 heletselissen | |
Instrumental | 9Rj$1iR5$5 heletsenen |
9Rj$1iG5$5 heletsinen |
9Rj$1iJ5$5 heletsunen |
9Rj$1iRj~B5$5 heletselínen | ||
Respective | 9Rj$1iR8 heletses |
9Rj$1iG8 heletsis |
9Rj$1iJ8 heletsus |
9Rj$1iRj%8 heletselis |
doubled stems in tt
- aDj&t$1 calumet → aDj&t$1;\ calumett- "lamp"
- aFd1RaF1 cehtecet → aFd1RaF1;\ cehtecett- "cuckling"
- j#1 lat → j#1;\ latt-, "flap, lid"
- j$zF1 lequet → j$zF1;\ lequett- "joint"
- t#1 mat → t#1;\ matt- "meal"
- 5#1 nat → 5#1;\ natt- "thing"
- 1RaF1 tecet → 1RaF1;\ tecett- "letter"
doubled stems in ht
- aFaF1 cecet → aFaFd1\ ceceht- "pheasant"
- t$1 met → t$d1\ meht- "mark, aim"
- t&1 mut → t&d1\ muht- "dirt, filth"
- iD7E1 sarat → iD7Ed1\ saraht- "plank"
- 1R7R1 teret → 1R7Rd1\ tereht- "auger, gimlet"
- 1R1 tet → 1Rd1\ teht- "spot, mark"
- nRj$1 welet → nRj$d1\ weleht- "boil, tumour"
- hÍE1 yat → hÍEd1\ yaht- "neck"
Vowel shortening
In some nouns a long vowel is shortened in the stem-form, but otherwise they are declined as if they didn't have that long vowel in the nominative singular.
- j~C6 lár → j#6\ lar- "ear"
- 5~V5 nén → 5$5\ nen- "water"
- 5~V6 nér → 5$6\ ner- "man"
- z~V5 quén → zF5\ quen- "person"
- 1~Cj tál → 1Ej\ tal- "foot"
- hÍ~C6 yár → hÍE6\ yar- "blood" ^
^ The normal word for blood is iR6aF sercë.
The word hÍ~V5 yén "Elvish year" is an exception, as its stem-form also has a long ~V é: hÍ~V5% yéni.
Vowel lengthening
In a few words we find the reverse situation. But they are all proper names:
- `V7UdT5 Eruhin → `V7Ud~B5\ Eruhín- "Child of Eru"
- yEj#1E6 Valatar → yEj#1~C6\ Valatár- "Valar-king"
- `C1E5#1E6 Atanatar → `C1E5#1~C6\ Atanatár- "Forefather"
- aDiD6 Casar → aD8~C6\ Casár- "Dwarf"
Vowel changing
In some words the vowel completely changes. The most frequent words are the U-stems and the I-stems.
There are 2 words that have a stem-forms in \`C –a but a nominative in \`N –o:
- 7.DaY rauco → 7.DaD\ rauca- "demon"
- iJ2^ sundo → iJ2#\ sunda- "root"
Note: 7.DaY rauco is in singular and dual a U-stem.
There are also 2 words on \`C\ –a with a stem-form on \`B\ –i:
- 9~B5# hína → 9~B5%\ híni- "child"
- ~N5^5# ónona → ~N5^5%\ ónoni- "twin"
Words with exceptional connecting vowels
As we have seen: when a case-ending that begins with a consonant, is applied to a noun ending in a consonant we add an \`V\ –e– between the stem and the ending, e.g.
- t#aGj$5 macilen "to a sword" (dative)
- `C5#7R5"# anarenna "to a king" (allative)
There are however four words that have a different connecting vowel: With \`N\ –o–
- 1Yj tol → 1Yj°\ toll- "island"
- t#2^8 Mandos → t#2^81\ Mandost- "Mandos"
- so we find e.g.
- 1Yj^,R tolossë "on an island" (locative)
- t#2^81Y5"# Mandostonna "to Mandos" (allative)
With \`C\ –a–
- 1~Cj tál → 1Ej\ tal- "foot"
- `Mw#6 umbar → `Mw#61\ umbart- "fate"
- so we find e.g.
- 1Ej#5 talan "to a foot" (dative)
- `Mw#61E5$5 umbartanen "with fate" (instrumental)
Irregular stem-forms
First a group of connected words: All words that denote a "room" end on \iD5 –san. This is derived from iDw$ sambë "room", e.g.:
- alDt#iD5 caimasan → alDt#iDw\ caimasamb- "bedroom"
These two words also belong to this group:
- 9C5 han → 9Cw\ hamb- "ground"
- iD5 san → iDw\ samb- "chamber"
But some words are totally irregular:
- aGj#qT cilapi → aGj#qTf\ cilapinc- "robin"
- 9ÍC6 hyar → 9ÍC6t\ hyarm- "plough"
- j#8 las → j#a|\ lax- "snare"
- j$f$ lencë → j$z\ lenqu- "limb"
- lY1Y oito → lY`H4\ oiont- "lack"
- `Nj^8 olos → `Nj^6\ olor- "dream"
- qE1 pat → qEq1\ papt- "small leaf"
- qRj1E8 peltas → qRj1Ea|\ peltax- "pivot"
- qT`V1 piet → qT`Va;\ piecc- "pin"
- iD1 sat → iGq1\ sapt- "hole"
- iGj%1 silit → iGj%z\ siliqu- "flint"
- iGf$ sincë → iGv\ sinqu- "mineral, metal"
- 1D7E5 taran → 1E7Ew\ taramb- "buffet"
- 1Rj%5 telin → 1Rj%w\ telimb- "roof, covering"
- 1ÎU8 tyus → 1ÎUa|\ tyux- "cud"
- `Mj&5 ulun → `Mj&r\ ulump- "camel"
Some words resemble 2-letter words, but they have a stem-form:
- 7~C rá → 7~Cy\ ráv- "lion"
- 5~N nó → 5~Nn\ nów- "idea"
- 1~N tó → 1~Nn\ tów- "wool"
The possessive singular of these words always ends on -va, the genitive on -vo:
- 7~C rá → 7~CyE - 7~CyY ráva, rávo
- 5~N nó → 5~NyE - 5~NyY nóva, nóvo
- 1~N tó → 1~NyE - 1~NyY tóva, tóvo
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