The allative corresponds to the preposition "towards" (and this is frequently abbreviated to "to").
So it is used for destinations:
- j$j´&yE5 `B aG7ÎE5"# lelyuvan i ciryanna "I shall go to(wards) the boat"
or for a direction in which the action is performed:
- zF4$8 `Vj$2%j$5"# quentes Elendilenna "he spoke to(wards) Elendil"
- j$2$5 `N81Y5"# lenden ostonna "I went to town"
The preposition "into" is translated by t%6 mir followed by a nominative:
- j$2$5 t%6 `N81Y lenden mir osto "I went into town"
The allative is also used with following verbs:
- alD1E\ caita- "lie", to express whereupon the subject "lies":
- `B aG7ÎE alD1E `B eDjt#5"#6 i cirya caita i falmannar "the ship lies upon the waves"
- 1Uj´#\ tulya- "lead", to express whereinto the subject "is lead":
- 1Uj´#5 `B 5~V6 `B 1.D7R5"# tulyan i nér i taurenna "I lead the man into the forest"
The basic ending is \5"# -nna after vowels and \`V5"# -enna after consonants.
Most words simply add this ending:
- `C7E5 aran "king" → `C7E5$5"# aranenna
- 1~C7T tári "queen" → 1~C7T5"# tárinna
- yR2$ vendë "girl" → yR2$5"# vendenna
- 9~C5^ háno "brother" → 9~C5^5"# hánonna
Words that have a stem-form use this stem-form:
- 5~B8 nís "woman" → 5%,R5"# nissenna
- aU7Y curo "device" → aU7U5"# curunna
- j~N5$ lómë "night" → j~Nt%5"# lóminna
Words ending in \5 -n contract with the ending:
- t%2^5 mindon "tower" → t%2^5"# mindonna
Words ending in \j -l change j l + 5"# nna into \m# -lda:
- t$5$j menel "heaven" → t$5$m# menelda
When using these rules you have to look at the final letter of the stem-form (and not at the final letter of the nominative):
- 1Ej#5 talan "floor" → 1Ej#t$5"# talamenna (stem-form 1Ej#t\ talam-)
- 5~V5 nén "water" → 5$5"# nenna (stem-form 5$5\ nen-)
The allative of contracted stems (see Stem-forms) doesn't use the stem-form but the nominative singular:
- 9C7E5 haran "leader" → 9C7E5"# haranna (stem-form 9C65\ harn-)
Doubled N-stems also use the nominative singular:
- `NjnR5 olwen "branch" → `NjnR5"# olwenna (stem-form `NjnR5"\ olwenn-)
The ending is \5"#6 -nnar after vowels and \`B5"#6 -innar after consonants.
- t#aGj macil "sword" → t#aGj%5"#6 macilinnar
- `Vm# elda "elf" → `Nm#5"#6 eldannar
Doubled N-stems use the nominative singular:
- `NjnR5 olwen "branch" → `NjnR5"#6 olwennar (stem-form `NjnR5"\ olwenn-)
Exception: Words ending in \5 -n contract with the ending:
- t%2^5 mindon "tower" → t%2^5"#6 mindonnar
U-duals get \5"# -nna:
- `Cm& aldu "a pair of trees" → `Cm&5"# aldunna (nom.sing.: `Cm# alda)
In t-duals the final \1 -t is replaced by \4# -nta:
- aG7ÎE1 ciryat "a pair of ships" → aG7ÎE4# ciryanta (nom.sing.: aG7ÎE cirya)
- `C7E5$1 aranet "a pair of kings" → `C7E5$4# aranenta (nom.sing.: `C7E5 aran)
Partitive Plural
We add \5"#6 -nnar or \5"# -nna to the nominative partitive plural:
- aG7ÎEj% ciryali "some ships"
- aG7ÎEj%5"#6 - aG7ÎEj%5"# ciryalinnar/ciryalinna (nom.sing.: aG7ÎE cirya)
- eDjt#j% falmali "some (crested or foaming) waves"
- eDjt#j%5"#6 falmalinnar (nom.sing.: eDjt# falma)
(Note: The ending \5"#6 -nnar is preferred.)
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