The ablative corresponds to the preposition "from".
So it is used for origins that involve motion:
- 1Uj&yE5 `B aG7ÎEj°^ tuluvan i ciryallo "I shall come from the boat"
or for the originator of something given:
- 1UyU5$8 `B t#j1E `B aY2&j°^ tuvunes i malta i cundullo "he received the gold from the prince"
The ablative is also used with following words:
The verb 7Ua\ ruc- "fear", to express what is "feared":
- `B 9~B5# 7Uf$ `B 9lU5$j°^ i hína runcë i huinello "the child feared the shadow"
The preposition `V1 et "out, out of":
- `B eR`C 1Uj°$ `V1 `B `NjqRj°^ i fëa tullë et i olpello "the spirit came out of the bottle"
The basic ending is \j°^ -llo after vowels and \`Vj°^ -ello after consonants.
Most words simply add this ending:
- j#,R lassë "leaf" → j#,Rj°^ lassello
- 1~C7T tári "queen" → 1~C7Tj°^ tárillo
- yR2$ vendë "girl" → yR2$j°^ vendello
- `C7E5 aran "king" → `C7E5$j°^ aranello
- `C1E6 atar "father" → `C1E7Rj°^ atarello
- iD7E1 sarat "sign" → iD7E1Rj°^ saratello
Words that have a stem-form use this stem-form:
- 5~B8 nís "woman" → 5%,Rj°^ nissello
- aU7Y curo "device" → aU7Uj°^ curullo
- j~Nt$ lómë "night" → j~Nt%j°^ lómillo
- Words ending in \j -l contract with the ending:
- t$5$j menel "heaven" → t$5$j°^ menello
- Providing no duplicate words arise, endings in \6 -r, \5 -n, \8 -s lose this final consonant before adding \j°^ -llo:
- 7~Nt$5 rómen "east" → 7~Nt$j°^ rómello
- 1EyE8 tavas "woodland" → 1EyEj°^ tavallo
When using these rules you have to look at the final letter of the stem-form (and not at the final letter of the nominative):
- 1Ej#5 talan "floor" → 1Ej#t$j°^ talamello (stem-form 1Ej#t\ talam-)
- 5~V5 nén "water" → 5$j°^ nello (stem-form 5$5\ nen-)
The ablative of contracted stems (see Stem-forms) doesn't use the stem-form but the nominative singular:
- 9C7E5 haran "leader" → 9C7Ej°^ harallo (stem-form 9C65 harn-)
Doubled L-stems also use the nominative singular:
- `Ct%j amil "mother" → `Ct%j°^ amillo (stem-form `Ct%j°\ amill-)
(For these nouns, the genitive and ablative singular are identical.)
The ending is \j°^5 -llon after vowels and \`Bj°^5 -illon after consonants.
- t%2^5 mindon "tower" → t%2^5%j°^5 mindonillon
- `Vm# elda "elf" → `Vm#j°^5 eldallon
(note: sometimes the plural endings \j°^6 -llor and \`Bj°^6 -illor are seen, but these are not preferred. They may have something to with nouns having an -r plural form.)
- Words ending in \j -l contract with the ending:
- t#aGj macil "sword" → t#aGj°^5 macillon
- Doubled L-stems use the nominative singular:
- `Ct%j amil "mother" → `Ct%j°^5 amillon (stem-form amill-)
- U-duals get \j°^ -llo onto the nominative dual plural of the noun:
- `Cm& aldu "a pair of trees" → `Cm&j°^ aldullo (nom.sing.: `Cm# alda)
- In t-duals the final \1 -t is replaced by \j1Y -lto:
- aG7ÎE1 ciryat "a pair of ships" → aG7ÎEj1Y ciryalto (nom.sing.: aG7ÎE cirya)
- `C7E5$1 aranet "a pair of kings" → `C7E5$j1Y aranelto (nom.sing.: `C7E5 aran)
Partitive Plural
We add \j°^5 -llon or \j°^ -llo to the nominative partitive plural of the noun:
- aG7ÎEj% ciryali "some ships" → aG7ÎEj%j°^5 - aGÎEj%j°^ ciryalillon/ciryalillo (nom.sing.: aG7ÎE cirya)
(the ending \j°^5 -llon is preferred, and again sometimes \j°^6 -llor is seen.)
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