< Piano

The key signature is something that is in music showing what black key you need to play and that is sharps or flats .It is listed after the clef. This is to avoid the repetiton of accidentals in the score. They are listed on every line of music, which signifies what key the composer has chosen.

There is a key signature for each scale in minor and major scale.There are in total of seven flats and sharps, the flat looks like a "b" and the sharp looks like a "#". There are seven sharps~... F sharp, C sharp, G sharp, D sharp, A sharp, E sharp and B sharp and seven flats~...B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat, G flat, C flat and F flat, that is the order that they are placed on a music sheet on both treble and bass clef. There are two scales that doesn't have sharps or flats and that is C major and A minor.You can add sharps and flats during the piece that is not already placed at the beginning of the peice.

In order to remove the flat or sharp you need to add a natural, that removes the sharp of flat for one bar and you can add it any where to block or cancel the sharp or flat.

List of key signatures

Here is a complete list of key signatures:

Key Sig. Major Key Minor Key

No sharps or flats
C major a minor
Key Sig. Major Key Minor Key

1 flat
F major d minor

2 flats
Bb major g minor

3 flats
Eb major c minor

4 flats
Ab major f minor

5 flats
Db major bb minor

6 flats
Gb major eb minor

7 flats
Cb major ab minor
Key Sig. Major Key Minor Key

1 sharp
G major e minor

2 sharps
D major b minor

3 sharps
A major f# minor

4 sharps
E major c# minor

5 sharps
B major g# minor

6 sharps
F# major d# minor

7 sharps
C# major a# minor
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