Music is written in music notation. Music notation tells you what notes to play, and how long to play the notes. The notation is written on a staff, which comprises five lines and four spaces, on which are placed the notes. The higher the position on a staff, the higher the pitch, and vice versa.
On every staff there will be a symbol called a clef. Piano music is written in the bass and treble clefs, though other clefs are used in other instrumentation. The treble clef, or G clef, is used for the higher sounding notes, usually played with the right hand. The bass clef, or F clef, is used for the lower sounding notes, usually played with the left hand. When the two clefs are put together by a brace they are called a grand staff.
The right hand plays the treble clef the left hand plays the bass clef.
The bass clef is also called the 'f' clef.