The below methods detail how to install Permanent Custom Firmware. Only do this if your PSP supports it and you know what you're doing; Temporary CFW is enough for most people.
- First, identify your PSP motherboard in the PSP/Models guide.
- Next, find out which exploit is right for you, and go to the related page.
Note: At this moment, we recommend PRO-C rather than PRO-C2, since C2 has some crippling bugs with PSX emulation; and no one seems to be around to fix it.
- OFW - Official Firmware. Not modded in any way.
- CFW - Custom Firmware. Modded OFW with special features.
- Signing - Homebrew built to work on any PSP firmware by adding Sony's Root Signing keys to them.
LCFW is a temporary CFW exploit that gives you all the features of a permanent CFW, but is lost whenever the PSP runs out of power. It only takes three seconds to reinstall it, though.
LCFW is the safest method of installing CFW since it works on every PSP motherboard and will never result in a brick.
- PSP E1000 Street: TA-096
- PSP 3000 Brite: TA-095v1 (07g)
- Any PSP that is cIPL or 6.20 Permapatch compatible
Official Firmware is 6.60
- Download 6.60 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW.
- Delete cIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
- Please note that this is a temporary CFW. You will be back to OFW 6.60 if your PSP runs out of power (not sleep mode). But don't worry, just run FastRecovery from Game - Memory stick and CFW will be back in a matter of seconds!
- You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO-C!
Official Firmware below 6.60
- Method 1: Connect to Wi-Fi. From the XMB (main psp menu), run System -> Network Update to install OFW 6.60.
- Method 2: Download OFW 6.60 from Sony's site, and extract the file. (There are two different versions for PSP and PSP Go!)
- From the XMB (main psp menu) run the update from Game –> Memory Stick.
- You have successfully installed OFW 6.60.
- Download 6.60 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW.
- Delete cIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
- Please note that this is a temporary CFW. You will be back to OFW 6.60 if your PSP runs out of power (not sleep mode). But don't worry, just run FastRecovery from Game - Memory stick and CFW will be back in a matter of seconds!
- You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO-C!
6.20 Permapatch
[[#ref_This method is only for people who absolutely cannot wait three seconds to recover CFW when the PSP runs out of power. Otherwise, we strongly recommend using LCFW, an easier method where there is no risk of bricking your PSP!|^]]
On the 6.20 firmware, there is a unique exploit that allows permapatching on some newer PSPs.
Don't worry about issues with using an older version; the features have mostly been backported, and 6.20 PRO-C2 uses a convenient exploit to run 6.60 ISOs.
These PSPs can only use 6.20 permapatching and LCFW:
- PSP GO: (All motherboards) TA-091 TA-094
- PSP 3000: (Everything except 07g and 09g) TA-090v2, TA-090v3, TA-092, TA-093
- PSP 2000: TA-088v3
It is also possible to use 6.20 permapatch on PSPs that support cIPL, though it is obviously not needed.
Official Firmware 6.20 or Above
- Download OFW 6.20 (use this file if you have a PSP Go)
- Using your PC, create a folder named "PSP" on your PSP. Within the "PSP" folder, create a folder named "GAME". Within the "GAME" folder, create a folder named "UPDATE". (Folder names must be in all uppercase letters). The result will be ms0:\PSP\GAME\UPDATE.
- Copy the EBOOT.PBP you downloaded to your UPDATE folder.
- Download the 6.xx Downgrader, and extract it.
- Copy the resulting "Downgrader" folder into the PSP/GAME folder.
- From the XMB (home menu), under Game -> Memory Stick (or System Storage on PSP Go) select the Downgrader program.
- In the downgrader app, press X to start the downgrade or R to exit.
- After the Sony updater is finished you will get a message saying that "Settings Information is Corrupted". Just press the O button.
- You have now downgraded to OFW 6.20.
- Download 6.20 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW. You have now installed Temporary 6.20 PRO CFW.
- To install permanent CFW, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch.
- Press X to start installation. It will ask you to test the system before installing; Press X.
- If there were no problems, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch again. Press X to start, but press O to skip test mode.
- On the root of your Memory Stick, a vshorig.prx file has been created. Do not ever delete it; you will need this file to uninstall 6.20. Back it up somewhere safe on your computer, in case your memory stick fails.
- You have now installed Permanent 6.20 PRO CFW.
- To uninstall, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch again. Alternatively, fully shut down your PSP and hold O + X + START + SELECT while turning on the PSP. Make sure your vshorig.prx file is on the root of your PSP before uninstalling.
Official Firmware 6.20
- Download 6.20 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW. You have now installed Temporary 6.20 PRO CFW.
- To install permanent CFW, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch.
- Press X to start installation. It will ask you to test the system before installing; Press X.
- If there were no problems, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch again. Press X to start, but press O to skip test mode.
- On the root of your Memory Stick, a vshorig.prx file has been created. Do not ever delete it; you will need this file to uninstall 6.20. Back it up somewhere safe on your computer, in case your memory stick fails.
- You have now installed Permanent 6.20 PRO CFW.
- To uninstall, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch again. Alternatively, fully shut down your PSP and hold O + X + START + SELECT while turning on the PSP. Make sure your vshorig.prx file is on the root of your PSP before uninstalling.
Below Official Firmware 6.20
- Download OFW 6.20 (use this version for PSP Go), and extract the file.
- From the XMB (main psp menu) run the update from Game –> Memory Stick.
- You have successfully installed OFW 6.20.
- Download 6.20 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW. You have now installed Temporary 6.20 PRO CFW.
- To install permanent CFW, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch.
- Press X to start installation. It will ask you to test the system before installing; Press X.
- If there were no problems, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch again. Press X to start, but press O to skip test mode.
- On the root of your Memory Stick, a vshorig.prx file has been created. Do not ever delete it; you will need this file to uninstall 6.20. Back it up somewhere safe on your computer, in case your memory stick fails.
- You have now installed Permanent 6.20 PRO CFW.
- To uninstall, run 620 PRO-C Permanent Patch again. Alternatively, fully shut down your PSP and hold O + X + START + SELECT while turning on the PSP. Make sure your vshorig.prx file is on the root of your PSP before uninstalling.
Chronoswitch 6.20 Permapatch
Compatible with these motherboards ONLY:
- PSP 3000 Brite: TA-095v1 (09g), TA-095v2 (09g)
DO NOT USE Chronoswitch with other motherboards, such as TA-095v1 (07g) or TA-095v2 (07g) .
Downgrade to 6.20
The Chronoswitch downgrade works by changing your PSP Model setting in flash0, bypassing security features that block 6.20 OFW. Due to security reasons, all browser settings (homepage, etc.) will be deleted, since flash1 has to be wiped in the process; make sure to back those up.
- First, install Temporary CFW for 6.60.
- Check your FuseCFG using [PSPIdent.]
- If your FuseCFG is: 0x00002A00, downgrade your PSP using Davee’s Chronoswitch Downgrader v5.0f.
- If your FuseCFG is: 0×00003300, 0x00003B00 or other, download PRE-Downgrader-fix, install and press X.
- After installing PRE-Downgrader, use Davee’s Chronoswitch Downgrader v5.0f to downgrade to 6.20.
Once you've downgraded using Chronoswitch, you can now follow the instructions to install the 6.20 Permapatch.
Upgrading past 6.20 after Chronoswitch
After installing 6.20 Chronoswitch, you will need to use a special app to update to 6.35 or 6.60 if you so choose. (need to find that app)
However, this is not recommended or helpful, since 6.20 PRO-C contains all the features of 6.60, and has patches that allow 6.60 games to be played.
- Note: There have been unconfirmed reports that TA-095v2 (09g) is unable to downgrade back to 6.20 after upgrading.
Chronoswitch is now working for all PSP motherboards except PSP GO
cIPL supports:
- PSP 1000 Fat: (All motherboards) TA-079v1, TA-079v2, TA-079v3, TA-081, TA-082, TA-086
- PSP 2000 Slim: (Everything except TA-088v3): TA-085v1, TA-085v2, TA-088v1, TA-088v2, TA-090v1
cIPL does not support any other PSP motherboards.
All of the cIPL compatible PSPs are also capable of using LCFW and 6.20 Permapatch (though cIPL is preferred).
Official Firmware is 6.60
- Download 6.60 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW.
- From the xmb (main psp menu) run the CIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
- You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO.
Official Firmware below 6.60 or using CFW M33/Dark AleX
- Method 1: Connect to Wi-Fi. From the XMB (main psp menu), run System -> Network Update to install OFW 6.60.
- Method 2: Download OFW 6.60 from Sony's site, and extract the file. (There are two different versions for PSP and PSP Go!)
- From the XMB (main psp menu) run the update from Game –> Memory Stick.
- You have successfully installed OFW 6.60.
- Download 6.60 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW.
- From the xmb (main psp menu) run the CIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
- You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO.
Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN or 5.50 Prometheus 4
- Open VSH menu by clicking on the Select button from xmb(main psp menu)
- Change USB device to Flash0
- Connect your psp to pc
- Navigate to \vsh\etc\
- Open version.txt using notepad or wordpad
- In the first line change the 9.90 to 5.50 and save.
- Disconnect your psp from the pc and change the USB device back to Memory stick in vsh menu
- Method 1: Connect to Wi-Fi. From the XMB (main psp menu), run System -> Network Update to install OFW 6.60.
- Method 2: Download OFW 6.60 from Sony's site, and extract the file. (There are two different versions for PSP and PSP Go!)
- From the XMB (main psp menu) run the update from Game –> Memory Stick.
- You have successfully installed OFW 6.60.
- Download 6.60 PRO-C.
- Extract the file.
- Copy the contents of the extracted folder into the root of the Memory Stick (ex. PSP -> ms0:\PSP, seplugins -> ms0:\seplugins)
- From the XMB (main psp menu), run PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
- Press X to install CFW.
- From the xmb (main psp menu) run the CIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
- You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO.
To reduce redundancy, we've placed all the instructions from above into templates, that can be edited below.
- PSP/Remove GEN Version Protect
- PSP/Install OFW 6.60
- PSP/Install 6.60 PRO
- PSP/cIPL Flash 6.60 PRO
- PSP/Temporary CFW
- PSP/cIPL Motherboards
- PSP/Chronoswitch Motherboards
- PSP/6.20 Permapatch Motherboards
- PSP/LCFW Motherboards