< Microtechnology



Overview of the electronic structure of the different fundamental classes of materials. Atoms have discrete energy levels for each electronic state. Electronic transitions by eg. optical excitation can change the state of the atom. Molecules can also have discrete energy levels, but the more complex structure also gives a much more complex diagram of electronic states. In addition, the molecules can rotate and vibrate which modulates the observed energy levels. Insulators can be seen as a condensed phase of molecules with little electronic connection between neighboring molecules for conducting a current. Only when excitation is made with an energy above the several eV bandgap will conduction be possible. Semiconductors have a more narrow bandgap and even at room temperature a few conduction electrons will be excited into the conductance band. Doped Semiconductors have higher electrical conductance because added dopants provide conduction electrons. Metals can be considered as ionized metal atoms in a sea of free electrons, giving a high conductivity and high reflectivity of light (as long as it is not too high in frequency)

Resources with overviews of materials and their most prominent uses:

Overview table of microfabrication materials

Microfabrication Materials Overview Table
MaterialTypical useDensity [g/cm3]Atm. Mass[g/mol]Youngs Modulus[GPa]Shear modulus [GPa]El. ConductivityTherm. Cond.[W·m−1·K−1]Melting point[K]Notes
AluminiumLeads2.7026.98702626.50 nΩ·m237933.47 K (660.32 °C)Add notes
Gallium ArsenideLight emitter5.3176144.645youngsbulkel.therm.1238°C (1511 K)Bandgap 1.424 eV
Gallium NitrideBlue Light emitter6.183.7297youngsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes
Polysiliconsolar cellsdenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)highly dependent on doping and annealing. Se detailed table in the silicon section
SiliconWafers, semiconductor2.3328.0855(3)47bulkel.1491687 K (1414 °C)highly dependent on doping. Se detailed table in the silicon section
Silicon dioxide, silicainsulator, light waveguidedenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes
Silicon nitrideinsulatordenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes
GoldCoating of leads19.3196.9665697822022.14 nΩ·m3181337.33 K (1064.18 °C)Add notes
NickelMEMS, leadsdenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes
PlatinumContact padsdenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes
PMMA1.1950.000-950.000youngsbulkel.therm.378 K (105°C) glass trans.Refractive index 1.492
SU8 polymerdenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes
Tungstendenamuyoungsbulkel.therm.K ( °C)Add notes

This table should be merged with the above...

Metal Material Properties
Mechanical Thermal Electrical
Yield Str.Youngs.Pois.DensityTh. Cond.Th. Exp.MeltingEl. cond.α
Highest ZMaterialGPaGPa?kg/m³(W/cmK)(ppm/K)KΩmpromille/K
25Si intrinsic7190?23291.572.3314102.5*10³
25poly Si?150-1700.3-0.06623200.5-0.342.6?22000
45InP?7.1E11 dyn cm-2?48100.68 W cm-1 °C-14.60·10-6 °C-11060?
25SiO2 (bulk)8.473?25-21500.0140.55?E-12


  • 1 g/cm3 = 1 kg/L = 1000 kg/m3
  • g/mol = amu = Da

Applications and Uses

  • Microprocessors
  • Transistors
  • Lab-on-a-chip
  • MEMS

Product Life-Cycles

Cheap and disposable point-of-care microfluidic chips require very different materials compared to high performance microprocessors.

Environmental Considerations

The environmental footprint of microfabriaction is not discussed very often. If anyone has knowledge about this I hope they will contribute!!

Wafers and Substrates

Overview of wafer types, flats, cleaving planes etc.


See also notes on editing this book about how to add references Microtechnology/About#How to Contribute.

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