Thank you for checking out this Wikibook about mapping on YouTube! This book aims to help the reader understand the definition, history and practice of mapping.
Mapping is an internet fandom based on an animated, cartographic representation of historical, fictional or future events.[1] People who create mapping content are self-dubbed mappers. Mapping content is shared on video platforms, such as YouTube, and its style sometimes involves countryballs, especially on fictional mapping. Mapping can also be seen with text and blank maps.
A section of the screen is usually set off to give information. On fictional mapping, it would revolve around a country, such as its official name and flag, and also has dialogue between interacting entities; while on videomapping it normally details sides of a military conflict and occurrences during events. Videos often contain music and other animation to increase the entertainment.
Mapping as a topic has many wikis about it, such as The Mapping Wiki,[2] TheFutureOfEuropes Wiki[3] and more.
It should be noted that mapping is not exclusive to YouTube, as many smaller platforms have got mapping communities of their own, including but not limited to: Amino, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, Scratch and formerly Google+. However, this book focuses on YouTube as it houses by far the most mapping and mappers.