The numbers zero to nine in Lojban:
- 0=no
- 1=pa
- 2=re
- 3=ci
- 4=vo
- 5=mu
- 6=xa
- 7=ze
- 8=bi
- 9=so
The hexadecimal numbers from A to F:
- A=dau
- B=fei
- C=gai
- D=jau
- E=rei
- F=vai
Numbers 10 to 999 are constructed by combining these digits without spaces: pano is 10, vore is 42, binoso is 809, and so on.
Numbers 1000 onward may have a comma or period in them. This too is represented in Lojban, as ki'o, which is used with spaces. Thus 7530 may be ze ki'o mucino instead of zemucino.
When there is a three-zero sequence (000) after the comma, ki'o may be used to represent it preceded by the comma. Thus 1000 may be pa ki'o intead of panonono. This is also used to construct larger sequences, such as ki'o ki'o (million) ki'o ki'o ki'o (billion) and so on.
Decimals are handled with pi, which is quite simply a decimal point in the form of a word. cipivo is 3.4, sopixa is 9.6, etc.
- pi is actually a unit point. Therefore, if one is working with the hexadecimal system when pi is used, it is a hexadecimal point.
The constant Pi (about: 3.14159), is expressed in Lojban as pai.
To use numbers as sumti, the article li is used. So li muvozeci is "the number 5473." To say more than one number without them combining to one number, insert li before each one. so bi ze is 987, whereas li so li bi li ze is "nine, eight, seven."