This is currently a pre-draft textbook. Therefore some information is inaccurate.

Coi! This book will help you learn Lojban.

New Table Of Contents

Kickstarting an understanding of the basics

  1. Place structure teaches you how to read Lojban dictionary definitions
    • Practicing vocabulary with Anki guides you in using software for memorising words
  2. Simple sentences with pronouns will have you speak Lojban in no time!
  3. Using words as adjectives by adding them together
  4. Forming nouns using articles and you can say almost anything
  5. Changing the order of a place structure so you can say anything

Old Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction to Lojban
    1. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
    2. Culturally neutral
    3. Unambiguous grammar
    4. Phonetic spelling
    5. Logical language
  2. Introduction to Lojban grammar
  3. Sounds and alphabet
  4. cmene (names)
  5. Vocatives
  6. Attitudinals
  7. Bridi
  8. Selbri
  9. Tanru
  10. Sumti
  11. How to learn vocabulary
  12. Anaphora
    1. Acronyms
    2. Pro-sumti
    3. Pro-bridi
      1. Anaphora Subscription
  13. Rafsi
    1. Great Rafsi Reallocation (GRR) (1993)
    2. Rafsi list prior to GRR (1993)
  14. Lujvo
  15. Abstractions
  16. Sumti tcita
  17. Connectives
  18. Tenses
  19. Negation
  20. Letterals
  21. Mathematics
    1. mekso
    2. Numbers
  22. Times and dates
    1. Times
    2. Dates
  23. Colors
  24. Commands
  25. Elidable terminator
  26. Cause and effect
  27. Discursives
  28. Erasure
  29. Measurements
  30. By standard
  31. Foods and beverages
  32. Plants
  33. Animals
  34. Body parts
  35. Emotions
  36. Clothes
  37. Rooms of the house
  38. Directions
  39. Le ninmu cu te dunda le ninmu le gerku
  40. Fu'ivla
  41. Vocabulary 1
  42. Vocabulary 2


  1. Vocabulary
  2. Glossary
  3. Recordings
  4. Other resources

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