I thought, Attila Kun(ottwiz), that there should be a normal Linux tutorial for those who learn it in high school in IT specialzation or those who just have started using it, but have no idea what to do with Linux. I learnt Linux Basics as a subject in the school year 2018/2019, so my previous versions has a date like "2019.03.16."[1]
This wikibook is translated from the Hungarian version of [Linux alapok] and covers the basics in means of Linux systems. Of course there will be things that occurs differently in other distributions like in files, but it mostly reflects reality.
The number of sources indicates that we should not start from one source, but we should dive deep in to see things clearly. We should seek after on the Internet that how the article reflects reality (we can test it under live/virtual system, and if we can, we should search that if it's right).
In this book anyone who can contribute useful stuff, I would thank a lot.
I'd like to give big thanks to thottee from the Hungarian PenguinPit Discord community who helped a lot creating the original document(it was originally created in LibreOffice but I didn't want to suffer with making of it if I need to edit it sometimes), Balázs Úr who supervised this document and corrected the errors, and Balázs Meskó who corrected the grammar mistakes.
- Types of Operating systems(UNIX, Windows, Mac, Linux) [it's a bit stub]
- Fundamental conceptions in Linux(more important distributions)
- Distributions for beginners
- Installation, bootloader [it's a bit stub]
- Package management [it's a bit stub]
- The structure of Linux
- Basic commands
- Graphical interfaces
- Terminals, command prompt, alias, history
- Archiving, mounting in depth
- User management
- User management (system administrator)
- Package management, process management
- Filesystem, permissions
- If you want to deal more with Linux
- Interesting stuff
Sources of this wikibook (All hungarian)
- Lesson notes (2018-2019, Linux Basics subject)
- (as skeleton of the wikibook(and the pdf that was created before), lots of things have been taken)
- (In the 2nd chapter at the distro descriptions)
- Hungarian Wikipedia: File Allocation Table - It appears in Chapter 5
- Hungarian Wikipedia: Rendszermag (System kernel) - It appears in Chapter 5
- Hungarian Wikipedia: X_Window_System - It appears in the 7th chapter at "X Window System"
- - It appears in 9th chapter (Linux parancsok -> tar program)
- - It appears at the "shadow" part of Chapter 10 - License: GNU FDL 1.3, author: Steve Frampton
- - some topics that the 2nd source contained - License: GNU FDL 1.3, author: András Sallai
- - content of Chapter 10 - License: GNU FDL 1.3, author: András Sallai
- - Chapter 11 - sudo - License: GNU FDL 1.3, author: András Sallai
- - Content of Chapter 13 - License: GNU FDL 1.3, author: András Sallai
- - Process management part of Chapter 12
CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GNU FDL 1.3(the latter one because of the content of and