< LaTeX
This is a glossary of LaTeX commands—an alphabetical listing of LaTeX commands with the summaries of their effects. (Brackets "[]" are optional arguments and braces "{}" are required arguments.)
- /
- see slash marks
- \@
- following period ends sentence
- \\[*][extra-space]
- new line
- \,
- thin space, math and text mode
- \;
- thick space, math mode
- \:
- medium space, math mode
- \!
- negative thin space, math mode
- \-
- hyphenation; tabbing
- \=
- set tab, see tabbing
- \>
- tab, see tabbing
- \<
- back tab, see tabbing
- \+
- see tabbing
- \'
- accent or tabbing
- \`
- accent or tabbing
- \|
- double vertical lines, math mode
- \(
- start math environment
- \)
- end math environment
- \[
- begin displaymath environment
- \]
- end displaymath environment
- \addcontentsline{file}{sec_unit}{entry}
- adds an entry to the specified list or table
- \addtocontents{file}{text}
- adds text (or formatting commands) directly to the file that generates the specified list or table
- \addtocounter{counter}{value}
- increments the counter
- \address{Return address}
- \addtolength{len-cmd}{len}
- increments a length command, see Length
- \addvspace
- adds a vertical space of a specified height
- \alph
- causes the current value of a specified counter to be printed in alphabetic characters
- \appendix
- changes the way sectional units are numbered so that information after the command is considered part of the appendix
- \arabic
- causes the current value of a specified counter to be printed in Arabic numbers
- \author
- declares the author(s). See Document Structure
- \backslash
- prints a backslash
- \baselineskip
- a length command (see Lengths), which specifies the minimum space between the bottom of two successive lines in a paragraph
- \baselinestretch
- scales the value of \baselineskip
- \bfseries
- Boldface typeface
- \bibitem
- generates a labeled entry for the bibliography
- \bigskipamount
- \bigskip
- equivalent to \vspace{\bigskipamount}
- \boldmath
- bold font in math mode
- \boldsymbol
- bold font for symbols
- \cal
- Calligraphic style in math mode
- \caption
- generate caption for figures and tables
- \cdots
- Centered dots
- \centering
- Used to center align LaTeX environments
- \chapter
- Starts a new chapter. See Document Structure.
- \circle
- \cite
- Used to make citations from the provided bibliography
- \cleardoublepage
- \clearpage
- Ends the current page and causes any floats to be printed. See Page Layout.
- \cline
- Adds horizontal line in a table that spans only to a range of cells. See \hline and Tables chapter.
- \closing
- Inserts a closing phrase (e.g. \closing{yours sincerely}), leaves space for a handwritten signature and inserts a signature specified by \signature{}. Used in the Letter class.
- \color
- Specifies color of the text. LaTeX/Colors
- \copyright
- makes © sign. See Formatting.
- \dashbox
- \date
- \ddots
- Inserts a diagonal ellipsis (3 diagonal dots) in math mode
- \documentclass[options]{style}
- Used to begin a latex document
- \dotfill
- \dfrac
- \em
- Toggles italics on/off for the text inside curly braces with the command. Such as {\em This is in italics \em but this isn't \em and this is again}. This command allows nesting.
- \emph
- Toggles italics on/off for the text in curly braces following the command e.g. \emph{This is in italics \emph{but this isn't} and this is again}.
- \ensuremath (LaTeX2e)
- Treats everything inside the curly braces as if it were in a math environment. Useful when creating commands in the preamble as they will work inside or out of math environments.
- \epigraph
- Adds an epigraph. Requires epigraph package.
- \euro
- Prints euro € symbol. Requires eurosym package.
- \fbox
- \flushbottom
- \fnsymbol
- \footnote
- Creates a footnote.
- \footnotemark
- \footnotesize
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \footnotetext
- \frac
- inserts a fraction in mathematics mode. The usage is \frac{numerator}{denominator}.
- \frame
- \framebox
- Like \makebox but creates a frame around the box. See Boxes.
- \frenchspacing
- Instructs LaTex to abstain from inserting more space after a period (´.´) than is the case for an ordinary character. In order to untoggle this functionality resort to the command \nonfrenchspacing.
- \hfill
- Abbreviation for \hspace{\fill}.
- \hline
- adds a horizontal line in a tabular environment. See also \cline, Tables chapter.
- \href
- Add a link, or an anchor. See Hyperlinks
- \hrulefill
- \hspace
- Produces horizontal space.
- \huge
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \Huge
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \hyphenation{word list}
- Overrides default hyphenation algorithm for specified words. See Hyphenation
- \include
- This command is different from \input in that it's the output that is added instead of the commands from the other files. For more see LaTex/Basics
- \includegraphics
- Inserts an image. Requires graphicx package.
- \includeonly
- \indent
- \input
- Used to read in LaTex files. For more see LaTex/Basics.
- \itshape
- Italicizes the text which is inside curly braces with the command. Such as {\itshape This is in italics}. \em is generally preferred since it allows nesting.
- \item
- Creates an item in a list. Used in list structures.
- \kill
- Prevent a line in the tabbing environment from being printed.
- \label
- Used to create label which can be later referenced with \ref. See Labels and Cross-referencing.
- \large
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \Large
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \LaTeX
- Prints LaTeX logo. See Formatting.
- \LaTeXe
- Prints current LaTeX version logo. See Formatting.
- \ldots
- Prints sequence of three dots. See Formatting.
- \left
- \lefteqn
- \line
- \linebreak
- Suggests LaTeX to break line in this place. See Page Layout.
- \linethickness
- \linewidth
- \listoffigures
- Inserts a list of the figures in the document. Similar to TOC
- \listoftables
- Inserts a list of the tables in the document. Similar to TOC
- \location
- \makebox
- Defines a box that has a specified width, independent from its content. See Boxes.
- \maketitle
- Causes the title page to be typeset, using information provided by commands such as \title{} and \author{}.
- \markboth \markright
- \mathcal
- \mathop
- \mbox
- Write a text in roman font inside a math part
- \medskip
- \multicolumn
- \multiput
- \newcommand
- Defines a new command. See New Commands.
- \newcolumntype
- Defines a new type of column to be used with tables. See Tables.
- \newcounter
- \newenvironment
- Defines a new environment. See New Environments.
- \newfont
- \newlength
- \newline
- Ends current line and starts a new one. See Page Layout.
- \newpage
- Ends current page and starts a new one. See Page Layout.
- \newsavebox
- \newtheorem
- \nocite
- Adds a reference to the bibliography without an inline citation. \nocite{*} causes all entries in a bibtex database to be added to the bibliography.
- \noindent
- \nolinebreak
- \nonfrenchspacing
- Setting the command untoggles the command \frenchspacing and activates LaTeX standards to insert more space after a period (´.´) than after an ordinary character.
- \normalsize
- Sets default font size. See Text Formatting.
- \nopagebreak
- Suggests LaTeX not to break page in this place. See Page Layout.
- \not
- \onecolumn
- \opening
- Inserts an opening phrase when using the letter class, for example \opening{Dear Sir}
- \oval
- \overbrace
- Draws a brace over the argument. Can be used in displaystyle with superscript to label formulae. See Advanced Mathematics.
- \overline
- Draws a line over the argument.
- \pagebreak
- Suggests LaTeX breaking page in this place. See Page Layout.
- \pagenumbering
- Defines the type of characters used for the page numbers. Options : arabic, roman, Roman, alph, Alph, gobble (invisible).
- \pageref
- Used to reference to number of page where a previously declared \label is located. See Floats, Figures and Captions.
- \pagestyle
- See Page Layout.
- \par
- Starts a new paragraph
- \paragraph
- Starts a new paragraph. See Document Structure.
- \parbox
- Defines a box whose contents are created in paragraph mode. See Boxes.
- \parindent
- Normal paragraph indentation. See Lengths.
- \parskip
- \part
- Starts a new part of a book. See Document Structure.
- \protect
- \providecommand (LaTeX2e)
- See Macros.
- \put
- \quad
- Similar to space, but with the size of a capital M
- \qquad
- double \quad
- \raggedbottom
- Command used for top justified within other environments.
- \raggedleft
- Command used for right justified within other environments.
- \raggedright
- Command used for left justified within other environments.
- \raisebox
- Creates a box and raises its content. See LaTeX/Boxes.
- \ref
- Used to reference to number of previously declared \label. See Labels and Cross-referencing.
- \renewcommand
- \right
- \rmfamily
- Roman typeface.
- \roman
- Causes a counter to be printed in roman numerals.
- \rule
- Creates a line of specified width and height. See LaTeX/Rules and Struts.
- \savebox
- Makes a box and saves it in a named storage bin.
- \sbox
- The short form of \savebox with no optional arguments.
- \scshape
- Small caps.
- \scriptsize
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \section
- Starts a new section. See Document Structure.
- \setcounter
- \setlength
- \settowidth
- \sffamily
- Sans serif.
- \shortstack
- \signature
- In the Letter class, specifies a signature for later insertion by \closing.
- \slshape
- Slanted.
- \slash
- See slash marks
- \small
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \smallskip
- \sout
- Strikes out text. Requires ulem package. See Text Formatting.
- \space
- force ordinary space
- \sqrt
- Creates a root (default square, but magnitude can be given as an optional parameter).
- \stackrel
- Takes two arguments and stacks the first on top of the second.
- \stepcounter
- Increase the counter.
- \subparagraph
- Starts a new subparagraph. See Document Structure.
- \subsection
- Starts a new subsection. See Document Structure.
- \subsubsection
- Starts a new sub-subsection. See Document Structure.
- \tableofcontents
- Inserts a table of contents (based on section headings) at the point where the command appears.
- \telephone
- In the letter class, specifies the sender's telephone number.
- \TeX
- Prints TeX logo. See Text Formatting.
- \textbf{}
- Sets bold font style. See Text Formatting.
- \textcolor{}{}
- Creates colored text. See Entering colored text.
- \textit{}
- Sets italic font style. See Text Formatting.
- \textmd{}
- Sets medium weight of a font. See Text Formatting.
- \textnormal{}
- Sets normal font. See Text Formatting.
- \textrm{}
- Sets roman font family. See Text Formatting.
- \textsc{}
- Sets font style to small caps. See Text Formatting.
- \textsf{}
- Sets sans serif font family. See Text Formatting.
- \textsl{}
- Sets slanted font style. See Text Formatting.
- \texttt{}
- Sets typewriter font family. See Text Formatting.
- \textup{}
- Sets upright shape of a font. See Text Formatting.
- \textwidth
- \textheight
- \thanks
- \thispagestyle
- \tiny
- Sets font size. See Text Formatting.
- \title
- \today
- Writes current day. See Text Formatting.
- \ttfamily
- \twocolumn
- \typeout
- \typein
- \uline
- Underlines text. Requires ulem package. See Formatting.
- \underbrace
- \underline
- \unitlength
- \usebox
- \usecounter
- \uwave
- Creates wavy underline. Requires ulem package. See Formatting.
- \value
- \vbox{text}
- Encloses a paragraph's text to prevent it from running over a page break
- \vcenter
- \vdots
- Creates vertical dots. See Mathematics.
- \vector
- \verb
- Creates inline verbatim text. See Formatting.
- \vfill
- \vline
- \vphantom
- \vspace
This page uses material from Dr. Sheldon Green's Hypertext Help with LaTeX.
This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.