< Korean
Learn Korean (Introduction)
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Onomatopoeia 의성어 (擬聲語) ui seong eo are words used to imitate sounds.
- 빵 (ppang) - Bang!
- 아야 (a-ya) - Ouch!
- 앗 (at) - Oops!
- 음 (eum) - Um...
- 냠냠 (nyam-nyam) - sound made when chewing food
- 쾅 (kwang) - Crashing sound
- 멍멍 (meong-meong) - Dog barking
- 칙칙폭폭 (chik-chik-pok-pok) - train sound
- 꿀꿀 (kkul-kkul) - Pig noise
- 펄럭펄럭 (peol-leok-peol-leok)- flapping of cloth
- 삐약삐약 (ppi-yak-ppi-yak) - chicks chirping
- 야옹 (ya-ong) - meow of cat
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