< Korean

Learn Korean (Introduction)Reading and writing
Conversation1단계: Beginner2단계: High beginner3단계: Low intermediate • 4단계: High intermediate • 5단계: Low advanced6단계: Advanced

Grammar: Sentence word orderVerbsNounsParticlesPersonal pronounsDemonstrative pronounsAdjectivesDeterminersConjunctionsComparatives & superlativesForming questionsForming commandsForming dates & times


In language, a conjunction is a way to combine 2 or more phrases into one sentence. This chapter will cover the basic conjunctions such as 'and', 'or', and 'but'.

~지만 (but)

  • 김치는 맵지만 맛있어요. Kimchi is spicy but delicious.
  • 한국어는 어렵지만 재미있어요. The Korean language is difficult but interesting.

와/과 (and)

This is used for combining 2 nouns. If the end of the first noun has no consonant, use '와'. If the noun has a consonant, use '과'.

  • 김치와 단무지는 맛있어요. Kimchi and yellow radishes are delicious.
  • 나는 텔레비전과 영화를 보아요. I watch TV and movies.

(이)나 (or)

This is for choosing between 2 nouns, pronouns, or adverbs.

  • 맥주나 막걸리를 마셔요. I drink beer or makkoli.
  • 지하철이나 버스를 타요. I ride the subway or the bus.

~고 (and)

This form is for combining 2 or more verb sentences

  • 날마다 나는 한국말을 공부하고 운동해요. Every day I study Korean and exercise.
  • 그 남자가 부산에 갔고 미술관을 방문했어요. That man went to Busan and visited the museum.

~거나 (or)

This form is used for choosing between 2 or more actions.

  • 더우면 나는 수영하거나 PC방에 가요. If it's hot, I swim or go to the PC room.
  • 나는 주말에 운동하거나 공부해요. On the weekend, I exercise or study.
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