< Java Programming

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In accordance with some of the other books on Wikibooks, this page is for suggesting and tracking ongoing maintenance for the book Java Programming. If you want to add another suggestion to the list below that isn't already there, go ahead. If you have a problem with one of the suggestions or want to remove one, please discuss the reason why on the talk page first.

Pages Needing Cleanup

Please add pages that require cleanup and state what is needed here.


  • Get rid of all the table of content (TOC) templates.
  • The book needs to have dedicated sections. Your suggestions are welcome.
    • I would certainly think it a good idea adding the sections beginner, intermediate and advance.
      • Why can't we have a table of contents and index that tie together the entire book as a reference, and then three extra pages as road-maps for "Begginer", "Intermediate" and "Advanced" ?
        Skill order (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) is a good idea but it is better to follow this order implicitly rather than explicitly. Cutting the book into three parts that doesn't follow the topics makes no sense. The topics will naturally be listed from the basics to the advanced concept. Ftiercel (discuss • contribs) 21:49, 5 November 2012 (UTC)
      • I don't see what purpose this would serve other than to confuse beginners. If this book is dedicated towards newbies then it should be structured in a way suited to them. --Mattylaws (discuss • contribs) 13:36, 19 August 2012 (UTC)
  • I suggest adding in some information about the Grrenfoot program. It is a slightly easier way for newcomers to Java to learn how to program games.

New Layout

I'm going to have a crack at suggesting a possible outline for the book.

  • Introduction/Preface - Contains introduction material to the book, including mentions of contributors and styles and conventions used throughout.
  • Setup - Start preparing the users' computer, installing JDK and explaining the technology that is Java, I'd like to see some mentions of other operating systems such as Unix and Unix Like systems seeing as Java is designed to be a cross platform language.
  • Beginner - basic program flow, get the user used to the syntax of Java, maybe treat this chapter as an introduction to programming in general, giving an introduction to object orientated programming.
  • Intermediate - this could be a good starting point for people who have programmed before, but switching to Java, talking about various core aspects and features of the API.
  • Advance - Revisiting some topics mentioned before, but in greater depth. Talking about things like RMI, Corba.
  • Index
  • Appendix - Keywords, references, bibliography and other stuff worth mentioning
    Skill order (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) is a good idea but it is better to follow this order implicitly rather than explicitly. Cutting the book into three parts that doesn't follow the topics makes no sense. The topics will naturally be listed from the basics to the advanced concept. So the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced topics should be replaced by Language fundamentals, Classes and objects, Collections, Exceptions, Concurrent Programming, Javadoc & Annotations, Byte Code. Ftiercel (discuss • contribs) 21:49, 5 November 2012 (UTC)

Steady Progression

This book is more of a reference than a learning book. It needs to be easier for newbies starting out how to program. Then have dedicated more advance topics later.--Mattylaws (discuss • contribs) 12:37, 19 August 2012 (UTC)

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