< Jánua Linguárum Reseráta < Vestibulum
Jánua Linguárum Reseráta by [[Author:John Amos Comenius|John Amos Comenius]]
Caput IV Dé rebus in scholáOf things in a school
Scholasticus frequentat scholam
Quó in artibus érudiátur
Initium est á literís
É syllabís vócés componuntur
É dictiónibus sermó
Ex libró legimus tacité
Aut recitámus cláré
Involvimus eum membránæ
Et pónimus in pulpitó
Atramentum est in atramentárió in quó tingimus calamum
Scríbimus eó in chartá, in utraque páginá
Sí perperam, delémus
Et sígnámus dénuó técte, vel in margine
A scholar attends a school
That he may be instructed in the arts
The beginning is from letters
Words are composed of syllables
A speech of words
We read silently from a book
Or recite it aloud
We wrap it up in parchment
And lay it on a desk
Ink is in the inkwell, in which we dip the pen
We write with it on paper, on another page
If badly, we blot it out
And then mark it in the line, or the margin
Doctor docet
Discipulus discit nón omnia simul, sed per partés
Præceptor præcepit facienda
Réctor régit Académíam
Pædagogus advertit, & urget.
Custós monet & cónsígnat
Magister ínstituit úniversós, singulí attendunt
Ille émendat mendás
Díligéns próficit, negligéns vapulat
Etenim ferula est præstó
Nón verberant baculó
Sed cædunt virgís
Absque venia né exeás
Post moram redeás
Quod agere débés, age
A teacher teaches
A scholar learns, not all at once, but by parts
The Master orders things to be done
The Governer rules the Academy
The Schoolmaster observes and urges
The observer warns and sets down
The Master instructs all, they each attend
He amends faults
The dligent prosper, the negligent is beaten
For the rod is ready
They do not beat with a stick
But chastise with rods
Do not go out without permission
Return after the pause
Do what should be done
Línea fit régulá, circulus circinó
Grammaticus loquitur, Dialecticus disputat
Véra á falsís discernit
Rhétor órnáté loquitur, Músicus cantat
Poéta carmina fingit
Pictor effigiem pingit
Historicus rés gestás nárrat
Physicus nátúram scrútátur
Medicus eam imitátur
Éthicus trádit mórés, quí studiósum decorant
Vérum dé iís pauló infra
A line is made with a ruler, a circile by a compass
A grammarian speaks, a logician disputes
He discerns truth from falsehoods
A Rhetoritician speaks elegantly, a musician sings
A poet makes verses
A Painter paints a picture
A historian narrates acts
A physician looks at nature
A medical doctor imitates it
A moralist shows manners which are fitting for a virtuous man
But of those, see shortly below
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