< Jánua Linguárum Reseráta < Vestibulum
Jánua Linguárum Reseráta by [[Author:John Amos Comenius|John Amos Comenius]]
Caput III Dé rérum circumstantiísOf the circumstances of things
Quis vócat mé? Ego
Túne es? Quis est igitur illic? Paulus
Expectémus dónec veniat
Bene, salvé agó grátiás
Ut valés? Síc, mediocriter
Ubi fuistí? Unde redis?
Ex oppidó
Quá ivistí? Per porticum
Quórsum vís? Domum
Et quó inde? Nusquam
Quandó in hortó fuistí?
Herí, hodié, modó, núper, dúdum
Quandó mé invisés? Mox, crás, perindié, aliquandó
Who calls me? I do
Is it you? Who is there then? Paulus
Let is wait until he comes
Well, good health to you, I thank you
How are you? So, indifferently
Where were you? Where do you return from?
From the town
Which way did you go? Through the colonnade
Where do you want to go? Home
And where from there? Nowhere
When were you in the garden?
Yesterday, today, sometime, recently, long ago
When will you visit me? Soon, tomorrow, the day after, tomorrow
Scísne memoriá lectiónem?
Síc satis. Ego minimé, neutiquam
Quæ est causa? Num es oblítus? Feré
Cur nón répétis?
Mihi nunc nón vacat
Quáré? Missus sum in villam
Prófectó: Ibó uná, néquáquam
Repetémus in itinere.
Id præstat quam garríre.
Omninó, redibimusne maturé?
Fortasse, sed vix. Eho, dubitás?
Procul est, properábimus.
Ceu sutorés? Quid tum?
Do you remember your lesson?
So So. Not at all
What’s the reason? Have you forgotten? Almost
What don’t you repeat it?
I am not at leisure now
Why? I have been sent to the village
Truly, I will go there together with you
For what reason?
We will repeat on our journey
That is better than gossiping
Far away, we will return soon?
Perhaps, but scarcely. Oh, you doubt?
It is far away, we will hurry
As cobblers? What then?
Nostram ætátem decet agilitás.
Síc aiunt, imó síc est
Né clámá, atquí sumus solí
Quómodo ludémus? Píla
Totum diem. Hui nimium est
Atquí sunt feriæ.
At our age we should be nimble
So they say, so it is
Don’t cry but we are alone
How shall we play? With a ball.
How long?
All day. Oh, it is too much.
But it is the holidays.
Pergámus rogó té
Nunc tibi parvás vóculás expónam
Ad nós trahimus á nóbís trúdimus
Cum nóbís dúcimus ante nós pellimus, póne nós raptámus
Secundum flúmen facile est natáre
Adversus illud impossibile
Apud altáre Sacerdós habet penes sé Diáconum
Dé temerárió nota, quod intrá ædés nón maneat
Suprá culmen scandat
Intrá límen réptet
Fatére córam nóbís, quid féscistí clam nóbís
Quia est palam
Let us go on, I request of you
Now I will explain the small words to you
We drawn to us, we thrust from us
We lead with us, we drive before us, we snatch behind us
It is easy to swim with the stream
Against it impossible
The Priest at the altar has the Deacon in his power
Of the reckless, note that he does not stay within the house
Let him climb over the top
Let him creep within the threshold
Confess before us what you have done hidden from us
Because it is open
Contrá præceptum fécí
Ergá præceptórum ingrátus fuí
Quídam ob sua facinora, é domó profugus
Júxtá viam curréns, citrá stagnum cónstitit
Deinde ultrá stagnum prógressus
Vénit in désertum
Obíbat circá palúdés
Oberrábat inter nemora
Návigábat trans mare, úsque ad extrémás insulás
Prope orbis terminós
Extrá patriam vagáns
Pró quó intercédunt
Vérum propter exemplum cæterórum nón potest recipí
Hem! Quantum ínfortúnium!
Félix præ tállibus
Quí cónscientiam púram custódit
I have acted contrary to the order
I have been unthankful toward the master
One for his wickedness, is banished from the house
Running next to the road, stood this side the pool
Afterwards went beyond the pool
He came into the wilderness
He went around the marshes
He wandered among the woods
He sailed across the sea, even to the furthest islands
Near the ends of the world
Wandering out of the country
For whom they intervene
But for the example of others he cannot be received
Alas! How great a misfortune
He is happy in comparison of such
Who keeps his conscience clear
Scís numeráre? Utíque
Tentá igitur quot sunt rés
Unus est códex Bibliórum
Duó sunt Testámenta, vetus et novum
Trés persónæ sanctæ Trínitátis
Quátuor Évangelistæ, quínque sénsus, sex proféstí diés
Septem petítiónés in Órátióne Dominicá
Octó diés sunt septimána
Ter tria sunt nóvem
Decem præcepta Deí
Úndecim Apostolí, démptó Judá
Duodecim fideí articulí
Trígintá diés sunt ménsis
Centum anní sunt sæculum
Satanás est mílle fraudum artifex
Do you know how to count? Very well
Try then how many things there are
There is one volume of the Bible
There are two testaments, Old and New
Three persons of the Holy Trinity
Four Evangelists, five sense, six working days
Seven petitions in the Lord's Prayer
Eight days are a week
Thrice three are nine
Ten Commandments of God
Eleven Apostles, excepting Judas
Twelve articles of the faith
Thirty days are a month
A hundred years are a century
Satan is the forger of a thousand deceits
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