Spelling and Pronunciation - Grammar
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This lesson is part of Unit 3 of WikiBooks Irish, a comprehensive open-source course in the Irish language. Lessons in Unit 3 are intended for the advanced Irish learner and contain specialized vocabulary and language notes for specific subject areas.
Talking About Animals
Vocabulary | ||
animal | ainmhí | pronunciation |
When discussing ainmhí (animals) as gaeilge, bear in mind the following:
Because Irish has no neutral pronouns, animals take the pronoun appropriate to the grammatical gender of the word in question. Most general names for animal species are masculine.
Eating Animals
As in English, in some cases different words are used for the animal's meat when used as food than when discussing the living animal. These words will be considered separately in the Unit 3 lesson on food.
Vocabulary | ||
peata | pet | pronunciation |
cat | cat |
dog | madra |
kitten | puisín |
puppy | coileán |
Ainmhithe na hÉireann
bird | éan |
butterfly | féileacán |
deer | fia |
duck | lacha |
mouse | luch |
owl | ulchabhán |
spider | damhán alla |
rabbit | coinín |
rat | francach |
seal | rón |
turtle | turtar |
Ainmhithe na feirme
Vocabulary | ||
feirme | farm | pronunciation |
cow | bó |
calf | lao, gamhain |
foal | searrach |
goat | gabhar |
hen | cearc |
horse | capall |
pig | muc |
lamb | uan |
sheep | caora |
Ainmhithe an zú
Vocabulary | ||
zú | zoo | pronunciation |
giraffe | sioráf |
crocodile | crogall |
bear | béar |
elephant | eilifint |
hippopotamus | dobhareach |
kangaroo | cangarú |
wolf | mac tíre |
zebra | séabra |
koala | cóála |
lion | leon |
monkey | moncaí |
panda | panda |
penguin | piongain |
tiger | tíogar |
Ainmhithe uisceach
cod | trosc |
crab | portán |
dolphin | deilf (f) |
fish | iasc |
lobster | gliomach |
salmon | bradán |
shark | siorc |
whale | míol mór |
See also
Other Unit 3 lessons relevant to animals may include:
- Food (culinary names for animals' meat)
- Sport (terms related to horse and dog racing)