< Irish < Unit 1

In this lesson, you will learn about:

  • The consonants d, f, ch, and p
  • Forming sentences with "tá" and "is"
  • Prothesis, an initial mutation affecting vowels

Forming Sentences with "Tá" and "Is"

be pronunciation
is, are (present tense of "bí") pronunciation
is is (present tense copula) pronunciation
dubh black pronunciation
teach house pronunciation
fuar cold pronunciation

English uses "is", and the other forms of the verb to be, to form many kinds of sentences. For some types of "is" sentences, Irish uses its own form of the verb to be. For others, it uses a different construction, called a "copula" (in Irish, "an chopail").

Let's look at each type of sentence first. Then we'll talk about when to use each of them.

Using Tá (is, are)

We've learned that, to make a simple sentence in Irish, you use the order "verb-subject-object":

Leann Niamh leabhar
Reads Niamh (subject) a book (object)

The same principles apply when the sentence uses the verb to be. To translate the English sentence:

the book is black

you would say, in Irish:

an leabhar dubh
is the book black

The verb comes first, like the verb leann did in our earlier example, but don't be confused by the English equivalents: in Irish this is a statement, not a question.

is the present tense of the Irish verb to be, , and translates to "is" or "are". Here are a few more examples:

The job is good. Tá an post go maith.
The houses are cold. Tá na tithe fuar.

Using the Copula

I, me pronunciation
fear man pronunciation

Sometimes, where English would use the verb to be, Irish instead uses a construction called the copula. The particle indicating a copula (in the present tense) is is. This can be confusing to English speakers: although it looks like the English verb to be "is", the Irish particle is is not a form of any verb.

Sentences with is use a different word order than sentences using . As an example, let's look at two sentences where the subject is , the Irish word for "I" or "me".

Tá mé fuar I am cold
Is fear mé I am a man

The first sentence, with , follows the standard Irish V-S-O word order. In the second, the subject comes last.

fear |mé
a man |I

Which to Use When

So when should you use and when should you use is? These two constructions are very different in the Irish language and a native speaker would never confuse them.

uses of the copula

The use of the copula is limited in Irish to the following, specific, yet frequently occurring uses:

coupling of the predicate noun and the subject in classificatory and identificatory clauses e.g.: Is dochtúir é. = He is a doctor. Is é an dochtúir é. = He is the doctor. certain adjective uses , especially modal verb-like uses with prepositions le, do, etc. e.g.: Ba mhaith le Pól an carr. = Paul would like the car. adjectives of subjective assessment and of equivalence. e.g.: Is ionann iad = They are the same. Is maith sin! = That is good! comparative (always with on of the copula forms is/ba or níos/ní ba) e.g.: an fear is mó = the biggest man (the man that is the biggest) origin- and ownership (with the prepositions as, de, le) e.g.: Is as Corcaigh sé = He is from Cork. Is le Pól an carr. = The car belongs to Paul. to emphasize single parts of speech and to loosen up the sentence structure (cleft- and pseaudo-cleft clauses ) e.g.: Is é an fear a dhéanann na bróga = He's the man makes the shoes. (That's the man who makes the shoes.) full queries (questions with interrogatives). These always contain a copular construction, even if it's mostly not to be seen. e.g.: Cé a rinne sin? = Who did that? (Who is it, that did that?)

properties of the copula

the copula exists only in 3 base forms: present tense (in part, at the same time the future) is preterite (same time imperfect, conditional) ba subjunctive (rare) gura the copula does not exist in the imperative. The copula also has no "verbal noun". Instead, transcriptions with bí and the preposition i must be used. e.g. Bí i d'fhear! = Be a man!, bheith ina fhear = to be a man (see identificatory and classificatory clauses without the copula) copular forms are inflexible, and not conjugable (all forms are actually the 3rd person singular). after the copula, personal pronouns if the 3rd person in their "object form" follow (é, í, iad instead of sé, sí, siad) instead of "verbal particles " (ní, nach, go, etc.) compounds of the particle and copula [ 2 ] are used, that are often the same as the verbal particles in form. in the form of (rarer) conbinations with other words like conjunctions, prepositions etc. in the present tense, all copular forms and compounds thereof cause neither lenition nor eclipsis. in the preterite / conditional, the copula always causes lenition. certain different syntax rules apply. These follow also the basic syntax P-S-O: In an Irish sentence, the predicate comes first, then the subject, then the object (P-S-O) In copular clauses, the predicate is introduced by the copula. So: copula - predicate - subject. An object is not used.

A Few More Consonants

Let's take a closer look at a few of the words we encountered above, and the last few common Irish consonants.

Next Lesson

In Lesson 5, you'll learn about:

  • Personal Pronouns
  • Basic and Compound Prepositions
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