< Introduction to Sociology

History of Military Activity

Influence of Military Activity on Family

One consequence of long military deployments is a higher risk of divorce. Both male and female members of the US military experience higher rates of divorce the longer their deployment is.[1] However, this is also tied to expectations. Individuals who joined the military prior to September 11th, 2001 were less likely to expect the long deployments that followed with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than were individuals who joined the military after September 11th, 2001. As a result, those who were not expecting such lengthy deployments were even more likely to divorce than those who were expecting such deployments.[1]

Military Involvement and Income

Recent research has found that an expansion in coverage eligibility for disability compensation by the US federal government has resulted in an increase in the percentage of veterans receiving benefits and a reduction in the percentage of veterans working.[2] This research found that veterans with disabilities opted to receive disability benefits rather than work.


  1. 1 2 Negrusa, Sebastian, Brighita Negrusa, and James Hosek. 2014. “Gone to War: Have Deployments Increased Divorces?” Journal of Population Economics 27(2):473–96.
  2. Duggan, Mark. 2014. The Labor Market Effects of the VA's Disability Compensation Program. SIEPR policy brief. http://siepr.stanford.edu/?q=/system/files/shared/pubs/papers/briefs/Policy-Brief-Nov14-Duggan.pdf
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