What is Business English
Business English is English used for commercial purposes. It is a comÂmunicative medium in business organizations to carry out several functions. It is a shared medium in a globalized business scenario helping non-native speakers of the language to communicate with each other. Business English is a communicative competence that needs to be understood in the context of the workplace. English for Business focuses on the English language skills necessary to communicate in an increasingly global business environment. The range of different subject areas included under the umbrella term Business English is wide. The Oxford Business English Dictionary includes the following areas : accounting, commerce, e-commerce, economics, finance, HR, insurance, IT, law, manufacturing, marketing, production, property, the stock exchange, (international) trade, transport. What is generally associated with a Business English are the skills that most people need to be able to do their jobs well: writing e-mails and reports, making presentations, doing negotiations, using the telephone, attending and participating actively in meetings or telephone conferences, receiving visitors, etc. [1]