< Interlingual Energizers
amount 2
language level (simple)
age 6+
group size 10-25
materials nothing special
space free space, preferably outdoor
time 5-10 min
energizer, knowing a song in a foreign language

The activity Big Fat Pony (svenska: Big Fat Pony, Deutsch: Big Fat Pony, română: Big Fat Pony, español: Big Fat Pony) is part of the collection of interlingual energizers. See a list of all activities.


The introduction is also available in 3 other languages: español, Deutsch, svenska

Let's sing a song all together. It's the story of one of my oldest friends: My big fat pony.


The rules is also available in 3 other languages: svenska, español, Deutsch

  1. Let's stand in a circle.
  2. I'll start running around the circle and sing the song.
    This is the story of my pony,
    Story of my big fat pony,
    This is the story of my pony,
    This is what they told me.
  3. At this moment I stop in front of a person in the circle and start dancing with her/him:
    Front, front, front, my baby.
    Side, side, side, my baby.
    Back, back, back, my baby.
    This is what they told me.
  4. Then I take the person I danced with and start running around with her/him again.

Possible extensions

  • In case your group got really into the English lyrics, you can introduce a more advanced version for the second part:
    Front to front, to front, my baby.
    Side to side, to side, my baby.
    Back to back, to back, my baby.
    This is what they told me.
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