< Hydroculture

This helps with the understanding of hydroculture related plant propagation.

Stem cutting

Cut a green branch off of the desired plant above a node with a sterile cutting utensil. On the cut branch, trim off one or both sides, up to the length of next node. There should be one or two strips of bark running the length from below the bottom most node to the bottom of the cutting. Wet and dip this in rooting hormone if desired. Place the cutting into the aggregate. The more leaf area the cutting has, the more chances that the plant dries out, as a green stem is all that is necessary. Proper drainage is required: a substrate that has a higher water to air ratio attracts an-aerobic conditions and mold.

There are ways of improving the growth of stem cutting propagations. Intensifying light allows cuttings to root and sprout faster, apart from the concern that this could cause the propagation material distress.[1] Azalea cuttings can be mildly heated in water to disinfect it from the fungus pathogen Rhizoctonia, and this could potentially be used for other plants.[2]

Seeds, bulbs and tubers

Large seeds, bulbs and tubers (potatoes, avocado seeds) proved to be hardier than smaller propagation material. Propagation material is very delicate to minute water qualities. These minute water qualities are trivial to aquatic animal health. Ideally, keep the fish and other aquatic animals stress-free.

Some seeds need to have their coating removed, because it is susceptible to rot. Removing the seed coat, on certain species, also allows for quicker propagation.


Grafting is not specific to hydroculture, but it may be used. A reason may be, to grow different varieties of a species of the same genus on one plant.


  1. Wallheimer, Brian (January 23, 2012). "Study shines light on ways to cut costs for greenhouse growers". Lopez and Currey. Purdue University. http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/research/2012/120123LopezBedding.html. Retrieved July 31, 2012.
  2. Yao, Stephanie (December 24, 2009). "Hot Water Treatment Eliminates Rhizoctonia from Azalea Cuttings". USDA Agricultural Research Service. Physorg. http://phys.org/news180889087.html#nRlv. Retrieved July 31, 2012.
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