The type of equipment you need depends entirely on what type of comic you wish to create. Below are some basic guidelines for the type of equipment one may use to create comics.
Hand Drawn Comics
For comics presented on a paper medium, you may need these tools for drawing:
Also, as a side note, some artists ink their comics (Going over, or tracing them with ink) after drawing them in pencil. In which case you may need additional materials such as (these are optional):
- Correction Fluid
- A tool for inking (could be a marker, fine-liner or quill)
If you are coloring by hand you could use:
- Colored pencils
- Pens
- Paints
- Chalk
Digital Comics
If you would like to transform your paper-based comic into a web-based, online comic, you will need:
- Computer
- Scanner
For creating digital and web comics:
- Tablet PC
- or Graphics Tablet
- painting program on computer
You can also use a computer to color a paper comic. For this you will need a graphics program. This can be as simple as Paint but better programs include:
- Photoshop
- Paint Shop Pro
- Krita