Welcome to the How to Make a Comic Wikibooks. This wikitext was written for those interested in learning more about comics, which have existed as a creative medium for hundreds of years. This wikibook aims to provide information on web comics, comic strips, comic books and graphic novels, and will include information about creating comics either as a hobby or professionally. The goal of this book is to aid those who wish to draw, write or simply learn about the process of creating one of the world's most versatile and beloved entertainment mediums: Comics. This wikitext aims to be useful as both a guide and a quick reference. If you feel something is missing please feel free to either add it in yourself or put a request on this text's discussion page.

Basic Information
- History of Comics
- Types of Comics
- Workspace
- Equipment
- Format
- Anatomy
- Clothing
- Setting
- Scanning
- Colouring
- Online Publishing
- Self-Publishing
- Professional Publishing