Customer-oriented corporate social responsibility (CSR) (alpha = 0.86)
A multidimensional measure of corporate stakeholder responsibility (CStR) was developed and validated. Hereby, the authors conducted a series of analyses, including exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modeling to assess different types of validity of the proposed scale. The scale consists of six dimensions: community-oriented, natural environment-oriented, employee-oriented, supplier-oriented, customer-oriented, and shareholder-oriented CSR.
Corporate stakeholder responsibility (CStR) is defined as “an organization’s context-specific actions and policies designed to enhance the welfare of various stakeholder groups by accounting for the triple bottom line of economic, social, and environmental performance”.
- Our company checks the quality of goods and/or services provided to customers. (0.83)
- Our company is helpful to customers and advises them about its products and/or services. (0.76)
- Our company respects its commitments to customers. (0.74)
- Our company invests in innovations which are to the advantage of customers. (0.71)
- Our company ensures that its products and/or services are accessible for all its customers. (0.69)
This view on customer-oriented CSR relates to customer orientation in general and might, thus, be a bit too broad, as it does not specifically reflect CSR aspects. An alternative view could consider whether products could harm the customers, whether customers are enabled to get access to the visibility of the supply chain or whether the customers’ ecological and social are considered.