< Future Media

P2P networking is a networking style that does not need the use of a centralized server to share files between computers. This style of networking means that an individual does not need to rent server space to share files with other people on the internet. Ethically and morally, this style of networking tends more towards pirating of anything that is on a person’s computer. It also allows for the passing of viruses. In the eyes of the law, the passing of files over P2P networks that were not bought by the person holding the file, is illegal, but it is very hard for the authorities to track downloads over such networks.

Another paradigm shift that one believes is the most devastating of all is the ability to deceive the general public with editing software. Since the invention of programs like Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Audition, and Apple Logic Pro it’s a fairly simple process to take a breaking news story and edit out key parts of the broadcast to make it appear as though something didn’t happen the did or take what a person said out of context. It happens frequently in news stories and it used as a way to spice up a dull story or to try to start some controversy. Whatever the reason, this shift from explaining the news just as it happens to spicing up the news for the sake of ratings is a sad move for our culture and society. It not only doesn’t keep citizens accurately informed but also ruins reputations and could potentially destroy a person’s creditability.

On the more computer tech 'savvy' side of multimedia, a paradigm that affected the actual hardwre and computing capabilities which enable multitudes of projects to be done or even conceived, is that of virtualization.

Today’s powerful x86 computer hardware was originally designed to run only a single operating system and a single application, but virtualization breaks that bond, making it possible to run multiple operating systems and multiple applications on the same computer at the same time, increasing the utilization and flexibility of hardware.

Virtualization lets you transform hardware into software. Use software such as VMware ESX Server to transform or “virtualize” the hardware resources of an x86-based computer—including the CPU, RAM, hard disk and network controller—to create a fully functional virtual machine that can run its own operating system and applications just like a “real” computer. Multiple virtual machines share hardware resources without interfering with each other so that you can safely run several operating systems and applications at the same time on a single computer.

Possibilities of this technology are practically limitless and can be applied to all areas, not just multimedia. Many schools and universities are switching to this technology because it is cheaper and also much more hardware efficient.

Smart Drugs: Better Performance Through Biochemistry- In the future, people will take medicine designed not only to prevent, but also to enhance their bodies. According to futurist Dr. James Canton (founder of the think tank Institute for Global Futures), more than half of all Americans are currently using some kind of drug. Over 33% of these individuals take medication with the express purpose of altering their moods or alleviating such things as stress and depression. According to the Philips Health Index, an estimated 15-25% of people take these mentality-shifting drugs (such as Prozac) with the intent to create a heightened sense of alertness and increased performance on the job. Imagine a time when you may find yourself at a competitive disadvantage if you choose not to take enhancement mediation. The Extreme Future, James Canton, pg. 141-143

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