The production of "future media" often involves a team of artists, musicians, multimedia experts, communicators and other kinds of specialists. New media communication technologies can prepare people for emerging career opportunities that are being generated by interactive, immersive, multistory, multimedia technologies. A historical perspective is necessary to understand predicted future trends, but this book is about the future, not the past or present.
Entrepreneurs, Artists, Musicians and Multimedia Experts
- Future Media Topics
- The New Entrepreneurs
- Design
- Music and Sound
- Interactive MultiMedia
- Media Fads Versus Paradigm Shifts
- Social Networking - An On-Line Phenomenon
- Viral Media
- Multi-sensory Media Is About To Explode
- Virtual Experiences: Now More Like Our Real World
- Emerging Technologies: Preparing For The Next Job Market
- User Generated Media
- Media Convergence
- Other Topics
- Field Trip Feedback
Topic Information
- Scheduling Interactive Media Projects
- Using the WIKIbooks and Facebook
- SIGGRAPH - A Once Per Year Opportunity in Emerging Medias
- Learning Resources
- Software
- External links
Learning About Future Media
The ideal environment for learning about future media technologies would include demonstrations, field trips, and other “learn by doing” experiences. Guest speakers and panel discussions including industry professionals, alumni, professors, and students with expertise in fields mentioned above can provide invaluable information. Software tools for hands-on lab work could include, but be limited to: graphic editing (Adobe Photoshop), audio editing (Adobe Audition), video editing (Apple Final Cut Pro).
In your study of future media, you CAN expect to
- 1. Experience an overview of historical and emerging industry trends in graphic design, music technology, and multimedia.
- 2. Be able to define the marketable skills, attitudes and strategies demanded by future careers.
- 3. Experience how technology is affecting world wide social development.
- 4. Discuss some differences between a Believer’s media perspective and secular developers who might focus primarily on profit and entertainment value.
- 5. Be amazed and sometimes overwhelmed by what you can do with interactive media.
- 6. Learn techniques to locate, organize and analyze emerging communication technologies.
During your study of future media, you should NOT expect to
- 1. Be passive while others do most of the thinking for you.