< French For Football
French Football Dictionary or Glossary
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Contents: | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
à | /a/ | (prep) | to, at, in |
à-coup | /aku/ | (nm) | jolt |
abonnement | /abɔnmɑ̃/ | (nm) | subscription |
abord (d' ~) | /abɔʀ/ | (nm) | first |
aborder | /abɔʀde/ | (vt) | to approach, to tackle |
abords | /abɔʀ/ | (nmpl) | surroundings |
abri | /abʀi/ | (nm) | (a) shelter |
accabler | /akɑble/ | (vt) | to overwhelm |
accélérer | /akseleʀe/ | (vt) | to accelerate |
accord (d'~) | /dakɔʀ/ | (nm) | OK |
accorder | /akɔʀde/ | (vt) | to grant, award |
accrocher (s') | /akʀɔʃe/ | (vpr) | to hang on |
accroître | /akʀwatʀ/ | (vt) | to increase |
accueillir | /akœjiʀ/ | (vt) | to receive / welcome |
accuser | /akyze/ | (vt) | to show |
acharné, e | /aʃaʀne/ | (adj) | ferocious |
acheter | /aʃ(ə)te/ | (vt) | to buy |
action | /aksjɔ̃/ | (nf) | a move |
actionnaire | /aksjɔnɛʀ/ | (nmf) | shareholder |
actualités | /aktɥalite/ | (nfpl) | current affairs |
actuellement | /aktɥɛlmɑ̃/ | (adv) | currently |
adjoint, e | /adʒwɛ̃, wɛ̃t/ | (adj) | deputy |
admettre | /admɛtʀ/ | (vt) | to admit |
adresser | /adʀese/ | (vt) | to send |
adversaire | /advɛʀsɛʀ/ | (nmf) | an opponent |
adverse | /advɛʀs/ | (adj) | opposing |
aérien, -ienne | /aeʀjɛ̃,ɛn/ | (adj) | overhead |
affaire | /afɛʀ/ | (nf) | matter, deal |
affaires | /afɛʀ/ | (nfpl) | things |
affichage | /afiʃaʒ/ | (nm) | display |
affoler (s') | /afɔle/ | (vpr) | to panic |
affronter | /afʀɔ̃te/ | (vt) | to confront |
affût | /afy/ | (nm) | look-out |
afin (+ de) | /afɛ̃/ | (prep) | in order to |
afin que | /afɛ̃/ | (prep) | so that |
âge | /ɑʒ/ | (nm) | age |
âgé, e | /ɑʒe/ | (adj) | aged |
agir (s'~ de) | /aʒiʀ/ | (vimp) | to be a question of |
agité, e | /aʒite/ | (adj) | hectic |
agrandir (s'~) | /aɡʀɑ̃diʀ/ | (vpr) | to expand / grow |
aile | /ɛl/ | (nf) | wing |
ailier, -ière | /elje, jɛʀ/ | (nm,f) | winger |
ailleurs | /ajœʀ/ | (adv) | somewhere else |
aimer | /eme/ | (vt) | to like, to love |
ainsi | /ɛ̃si/ | (adv) | like this, thus |
aire | /ɛʀ/ | (nf) | area |
aise | /ɛz/ | (nf) | joy, ease |
ajouter | /aʒute/ | (vt) | to add to |
ajuster | /aʒyste/ | (vt) | to aim at |
alentours | /alɑ̃tuʀ/ | (nmpl) | surroundings |
alerte | /alɛʀt/ | (nf) | alert, scare |
aligner | /aliɲe/ | (vt) | to line up, to field (a team) |
alimenter | /alimɑ̃te/ | (vt) | to feed |
allant | /alɑ̃/ | (nm) | drive |
alléchant, e | /aleʃɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | attractive |
aller | /ale/ | (vi) | to go |
alors (que) | /alɔʀ/ | (conj) | while, (though) |
ambiance | /ɑ̃bjɑ̃s/ | (nf) | atmosphere |
ambre | /ɑ̃bʀ/ | (adj) | amber |
âme | /ɑm/ | (nf) | soul |
amener | /am(ə)ne/ | (vt) | to lead up to, assist |
ami, e | /ami/ | (nm, nf) | friend |
amical, e (mpl -aux) | /amikal/ | (adj) | friendly |
amorcer | /amɔʀse/ | (vt) | to initiate |
amortir | /amɔʀtiʀ/ | (vt) | to trap / control |
an | /ɑ̃/ | (nm) | year (age) |
ancien, -ienne | /ɑ̃sjɛ̃, ɑ̃sjɛn/ | (adj) | old, former |
anglais, e | /ɑ̃ɡlɛ, ɛz/ | (adj) | English |
angle | /ɑ̃ɡl/ | (nm) | corner |
Angleterre | /ɑ̃ɡlətɛʀ/ | (nf) | England |
angulaire | /ɑ̃ɡylɛʀ/ | (adj) | corner |
animation | /animasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | activity |
animé, e | /anime/ | (adj) | lively |
année | /ane/ | (nf) | year |
anniversaire | /anivɛʀsɛʀ/ | (adj) | anniversary, birthday |
annuler | /anyle/ | (vt) | to call off, nullify |
antijeu | /ɑ̃tiʒø/ | (nm) | unsporting behaviour |
août | /u(t)/ | (nm) | August |
apparaître | /apaʀɛtʀ/ | (vi) | to appear |
apparition | /apaʀisjɔ̃/ | (nf) | appearance |
appel | /apɛl/ | (nm) | call, appeal |
appeler (s'~) | /aple/ | (vpr) | to be called |
apport | /apɔʀ/ | (nm) | contribution |
apporter | /apɔʀte/ | (vt) | to bring, to give |
apprendre | /apʀɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to learn |
apprêter (se) | /apʀete/ | (vpr) | to prepare (to) |
après | /apʀɛ/ | (prep) | after |
après-demain | /apʀɛdmɛ̃/ | (adv) | on the day after tomorrow |
après-midi | /apʀɛ-midi/ | (nm, nf) | afternoon |
arbitrage | /aʀbitʀaʒ/ | (nm) | refereeing |
arbitre | /aʀbitʀ/ | (nm) | referee |
argent | /aʀʒɑ̃/ | (nm) | silver, money |
arracher | /aʀaʃe/ | (vt) | to snatch |
arrêt | /aʀɛ/ | (nm) | stop, save |
arrêter | /aʀete/ | (vt) | to stop |
arrière | /aʀjɛʀ/ | (nm) | full-back, rear |
arriver | /aʀive/ | (vt) | to arrive |
ascendant, e | /asɑ̃dɑ̃,ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | rising |
asseoir (s'~) | /aswaʀ/ | (vpr) | to sit (down) |
assez | /ase/ | (adv) | enough, quite |
assister (à) | /asiste/ | (vt) | to attend, to be (present) at |
assommer | /asɔme/ | (vt) | to knock out, to overwhelm |
astucieux, -ieuse | /astysjø, øz/ | (adj) | smart, clever |
atout | /atu/ | (nm) | asset, advantage |
attaquant, e | /atakɑ̃,ɑ̃t/ | (nm,f) | forward |
attaque | /atak/ | (nf) | attack |
attaquer | /atake/ | (vt) | to attack |
atteindre | /atɛ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to reach / hit |
attendre | /atɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to wait for |
atterrir | /atɛʀiʀ/ | (vi) | to land |
au | /o/ | (prep) | at the / in the (à + le) |
au-dessus | /od(ə)sy/ | (adv) | above, over |
aucun, e | /okœ̃, yn/ | (adj) | (not) any |
aucun, e | /okœ̃, okyn/ | (pron) | none |
aujourd'hui | /oʒuʀdɥi/ | (adv) | today |
auprès (de) | /opʀɛ/ | (prep) | beside, with |
auquel | /okɛl/ | (pron) | who, to whom |
aussi | /osi/ | (adv) | also, as |
aussitôt | /osito/ | (adv) | immediately |
autant | /otɑ̃/ | (adv) | as much, as many |
autour (de) | /otuʀ/ | (prep) | around |
autre | /otʀ/ | (adj) | other |
autre | /otʀ/ | (pron) | other |
autrefois | /otʀəfwa/ | (adv) | in the past |
autrement | /otʀəmɑ̃/ | (adv) | differently, otherwise |
aux | /o/ | (prep) | at the / in the (à + les) |
avance | /avɑ̃s/ | (nf) | advance, lead |
avancer | /avɑ̃se/ | (vi) | to move forward |
avant | /avɑ̃/ | (nm) | forward, front |
avant | /avɑ̃/ | (prep) | before, in front |
avant-hier | /avɑ̃tjɛʀ/ | (adv) | on the day before yesterday |
avantage | /avɑ̃taʒ/ | (nm) | advantage |
avec | /avɛk/ | (prep) | with |
avertir | /avɛʀtiʀ/ | (vt) | to caution, to warn |
avertissement | /avɛʀtismɑ̃/ | (nm) | caution |
avis | /avi/ | (nm) | opinion, advice |
avoir | /avwaʀ/ | (vt) | to have |
avouer (se) | /avwe/ | (vpr) | to admit |
avril | /avʀil/ | (nm) | April |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
balle | /bal/ | (nf) | ball |
ballon | /balɔ̃/ | (nm) | ball |
balnéothérapie | /balneoteʀapi/ | (nf) | hydrotherapy |
banc | /bɑ̃/ | (nm) | bench |
baraque | /baʀak/ | (nf) | shack |
barrage | /baʀaʒ/ | (nm) | barrier |
barre | /baʀ/ | (nf) | bar |
bas | /bɑ/ | (nm) | lower part |
bas, basse | /bɑ, bɑs/ | (adj) | low |
basculer | /baskyle/ | (vi) | to take a sudden turn, to tip up |
base | /bɑz/ | (nf) | basis |
battre | /batʀ/ | (vt) | to beat, be beaten |
battre (se) | /batʀ/ | (vpr) | to fight |
beau, bel, belle | /bo, bɛl, bɛl/ | (adj) | nice, successful |
beau, bel, belle | /bo, bɛl/ | (adv) | nicely (in expressions) |
beaucoup (de) | /boku/ | (adv) | much, many |
bénéfice | /benefis/ | (nm) | advantage, profit |
bénéficier (de) | /benefisje/ | (vi) | to benefit (from) |
besogneux, -euse | /bəzɔɲø, øz/ | (adj) | industrious |
besoin | /bəzwɛ̃/ | (nm) | need |
bête | /bɛt/ | (nf) | beast |
bien | /bjɛ̃/ | (adv) | well |
bientôt | /bjɛ̃to/ | (adv) | soon |
bienvenue | /bjɛ̃vny/ | (nf) | welcome |
bilan | /bilɑ̃/ | (nm) | balance sheet, outcome |
billet | /bijɛ/ | (nm) | ticket |
biscotte | /biskɔt/ | (nf) | ready-made toast |
blanc, blanche | /blɑ̃, blɑ̃ʃ/ | (adj) | white, blank |
blessé, e | /blese/ | (adj) | injured |
blesser (se) | /blese/ | (vpr) | to hurt / injure oneself |
blessure | /blesyʀ/ | (nf) | injury |
bleu, e | /blø/ | (adj) | blue |
bloquer | /blɔke/ | (vt) | to block, obstruct |
bois | /bwa/ | (nm) | wood, woodwork |
boiter | /bwate/ | (vi) | to limp |
bon marché | /bɔ̃ maʀʃe/ | (adj) | cheap |
bon, bonne | /bɔ̃, bɔn/ | (adj) | good, right |
bonheur | /bɔnœʀ/ | (nm) | happiness, luck |
bonjour | /bɔ̃ʒuʀ/ | (nm) | hello |
bonsoir | /bɔ̃swaʀ/ | (nm) | good evening, good night |
bord (au ~ de) | /bɔʀ/ | (nm) | edge, side |
bosser | /bɔse/ | (vi) | to work hard |
botte | /bɔt/ | (nf) | boot |
botter | /bɔte/ | (vt) | to kick |
boucher | /buʃe/ | (vt) | to block |
boue | /bu/ | (nf) | mud |
bouffée | /bufe/ | (nf) | puff, breath |
bouger | /buʒe/ | (vi) | to move |
boule | /bul/ | (nf) | ball, head |
bouleverser | /bulvɛʀse/ | (vt) | to turn upside down, upset, disrupt |
boulot | /bulo/ | (nm) | job |
bourde | /buʀd/ | (nf) | blunder |
bousculer | /buskyle/ | (vt) | to jostle, push |
bout | /bu/ | (nm) | end, tip |
boxer | /bɔkse/ | (vt) | to punch |
bras | /bʀɑ/ | (nm) | arm |
brassard | /bʀasaʀ/ | (nm) | arm-band |
break | /bʀɛk/ | (nm) | break, break point |
briller | /bʀije/ | (vi) | to shine |
brin | /bʀɛ̃/ | (nm) | sprig, twig |
briscard | /bʀiskaʀ/ | (nm) | veteran |
briser | /bʀize/ | (vt) | to break |
brossé, e | /bʀɔse/ | (adj) | brushed |
brosser | /bʀɔse/ | (vt) | to brush |
brouillard | /bʀujaʀ/ | (nm) | fog |
brûler | /bʀyle/ | (vt) | to burn |
but | /by(t)/ | (nm) | goal |
buteur, euse | /bytœʀ, øz/ | (nm,f) | striker, goal-scorer |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
ça | /sa/ | (pron) | that |
cadre | /kɑdʀ/ | (nm) | framework |
cadré, e | /kɑdʀe/ | (vt) | well-placed |
cafouillage | /kafujaʒ/ | (nm) | scramble |
cage | /kaʒ/ | (nf) | goal |
calendrier | /kalɑ̃dʀje/ | (nm) | schedule |
camp | /kɑ̃/ | (nm) | end / side (team) |
capacité | /kapasite/ | (nf) | ability |
capitaine | /kapitɛn/ | (nm) | captain |
capter | /kapte/ | (vt) | to collect, to capture |
car | /kaʀ/ | (conj) | because, for |
carence | /kaʀɑ̃s/ | (nf) | shortcoming |
carrière | /kaʀjɛʀ/ | (nf) | career |
carte | /kaʀt/ | (nf) | card |
carton | /kaʀtɔ̃/ | (nm) | card |
cas | /ka/ | (nm) | case |
casquette | /kaskɛt/ | (nf) | cap |
casser (se) | /kɑse/ | (vpr) | to break |
cauchemardesque | /koʃəmaʀdɛskə/ | (adj) | nightmarish |
ce | /sə/ | (dem) | this |
ceci | /səsi/ | (pron) | this |
céder | /sede/ | (vt) | to yield, give up |
ceinturé, e | /sɛ̃tyʀe/ | (adj) | grasped by the waist |
cela | /səla/ | (pron) | it, that |
célébrer | /selebʀe/ | (vt) | to celebrate |
celle | /sɛl/ | (pron) | that, the one |
celles | /sɛl/ | (pron) | those, the ones |
celui | /səlɥi/ | (pron) | that, the one |
cent | /sɑ̃/ | (num) | (a) hundred |
central, e (mpl: -aux) | /sɑ̃tʀal, o/ | (adj) | central |
centre | /sɑ̃tʀ/ | (nm) | a centre / cross |
centrer | /sɑ̃tʀe/ | (vt) | to cross / pass to the centre |
cependant | /səpɑ̃dɑ̃/ | (adv) | however |
cercle | /sɛʀkl/ | (nm) | circle |
certainement | /sɛʀtɛnmɑ̃/ | (adv) | certainly |
certains | /sɛʀtɛ̃/ | (pron) | some people |
certes | /sɛʀt/ | (adv) | certainly |
cerveau (pl -eaux) | /sɛʀvo/ | (nm) | brain |
ces | /se/ | (dem) | these |
cet, cette | /sɛt, sɛt/ | (dem) | this |
ceux | /sø/ | (pron) | those, the ones |
chacun, e | /ʃakœ̃, -yn/ | (pron) | each one |
chahuter | /ʃayte/ | (vt) | to heckle |
chaîne | /ʃɛn/ | (nf) | channel (TV) |
champ | /ʃɑ̃/ | (nm) | field |
champion,-ionne | /ʃɑ̃pjɔ̃, jɔn/ | (nm,f) | champion |
championnat | /ʃɑ̃pjɔna/ | (nm) | championship |
chance | /ʃɑ̃s/ | (nf) | luck, chance |
chanceux, -euse | /ʃɑ̃sø, øz/ | (adj) | lucky |
changement | /ʃɑ̃ʒmɑ̃/ | (nm) | change, substitution |
changer | /ʃɑ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to change |
chanter | /ʃɑ̃te/ | (vt) | to sing |
chantier | /ʃɑ̃tje/ | (nm) | building site |
chapeau (pl -eaux) | /ʃapo/ | (nm) | hat |
chaque | /ʃak/ | (adj) | each, every |
charge | /ʃaʀʒ/ | (nf) | challenge, tackle |
chaud, e | /ʃo, ʃod/ | (adj) | warm, hot |
chauffer (se) | /ʃofe/ | (vpr) | to warm (oneself) |
chaussettes | /ʃosɛt/ | (nfpl) | socks |
chaussures | /ʃosyʀ/ | (nfpl) | footwear, boots |
chemin | /ʃəmɛ̃/ | (nm) | way, path |
chercher | /ʃɛʀʃe/ | (vt) | to look for, to seek |
cheville | /ʃ(ə)vij/ | (nf) | ankle |
chez | /ʃe/ | (prep) | at the home of |
chiffre | /ʃifʀ/ | (nm) | figure, number |
chirurgical, e (mpl: -aux) | /ʃiʀyʀʒikal, o/ | (adj) | surgical |
choc | /ʃɔk/ | (nm) | clash |
choisir | /ʃwaziʀ/ | (vt) | to choose |
choix | /ʃwa/ | (nm) | choice |
chose | /ʃoz/ | (nf) | thing |
chute | /ʃyt/ | (nf) | fall |
chuter | /ʃyte/ | (vt) | to fall |
ci | /si/ | (adv) | this, here |
ci-dessous | /sidəsu/ | (adv) | below |
ci-dessus | /sidəsy/ | (adv) | above |
cible | /sibl/ | (nf) | target |
cibler | /sible/ | (vt) | to target |
cinglant, e | /sɛ̃ɡlɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | stinging |
cinq | /sɛ̃k/ | (num) | five |
cinquante | /sɛ̃kɑ̃t/ | (num) | fifty |
cinquième | /sɛ̃kjɛm/ | (num) | fifth |
ciseau (pl -eaux) | /sizo/ | (nm) | scissors |
civière | /sivjɛʀ/ | (nf) | stretcher |
claquage | /klakaʒ/ | (nm) | hamstring injury? |
claquer | /klake/ | (vt) | to slap |
claquer (se) | /klake/ | (vpr) | to pull (a muscle) |
classement | /klasmɑ̃/ | (nm) | table, placing, standing |
clé, clef | /kle/ | (nf) | key |
club | /klœb/ | (nm) | club |
coach | /kotʃ/ | (nm) | coach |
coéquipier, -ière | /koekipje, jɛʀ/ | (nm,f) | team-mate |
cœur | /kœʀ/ | (nm) | heart |
coin | /kwɛ̃/ | (nm) | corner |
coller | /kɔle/ | (vt) | to stick |
combat | /kɔ̃ba/ | (nm) | battle |
combien (de) | /kɔ̃bjɛ̃/ | (adv) | how much, many |
combler | /kɔ̃ble/ | (vt) | to make good, to fulfil |
comme | /kɔm/ | (conj) | like, as |
commencer (à) | /kɔmɑ̃se/ | (vi, vt) | to start (to do something) |
comment | /kɔmɑ̃/ | (adv) | how |
complet, -ète | /kɔ̃plɛ, ɛt/ | (adj) | complete |
complètement | /kɔ̃plɛtmɑ̃/ | (adv) | completely |
compliqué, e | /kɔ̃plike/ | (adj) | complicated, difficult |
comportement | /kɔ̃pɔʀtəmɑ̃/ | (nm) | behaviour, conduct |
comprendre | /kɔ̃pʀɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to include, understand |
compris, e | /kɔ̃pʀi, -z/ | (adj) | included, agreed |
compte | /kɔ̃t/ | (nm) | account |
compter | /kɔ̃te/ | (vt) | to count |
compteur | /kɔ̃tœʀ/ | (nm) | meter, counter |
concentrer (se) | /kɔ̃sɑ̃tʀe/ | (vpr) | to concentrate |
concours | /kɔ̃kuʀ/ | (nm) | competition |
concrétiser | /kɔ̃kʀetize/ | (vt) | to make something happen, to score |
concurrence | /kɔ̃kyʀɑ̃s/ | (nf) | competition |
concurrent, e | /kɔ̃kyʀɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (nm,f) | competitor, rival |
condition | /kɔ̃disjɔ̃/ | (nf) | condition |
conduite | /kɔ̃dɥit/ | (nf) | management, supervision |
confiance | /kɔ̃fjɑ̃s/ | (nf) | trust, faith |
connaître | /kɔnɛtʀ/ | (vt) | to know |
conseiller | /kɔ̃seje/ | (vt) | to advise |
conservation | /kɔ̃sɛʀvasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | retention |
conserver | /kɔ̃sɛʀve/ | (vt) | to keep / retain |
consignes | /kɔ̃siɲ/ | (nf) | instructions |
constater | /kɔ̃state/ | (vt) | to notice |
construire | /kɔ̃stʀɥiʀ/ | (vt) | to build (up) |
contenir | /kɔ̃t(ə)niʀ/ | (vt) | to hold / contain |
contestable | /kɔ̃tɛstabl/ | (adj) | questionable |
continuer | /kɔ̃tinɥe/ | (vt) | to continue |
contourner | /kɔ̃tuʀne/ | (vt) | to bypass, to get round |
contrat | /kɔ̃tʀa/ | (nm) | contract |
contre | /kɔ̃tʀ/ | (prep) | against |
contre-performance | /kɔ̃tʀəpɛʀfɔʀmɑ̃s/ | (nf) | poor performance |
contre-pied (à) | /kɔ̃tʀəpje/ | (nm) | on the wrong foot |
contrer | /kɔ̃tʀe/ | (vt) | to counter, to block |
contrevenant, e | /kɔ̃tʀəv(ə)nɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (nm,f) | offender |
contrôle | /kɔ̃tʀol/ | (nm) | control |
contrôler | /kɔ̃tʀole/ | (vt) | to control |
convaincre | /kɔ̃vɛ̃kʀ/ | (vt) | to convince |
copain | /kɔpɛ̃/ | (nm) | (male) friend |
copine | /kɔpin/ | (nf) | (female) friend |
cordeau (pl -eaux) | /kɔʀdo/ | (nm) | string |
corner | /kɔʀnɛʀ/ | (nm) | corner |
corps | /kɔʀ/ | (nm) | body |
costaud, e | /kɔsto, d/ | (adj) | strong |
côté | /kote/ | (nm) | side, wing |
cou-de-pied | /ku də pje/ | (nm) | instep |
coucher (se) | /kuʃe/ | (vpr) | to lie down |
coude | /kud/ | (nm) | elbow |
couler | /kule/ | (vi) | to sink, go under |
couleur | /kulœʀ/ | (nf) | colour |
couloir | /kulwaʀ/ | (nm) | corridor |
coup | /ku/ | (nm) | blow |
coupable | /kupabl/ | (adj) | guilty |
coupe | /kup/ | (nf) | cup |
couper | /kupe/ | (vt) | to intersect, to cut across |
coupure | /kupyʀ/ | (nf) | break |
courir | /kuʀiʀ/ | (vi) | to run |
cours | /kuʀ/ | (nm) | course |
course | /kuʀs/ | (nf) | race |
court, e | /kuʀ, kuʀt/ | (adj) | short, small |
coûter | /kute/ | (vt) | to cost |
couvrir | /kuvʀiʀ/ | (vt) | to cover |
craindre | /kʀɛ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to be afraid of, to fear |
crampe | /kʀɑ̃p/ | (nf) | cramp |
crampon | /kʀɑ̃pɔ̃/ | (nm) | stud |
cran | /kʀɑ̃/ | (nm) | notch |
craquer | /kʀake/ | (vi) | to crack, split |
créativité | /kʀeativite/ | (nf) | creativity |
critique | /kʀitik/ | (nf) | criticism, critic |
croc | /kʀo/ | (nm) | fang |
croche-patte | /kʀɔʃpat/ | (nm) | lit. “hook-paw” |
croche-pied | /kʀɔʃpje/ | (nm) | lit. “hook-foot” |
croire (à, en) | /kʀwaʀ/ | (vt) | to believe (in) |
croiser | /kʀwaze/ | (vt) | to cross, to angle |
croix | /kʀwa/ | (nf) | cross |
cuillère | /kɥijɛʀ/ | (nf) | spoon |
cuisse | /kɥis/ | (nf) | thigh |
culottes | /kylɔt/ | (nfpl) | shorts |
curieux, -ieuse | /kyʀjø, jøz/ | (adj) | curious |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
danger | /dɑ̃ʒe/ | (nm) | danger |
dans | /dɑ̃/ | (prep) | in |
davantage | /davɑ̃taʒ/ | (adv) | more, longer |
de | /də/ | (prep) | of |
débloquer | /deblɔke/ | (vt) | to unblock |
déborder | /debɔʀde/ | (vt) | to outflank (an opponent) |
déboulé | /debule/ | (nm) | charge |
debout | /dəbu/ | (adv) | standing, up |
début | /deby/ | (nm) | beginning |
débuter | /debyte/ | (vi) | to begin |
décalage | /dekalaʒ/ | (nm) | gap |
décaler | /dekale/ | (vt) | to put back or bring forward |
décembre | /desɑ̃bʀ/ | (nm) | December |
déception | /desɛpsjɔ̃/ | (nf) | disappointment |
décevant, e | /des(ə)vɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | disappointing |
déchirure | /deʃiʀyʀ/ | (nf) | strain, rupture |
décider | /deside/ | (vt) | to decide |
décisif, -ive | /desizif, iv/ | (adj) | decisive |
décision | /desizjɔ̃/ | (nf) | decision |
déclarer | /deklaʀe/ | (vt) | to declare |
décocher | /dekɔʃe/ | (vt) | to fire, to shoot |
décoller | /dekɔle/ | (vi) | to take off, to lift off |
déconvenue | /dekɔ̃vəny/ | (nf) | disappointment |
découdre (en) | /dekudʀ/ | (vt) | to have a fight |
découper | /dekupe/ | (vt) | to cut out, carve up |
découvrir | /dekuvʀiʀ/ | (vt) | to discover |
décrire | /dekʀiʀ/ | (vt) | to describe, to follow |
déçu, e | /desy/ | (adj) | disappointed |
dedans | /dədɑ̃/ | (adv) | inside |
défaire (se ~ de) | /defɛʀ/ | (vpr) | to get rid of |
défaite | /defɛt/ | (nf) | defeat |
défection | /defɛksjɔ̃/ | (nf) | non-appearance |
défense | /defɑ̃s/ | (nf) | defence |
défenseur, -euse | /defɑ̃sœʀ, øz/ | (nm,f) | defender |
défensif, -ive | /defɑ̃sif, iv/ | (adj) | defensive |
défensivement | /defɑ̃sivmɑ̃/ | (adv) | defensively |
défi | /defi/ | (nm) | challenge |
définitif, -ive | /definitif, iv/ | (adj) | final |
dégagement | /deɡaʒmɑ̃/ | (nm) | clearance |
dégager | /deɡaʒe/ | (vt) | to clear |
dégâts | /deɡɑ/ | (nmpl) | damage |
dehors (en ~ de) | /dəɔʀ/ | (adv) | outside, apart from |
déjà | /deʒa/ | (adv) | already |
delà (au ~ de) | /dəla/ | (adv) | beyond |
délirant, e | /deliʀɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | frenzied, delerious |
demain | /dəmɛ̃/ | (adv) | tomorrow |
demander | /dəmɑ̃de/ | (vt) | to ask (for) |
démarqué, e | /demaʀke/ | (adj) | unmarked |
démarquer (se) | /demaʀke/ | (vpr) | to lose one's marker, to stand out from the crowd |
démarrer | /demaʀe/ | (vi) | to start / get moving |
démener (se) | /dem(ə)ne/ | (vpr) | to exert oneself, to struggle |
démentiel, démentielle | /demɑ̃sjɛl/ | (adj) | crazy |
demi | /d(ə)mi/ | (nm) | half-back |
demi-finale | /d(ə)mi-final/ | (nf) | semi-final |
demi-volée | /d(ə)mi-vɔle/ | (nf) | half-volley |
demi, e | /d(ə)mi/ | (adj) | half |
démission | /demisjɔ̃/ | (nf) | resignation |
dénicheur, -euse | /deniʃœʀ, øz/ | (nm,f) | discoverer |
départ | /depaʀ/ | (nm) | start |
dépassé, e | /depɑse/ | (adj) | overtaken, overwhelmed |
dépense | /depɑ̃s/ | (nf) | expense |
dépenser (se) | /depɑ̃se/ | (vpr) | to exert oneself |
dépité, e | /depite/ | (adj) | vexed |
déplacement | /deplasmɑ̃/ | (nm) | trip |
déplacer (se) | /deplase/ | (vpr) | to move, travel |
déposséder | /depɔsede/ | (vt) | to dispossess |
dépôt | /depo/ | (nm) | deposit |
depuis | /dəpɥi/ | (prep) | since |
dernier, -ière | /dɛʀnje, jɛʀ/ | (adj) | last |
déroulement | /deʀulmɑ̃/ | (vt) | course, development |
déroute | /deʀut/ | (nf) | rout |
derrière | /dɛʀjɛʀ/ | (prep) | behind |
des | /de/ | (det) | some |
dès | /dɛ/ | (prep) | from |
dès que | /dɛ kə/ | (prep) | as soon as |
désapprobation | /dezapʀɔbasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | dissent |
descente | /desɑ̃t/ | (nf) | an attack down the field, descent |
déséquilibrer | /dezekilibʀe/ | (vt) | to throw (an opponent) off balance, to topple? |
désigné, e | /deziɲe/ | (adj) | designated |
désormais | /dezɔʀmɛ/ | (adv) | from now on |
dessus | /d(ə)sy/ | (nm) | top |
détacher (se) | /detaʃe/ | (vpr) | to break away |
détendre (se ~) | /detɑ̃dʀ/ | (vpr) | to relax |
déterminé, e | /detɛʀmine/ | (adj) | determined |
détourner | /detuʀne/ | (vt) | to deflect |
détrempé, e | /detʀɑ̃pe/ | (adj) | waterlogged |
deux | /dø/ | (num) | two |
deuxième | /døzjɛm/ | (num) | second |
devancer | /d(ə)vɑ̃se/ | (vt) | to be / go ahead of |
devant | /d(ə)vɑ̃/ | (adv) | in front, ahead |
devant | /d(ə)vɑ̃/ | (prep) | in front of, ahead of |
devants | /d(ə)vɑ̃/ | (nmpl) | front |
devenir | /dəv(ə)niʀ/ | (vi) | to become |
déviation | /devjasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | deflection |
dévier | /devje/ | (vt) | to deviate, to deflect |
deviner | /d(ə)vine/ | (vt) | to guess |
devoir | /d(ə)vwaʀ/ | (vt) | to have to, to owe |
diable | /djɑbl/ | (nm) | devil |
diagonale | /djaɡɔnal/ | (nf) | diagonal (pass) |
difficile | /difisil/ | (adj) | difficult |
difficulté | /difikylte/ | (nf) | difficulty |
diffuser | /difyze/ | (vt) | to broadcast |
dimanche | /dimɑ̃ʃ/ | (nm) | Sunday |
diminuer | /diminɥe/ | (vi) | to diminish |
dingue | /dɛ̃ɡ/ | (adj) | crazy |
dire | /diʀ/ | (vt) | to say |
direct, e | /diʀɛkt/ | (adj) | direct, straight |
directement | /diʀɛktəmɑ̃/ | (adv) | directly, straight |
discuter | /diskyte/ | (vt) | to discuss |
disponible | /dispɔnibl/ | (adj) | available |
dispositif | /dispozitif/ | (nm) | plan, operation |
distraire | /distʀɛʀ/ | (vt) | to distract |
division | /divizjɔ̃/ | (nf) | division |
dix | /dis, di, diz/ | (num) | ten |
dix-huitième | /dizɥitjɛm/ | (num) | eighteenth |
dix-neuvième | /diznœvjɛm/ | (num) | nineteenth |
dix-septième | /dis(s)ɛtjɛm/ | (num) | seventeenth |
dixième | /dizjɛm/ | (num) | tenth |
domicile | /dɔmisil/ | (nm) | home |
dominer | /dɔmine/ | (vt) | to dominate / outclass |
donc | /dɔ̃k/ | (conj) | so, then, therefore |
donner | /dɔne/ | (vt) | to give, to produce |
dont | /dɔ̃/ | (pron) | including, whose, which |
dormir | /dɔʀmiʀ/ | (vi) | to sleep |
dos | /do/ | (nm) | back |
doser | /doze/ | (vt) | to measure out |
doublé | /duble/ | (nm) | double success |
doubler | /duble/ | (vt) | to double |
doucement | /dusmɑ̃/ | (adv) | gently, quietly, slowly |
doute | /dut/ | (nm) | doubt |
douzième | /duzjɛm/ | (num) | twelfth |
drapeau (pl -eaux) | /dʀapo/ | (nm) | a flag |
dribble | /dʀibl/ | (nm) | dribble |
dribbler | /dʀible/ | (vi,vt) | to dribble (past) |
droit | /dʀwa/ | (nm) | right (legal) |
droit, e | /dʀwa, dʀwat/ | (adj) | right |
droite | /dʀwat/ | (nf) | right (side) |
droitier, -ière | /dʀwatje, jɛʀ/ | (nm,f) | right-footed player |
drôle (de) | /dʀol/ | (adj) | strange, funny |
du | /dy/ | (det) | some |
duel | /dɥɛl/ | (nm) | duel, battle |
dur, e | /dyʀ/ | (adj) | hard |
durant | /dyʀɑ̃/ | (prep) | during, for |
durcir (se) | /dyʀsiʀ/ | (vpr) | to harden, to become more serious |
durée | /dyʀe/ | (nf) | duration |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
eau | /o/ | (nf) | water |
écart | /ekaʀ/ | (nm) | gap, difference |
échanger | /eʃɑ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to exchange |
échappée | /eʃape/ | (nf) | break, escape |
échapper | /eʃape/ | (vt) | to escape |
échauffement | /eʃofmɑ̃/ | (nm) | warm-up |
échec | /eʃɛk/ | (nm) | failure |
échouer (dans) | /eʃwe/ | (vi) | to fail, to end up (in) |
éclairage | /eklɛʀaʒ/ | (nm) | light, lighting |
éclairer | /ekleʀe/ | (vt) | to light (up), to throw light on |
éclat | /ekla/ | (nm) | brilliance |
éclatant, e | /eklatɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | brilliant |
école | /ekɔl/ | (nf) | school |
écoper | /ekɔpe/ | (vti) | to take (a punishment) |
écouter | /ekute/ | (vt, vi) | to listen (to) |
écrasant, e | /ekʀɑzɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | overwhelming, crushing |
écraser | /ekʀaze/ | (vt) | to crush, to flatten |
écrire | /ekʀiʀ/ | (vt) | to write |
écrouler (s') | /ekʀule/ | (vpr) | to collapse |
effacer | /efase/ | (vt) | to erase |
effectif | /efɛktif/ | (nm) | squad |
effectuer | /efɛktɥe/ | (vt) | to carry out, to make (a move) |
effet | /efɛ/ | (nm) | effect, spin |
effleuré | /eflœʀe/ | (adj) | grazed |
effleurer | /eflœʀe/ | (vt) | to touch lightly |
également | /eɡalmɑ̃/ | (adv) | also, equally |
égalisation | /eɡalizasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | equalisation |
égaliser | /eɡalize/ | (vi) | to equalize |
égalité | /eɡalite/ | (nf) | equality |
élan | /elɑ̃/ | (nm) | momentum, run-up |
élancer (s') | /elɑ̃se/ | (vpr) | to rush forward, to take a run-up |
élément | /elemɑ̃/ | (nm) | element, part |
élimination | /eliminasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | elimination |
éliminatoires | /eliminatwaʀ/ | (nfpl) | qualifying rounds |
elle | /ɛl/ | (pron) | she, her, it |
elles | /ɛl/ | (pron) | they (feminine plural) |
elles-mêmes | /ɛlmɛm/ | (pron) | themselves |
éloigner (s') | /elwaɲe/ | (vpr) | to move away (from) |
élongation | /elɔ̃ɡasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | a strained muscle |
élu, e | /ely/ | (adj) | elected |
emballant, e | /ɑ̃balɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | thrilling |
embuscade | /ɑ̃byskad/ | (nf) | ambush |
émission | /emisjɔ̃/ | (nf) | programme, broadcast |
emmêler (s') | /ɑ̃mele/ | (vpr) | to tangle |
emmener | /ɑ̃mne/ | (vt) | to take (away), to lead |
emparer (s') + de | /ɑ̃paʀe/ | (vpr) | to grab / seize |
empêcher | /ɑ̃peʃe/ | (vt) | to prevent |
emporter | /ɑ̃pɔʀte/ | (vt) | to carry off, win (a prize) |
en | /ɑ̃/ | (prep) | in, by |
en | /ɑ̃/ | (pron) | some / any (of it) |
encadrement | /ɑ̃kɑdʀəmɑ̃/ | (nm) | staff |
encaisser | /ɑ̃kese/ | (vt) | to take (punishment) |
enchaînement | /ɑ̃ʃɛnmɑ̃/ | (nm) | sequence |
enchaîner | /ɑ̃ʃene/ | (vt, vi) | to link up, to continue |
encore | /ɑ̃kɔʀ/ | (adv) | again, still |
endiguer | /ɑ̃diɡe/ | (vt) | to hold back |
endommagé, e | /ɑ̃dɔmaʒe/ | (adj) | damaged |
endroit | /ɑ̃dʀwa/ | (nm) | place |
enfin | /ɑ̃fɛ̃/ | (adv) | at last, finally |
enfoncer | /ɑ̃fɔ̃se/ | (vt) | to beat / hammer |
enfoncer (s') | /ɑ̃fɔ̃se/ | (vpr) | to plunge into |
engagé, e | /ɑ̃ɡaʒe/ | (adj) | committed |
engagement | /ɑ̃ɡaʒmɑ̃/ | (nm) | kick-off, commitment |
enjeu | /ɑ̃ʒø/ | (nm) | stake |
enlever | /ɑ̃l(ə)ve/ | (vt) | to remove |
ennuyeux, -euse | /ɑ̃nɥijø, øz/ | (adj) | boring |
enrhumer | /ɑ̃ʀyme/ | (vt) | to give a cold (to someone) |
ensemble | /ɑ̃sɑ̃bl/ | (adv) | together |
ensuite | /ɑ̃sɥit/ | (adv) | then, next |
entaché, e | /ɑ̃taʃe/ | (adj) | marred |
entame | /ɑ̃tam/ | (nf) | start (lit. first slice) |
entendre | /ɑ̃tɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to hear |
entier, -ière | /ɑ̃tje, ɑ̃tjɛʀ/ | (adj) | whole |
entorse | /ɑ̃tɔʀs/ | (nf) | sprain |
entouré, e | /ɑ̃tuʀe/ | (adj) | surrounded |
entraînement | /ɑ̃tʀɛnmɑ̃/ | (nm) | training |
entraîneur | /ɑ̃tʀɛnœʀ/ | (nm) | coach, trainer |
entre | /ɑ̃tʀ/ | (prep) | between |
entre-deux | /ɑ̃tʀ-dø/ | (nm) | dropped ball |
entre-saison | /ɑ̃tʀə-sɛzɔ̃/ | (nf) | close season, summer break |
entrée | /ɑ̃tʀe/ | (nf) | entry, entrance |
entrer | /ɑ̃tʀe/ | (vt) | to enter |
entretien | /ɑ̃tʀətjɛ̃/ | (nm) | 1. interview, 2. upkeep |
envergure | /ɑ̃vɛʀɡyʀ/ | (nf) | calibre, scale |
envie | /ɑ̃vi/ | (nf) | urge |
environ | /ɑ̃viʀɔ̃/ | (adv) | about |
envoi | /ɑ̃vwa/ | (nm) | sending |
envoler (s') | /ɑ̃vɔle/ | (vpr) | to soar, to take off |
envoyer | /ɑ̃vwaje/ | (vt) | to send |
éponge | /epɔ̃ʒ/ | (nf) | sponge |
épouvantable | /epuvɑ̃tabl/ | (adj) | appalling |
épreuve | /epʀœv/ | (nf) | event, test |
épuisé, e | /epɥize/ | (adj) | exhausted, sold out |
équipe | /ekip/ | (nf) | team |
escompté, e | /ɛskɔ̃te/ | (adj) | anticipated |
espace | /ɛspas/ | (nf) | space |
espérer | /ɛspeʀe/ | (vt) | to hope for |
espoir | /ɛspwaʀ/ | (nm) | hope, hopeful |
Espoirs | /ɛspwaʀ/ | (nmpl) | hopefuls |
esquiver | /ɛskive/ | (vt) | to dodge |
essai | /esɛ/ | (nm) | trial, test |
essayer | /eseje/ | (vti) | to try |
essouffler (se) | /esufle/ | (vpr) | to get out of breath, to run out of steam |
et | /e/ | (conj) | and, both |
étape | /etap/ | (nf) | step, stage |
état | /eta/ | (nm) | state, condition |
été | /ete/ | (nm) | summer |
étincelant, e | /etɛ̃s(ə)lɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | sparkling |
étirement | /etiʀmɑ̃/ | (nm) | stretching |
étoile | /etwal/ | (nf) | star |
être | /ɛtʀ/ | (v) | to be |
étrenner | /etʀene/ | (vt) | to use or wear for the first time |
étriller | /etʀije/ | (vt) | to defeat, to crush |
européen, -enne | /øʀɔpeɛ̃, ɛn/ | (adj) | european |
événement | /evɛnmɑ̃/ | (nm) | event |
évitable | /evitabl/ | (adj) | avoidable |
éviter | /evite/ | (vt) | to avoid |
excentré, e | /ɛksɑ̃tʀe/ | (adj) | off-centre |
exclure | /ɛksklyʀ/ | (vt) | to expel |
exclusion | /ɛksklyzjɔ̃/ | (nf) | a sending-off |
exécuter | /ɛɡzekyte/ | (vt) | to perform, to execute |
exécution | /ɛɡzekysjɔ̃/ | (nf) | carrying out |
expérimenté | /ɛkspeʀimɑ̃te/ | (adj) | experienced |
expulser | /ɛkspylse/ | (vt) | to send off |
extérieur, e | /ɛksteʀjœʀ/ | (adj) | away, outside |
extrémité | /ɛkstʀemite/ | (nf) | end |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
face | /fas/ | (nf) | face, side |
fâcher (se ~) | /fɑʃe/ | (vpr) | to get angry |
facile | /fasil/ | (adj) | easy |
facilement | /fasilmɑ̃/ | (adv) | easily |
façon | /fasɔ̃/ | (nf) | way |
faible | /fɛbl/ | (adj) | weak |
faiblesse | /fɛblɛs/ | (nf) | weakness |
faiblir | /febliʀ/ | (vi) | to weaken |
faire | /fɛʀ/ | (vt) | to do, to make |
faire (se) | /fɛʀ/ | (vpr) | to get, become |
falloir | /falwaʀ/ | (vimp) | to be needed |
fatigue | /fatiɡ/ | (nf) | fatigue |
fatigué, e | /fatiɡe/ | (adj) | tired |
faucher | /foʃe/ | (vt) | to mow / bring down |
faufiler (se ~ dans) | /fofile/ | (vpr) | to worm one's way into |
faute | /fot/ | (nf) | foul |
faveur | /favœʀ/ | (nf) | favour |
favori, -ite | /favɔʀi, it/ | (nm,f) | favorite |
fédération | /fedeʀasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | federation |
feinte | /fɛ̃t/ | (nf) | dummy, fake |
fer | /fɛʀ/ | (nm) | iron |
fermer | /fɛʀme/ | (vti) | to close |
fêter | /fete/ | (vt) | to celebrate |
feuille | /fœj/ | (nf) | sheet (of paper) |
février | /fevʀije/ | (nm) | February |
fiche | /fiʃ/ | (nf) | form |
fier, -ière | /fjɛʀ/ | (adj) | proud |
figure | /fiɡyʀ/ | (nf) | face |
filant, e | /filɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | flying, dashing |
filer | /file/ | (vi) | to fly, to dash |
filet | /filɛ/ | (nm) | net |
fin | /fɛ̃/ | (nf) | end |
finale | /final/ | (nf) | final (match) |
finalement | /finalmɑ̃/ | (adv) | finally |
fini, e | /fini/ | (adj) | finished, over |
finir | /finiʀ/ | (vti) | to finish |
finisseur, -euse | /finisœʀ, -øz/ | (nmf) | finisher |
finition | /finisjɔ̃/ | (nf) | finishing |
flanc | /flɑ̃/ | (nm) | flank |
flottement | /flɔtmɑ̃/ | (nm) | hesitation |
fois | /fwa/ | (nf) | time (occasion) |
foncé, e | /fɔ̃se/ | (adj) | dark (coloured) |
fond | /fɔ̃/ | (nm) | back, depth |
foot | /fut/ | (nm) | football |
forces | /fɔʀs/ | (nfpl) | forces, troops |
forfait | /fɔʀfɛ/ | (nm) | withdrawal |
formation | /fɔʀmasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | training |
forme | /fɔʀm/ | (nf) | form, fitness |
formidable | /fɔʀmidabl/ | (adj) | great, incredible |
fort, e | /fɔʀ, fɔʀt/ | (adj) | strong |
fossé | /fose/ | (nf) | gap, ditch |
fou, fol, folle | /fu, fɔl/ | (adj) | mad, crazy |
foule | /ful/ | (nf) | crowd |
foulure | /fulyʀ/ | (nf) | sprain |
fracturé, e | /fʀaktyʀe/ | (adj) | fractured |
franc, franche | /fʀɑ̃, fʀɑ̃ʃ/ | (adj) | free |
français, e | /fʀɑ̃sɛ, ɛz/ | (adj) | French |
France | /fʀɑ̃s/ | (nf) | France |
franchir | /fʀɑ̃ʃiʀ/ | (vt) | get over, cross |
frappe | /fʀap/ | (nf) | shot |
frapper | /fʀape/ | (vt) | to strike |
frayeur | /fʀɛjœʀ/ | (nf) | fright, scare |
freiner | /fʀene/ | (vt) | to slow down |
friser | /fʀize/ | (vt) | to be within a hair's breadth of, to verge on |
froid, e | /fʀwa, -d/ | (adj) | cold |
frôler | /fʀole/ | (vt) | to brush against, to come close to |
fusée | /fyze/ | (nf) | (space) rocket |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
gabarit | /ɡabaʀi/ | (nm) | build (of a player) |
gâché, e | /ɡɑʃe/ | (adj) | wasted |
gag | /ɡaɡ/ | (nm) | joke |
gagnant, e | /ɡaɲɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | winning |
gagner | /ɡaɲe/ | (vt) | to gain, win |
gant | /ɡɑ̃/ | (nm) | glove |
garde | /ɡaʀd/ | (nm) | guard |
garder | /ɡaʀde/ | (vt) | to keep |
gardien, -ienne | /ɡaʀdjɛ̃, jɛn/ | (nm,f) | keeper |
gars | /ɡɑ/ | (nm) | lad, bloke |
gaspiller | /ɡaspije/ | (vt) | to waste |
gauche | /ɡoʃ/ | (adj) | left |
gaucher, -ère | /ɡoʃe, ɛʀ/ | (adj) | left-handed / footed |
gaucher,-ère | /ɡoʃe, ɛʀ/ | (nm,f) | left-handed / footed |
gazon | /ɡɑzɔ̃/ | (nm) | grass |
gêner | /ʒene/ | (vt) | to hinder, to hamper |
général, e (mpl -aux) | /ʒeneʀal, o/ | (adj) | general |
génial, e | /ʒenjal/ | (adj) | brilliant, fantastic |
genou | /ʒ(ə)nu/ | (nm) | knee |
gens | /ʒɑ̃/ | (nmpl) | people |
gentil, -le | /ʒɑ̃ti, -j/ | (adj) | nice, kind |
gérer | /ʒeʀe/ | (vt) | to manage, to handle |
geste | /ʒɛst/ | (nm) | gesture, action, (move) |
glace | /ɡlas/ | (nf) | ice, glass |
glissant, e | /ɡlisɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | slippery |
glissé, e | /ɡlise/ | (adj) | sliding |
glisser | /ɡlise/ | (vt) | to slip, to slide |
gotha | /ɡɔta/ | (nm) | a “who's who” |
grâce | /ɡʀɑs/ | (nf) | grace |
gradins | /ɡʀadɛ̃/ | (nmpl) | terraces |
grand-chose | /ɡʀɑ̃ʃoz/ | (nm) | big deal |
grand, e | /ɡʀɑ̃, ɡʀɑ̃d/ | (adj) | big, main |
gratuit, e | /ɡʀatɥi, -t/ | (adj) | free |
grenat | /ɡʀəna/ | (adj) | dark red |
gris, e | /ɡʀi, -z/ | (adj) | grey |
gros, grosse | /ɡʀo, ɡʀos/ | (adj) | big, large |
groupe | /ɡʀup/ | (nm) | group, team |
guère (ne ~) | /ɡɛʀ/ | (adv) | hardly |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
habileté | /abilte/ | (nf) | skill |
habiter | /abite/ | (vti) | to live (in) |
habitué, e | /abitɥe/ | (adj) | used to |
habituel, habituelle | /abitɥɛl/ | (adj) | usual |
haché, e | / 'aʃe/ | (adj) | jerky |
hausser | /'ose/ | (vt) | raise |
haut, e | / 'o, 'ot/ | (adj) | high |
hauteur | /'ɔtœʀ/ | (nf) | height, level |
hériter | /eʀite/ | (vt) | to inherit |
heure | /œʀ/ | (nf) | time, hour |
heureusement | /œʀøzmɑ̃/ | (adv) | fortunately |
heurter (à) | /'œʀte/ | (vt) | to hit, to bump into |
hexagonal, e (mpl -aux) | /ɛɡzaɡɔnal/ | (adj) | national (French) |
hier | /jɛʀ/ | (adv) | yesterday |
histoire | /istwaʀ/ | (nf) | story, fuss |
hiver | /ivɛʀ/ | (nm) | winter |
hivernal, e (mpl -aux) | /ivɛʀnal, o/ | (adj) | winter, wintry |
homme | /ɔm/ | (nm) | man |
homologue | /ɔmɔlɔɡ/ | (nm) | counterpart |
homologuer | /ɔmɔlɔɡe/ | (vt) | to approve, to ratify |
honneur | /ɔnœʀ/ | (nm) | honour |
horloge | /ɔʀlɔʒ/ | (nm) | clock |
hors | /'ɔʀ/ | (prep) | outside, out of |
hors-jeu | /'ɔʀʒø/ | (nm, inv) | offside, out of play |
huis-clos (à) | /ɥi-klo/ | (nm) | in camera |
huit | /'ɥi(t)/ | (num) | eight |
huitième | /'ɥitjɛm/ | (num) | eighth |
humeur | /ymœʀ/ | (nf) | mood, temper |
huppé, e | / 'ype/ | (adj) | posh |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
ici | /isi/ | (adv) | here, now |
il | /il/ | (pron) | he, it |
illégal, e (mpl -aux) | /i(l)leɡal/ | (adj) | illegal |
illustrer (se) | /i(l)lysʀe/ | (vpr) | to become famous |
ils | /il/ | (pron) | they (masc plural) |
imbattable | /ɛ̃batabl/ | (adj) | unbeatable |
immédiat, e | /imedja, jat/ | (adj) | immediate |
impliqué, e | /ɛ̃plike/ | (adj) | involved |
importuner | /ɛ̃pɔʀtyne/ | (vi) | to distract |
imposer (s') | /ɛ̃poze/ | (vpr) | to assert oneself |
impressionnant, e | /ɛ̃pʀesjɔnɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | impressive |
imprévisible | /ɛ̃pʀevizibl/ | (adj) | unpredictable |
impulsion | /ɛ̃pylsjɔ̃/ | (nf) | impulse, impetus |
inattendu, e | /inatɑ̃dy/ | (adj) | unexpected |
incertain, e | /ɛ̃sɛʀtɛ̃, ɛn/ | (adj) | uncertain |
incidence | /ɛ̃sidɑ̃s/ | (nf) | effect |
incliner (s') | /ɛ̃kline/ | (vpr) | to bow down, to lose |
incontournable | /ɛ̃kɔ̃tuʀnabl/ | (adj) | essential, major, key |
incorrection | /ɛ̃kɔʀɛksjɔ̃/ | (nf) | improper behaviour |
indemnité | /ɛ̃dɛmnite/ | (nf) | compensation |
indiscutable | /ɛ̃diskytabl/ | (adj) | unquestionable |
individuel, individuelle | /ɛ̃dividɥɛl/ | (adj) | individual, personal |
infraction | /ɛ̃fʀaksjɔ̃/ | (nf) | offence, breach |
inquiéter | /ɛ̃kjete/ | (vt) | to worry |
inscrire | /ɛ̃skʀiʀ/ | (vt) | to note down, to score |
insigne | /ɛ̃siɲ/ | (nm) | badge, insignia |
instance | /ɛ̃stɑ̃s/ | (nf) | authority |
instant | /ɛ̃stɑ̃/ | (nm) | moment, instant |
insuffisant, e | /ɛ̃syfizɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | inadequate |
intensifier | /ɛ̃tɑ̃sifje/ | (vt) | to intensify |
inter | /ɛ̃tɛʀ/ | (nm) | inside forward |
intéressant, e | /ɛ̃teʀesɑ̃, -t/ | (adj) | interesting |
intérieur, e | /ɛ̃teʀjœʀ/ | (adj) | inside |
international, e, (mpl. ~aux) | /ɛ̃tɛʀnasjɔnal, -o/ | (adj) | international |
interrompre | /ɛ̃teʀɔ̃pʀ/ | (vt) | to interrupt |
inutile | /inytil/ | (adj) | useless, unnecessary |
invaincu, e | /ɛ̃vɛ̃ky/ | (adj) | undefeated |
inverser | /ɛ̃vɛʀse/ | (vt) | to reverse |
invraisemblable | /ɛ̃vʀɛsɑ̃blabl/ | (adj) | incredible, unlikely |
issue | /isy/ | (nf) | exit, outcome |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
jaillir | /ʒajiʀ/ | (vi) | to spring out |
jamais | /ʒamɛ/ | (adv) | ever |
jambe | /ʒɑ̃b/ | (nf) | leg |
janvier | /ʒɑ̃vje/ | (nm) | January |
jaune | /ʒon/ | (adj) | yellow |
je, j' | /ʒə, ʒ/ | (pron) | I |
jeter | /ʒ(ə)te/ | (vt) | to throw (in) |
jeter (se) | /ʒ(ə)te/ | (vpr) | to throw oneself |
jeu | /ʒø/ | (nm) | game, play |
jeudi | /ʒødi/ | (nm) | Thursday |
jeune | /ʒœn/ | (adj) | young |
joindre | /ʒwɛ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to join |
jouable | /ʒwabl/ | (adj) | feasible, playable |
jouer (à) | /ʒwe/ | (vi, vt) | to play (sport) |
joueur, joueuse | /ʒwœʀ, ʒwøz/ | (adj) | adventurous |
joueur, joueuse | /ʒwœʀ, ʒwøz/ | (nm,f) | player |
jour | /ʒuʀ/ | (nm) | day |
journal (pl. -aux) | /ʒuʀnal, ʒuʀno/ | (nm) | newspaper (s), radio news |
journée | /ʒuʀne/ | (nf) | day |
juge | /ʒyʒ/ | (nm) | judge |
juger | /ʒyʒe/ | (vt) | to judge |
juillet | /ʒɥijɛ/ | (nm) | July |
juin | /ʒɥɛ̃/ | (nm) | June |
jusqu'à | /ʒysk(ə)a/ | (prep) | as far as, until |
juste | /ʒyst/ | (adj) | right, close, tight |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
kiné | /kine/ | (nmf) | physio (person) |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
la | /la/ | (det) | the |
la | /la/ | (pron) | her, it |
là | /la/ | (adv) | there |
là-bas | /labɑ/ | (adv) | there, over there |
là-dedans | /lad(ə)dɑ̃/ | (adv) | in here, in there |
là-dessus | /lad(ə)sy/ | (adv) | on here, on there |
lâche | /lɑʃ/ | (adj) | slack, cowardly |
lâcher | /lɑʃe/ | (vt) | to let go of, release |
lacune | /lakyn/ | (nf) | gap, shortcoming |
laisser | /lese/ | (vt) | to leave |
langue | /lɑ̃ɡ/ | (nf) | tongue, language |
laquelle | /lakɛl | (pron) | which, who |
largement | /laʀʒəmɑ̃/ | (adv) | widely, easily |
largeur | /laʀʒœʀ/ | (nf) | width |
latéral, e (mpl: -aux) | /lateʀal, o/ | (adj) | lateral |
laver (se ~) | /lave/ | (vpr) | to wash |
laxiste | /laksist/ | (adj) | lax |
le | /lə/ | (det) | the |
le | /lə/ | (pron) | him, it |
légèrement | /leʒɛʀmɑ̃/ | (adv) | lightly, slightly |
lendemain | /lɑ̃dmɛ̃/ | (nm) | the next day |
lent, e | /lɑ̃, lɑ̃t/ | (adj) | slow |
lentement | /lɑ̃tmɑ̃/ | (adv) | slowly |
lequel | /ləkɛl/ | (pron) | which, who |
les | /le/ | (det) | the (plural) |
les | /le/ | (pron) | them |
lesquels, lesquelles | /lekɛl/ | (pron) | which, who |
leur | /lœʀ/ | (det) | their |
leur | /lœʀ/ | (pron) | them |
lever | /l(ə)ve/ | (vt) | to lift, raise |
lever (se) | /l(ə)ve/ | (vpr) | to get / stand up |
libéro | /libeʀo/ | (nm) | sweeper |
libre | /libʀ/ | (adj) | free |
lice | /lis/ | (nf) | contention |
lieu | /ljø/ | (nm) | place |
ligne | /liɲ/ | (nf) | line |
ligue | /liɡ/ | (nf) | league |
liste | /list/ | (nf) | list |
livre | /livʀ/ | (nm) | book |
livrer (se) | /livʀe/ | (vpr) | to carry out, do |
lob | /lɔb/ | (nm) | chip, lob |
lober | /lɔbe/ | (vi,vt) | to lob (over), to chip |
local, e (mpl -aux) | /lɔkal, lɔko/ | (adj) | local |
loger (se) | /lɔʒe/ | (vpr) | to lodge itself (in) |
loi | /lwa/ | (nf) | law |
loin | /lwɛ̃/ | (adv) | far (away) |
lointain, e | /lwɛ̃tɛ̃, -ɛn/ | (adj) | distant |
loisir | /lwaziʀ/ | (nm) | leisure |
long, longue | /lɔ̃, lɔ̃ɡ/ | (adj) | long |
longtemps | /lɔ̃tɑ̃/ | (adv) | a long time |
longueur | /lɔ̃ɡœʀ/ | (nf) | length |
lors de | /lɔʀdə/ | (adv) | at the time of, during |
lorsque | /lɔʀsk(ə)/ | (conj) | when |
louange | /lwɑ̃ʒ/ | (nf) | praise |
louer | /lwe/ | (vt) | to hire, to rent |
louper | /lupe/ | (vt) | to miss, to bungle |
lourd, e | /luʀ, luʀd/ | (adj) | heavy, serious |
loyal, e (mpl -aux) | /lwajal, o/ | (adj) | loyal, fair |
lucarne | /lykaʀn/ | (nf) | top corner (lit. skylight) |
lui | /lɥi/ | (pron) | he, him, she, her |
lui-même | /lɥimɛm/ | (pron) | himself |
lundi | /lœ̃di/ | (nm) | Monday |
lunettes | /lynɛt/ | (nfpl) | glasses |
lutte | /lyt/ | (nf) | fight, struggle |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
ma | /ma/ | (det) | my (f) |
madame | /madam/ | (nf) | madam, Ms, Mrs. |
mademoiselle | /madmwazɛl/ | (nf) | miss, Ms, Miss |
magistral, e (mpl -aux) | /maʒistʀal/ | (adj) | brilliant, magnificent |
mai | /mɛ/ | (nm) | May |
maillot | /majo/ | (nm) | shirt, jersey |
main | /mɛ̃/ | (nf) | hand, handball |
mainmise | /mɛ̃miz/ | (nf) | grip, stranglehold |
maintenant | /mɛ̃t(ə)nɑ̃/ | (adv) | now |
maintien | /mɛ̃tjɛ̃/ | (nm) | staying up (lit. mainetnance) |
mais | /mɛ/ | (conj) | but |
maîtrise | /metʀiz/ | (nf) | mastery, control |
maîtriser | /metʀize/ | (vt) | to control |
mal | /mal/ | (adj) | bad, wrong |
mal | /mal/ | (adv) | badly, wrongly |
mal (pl maux) | /mal/ | (nm) | pain, trouble |
malgré | /malɡʀe/ | (prep) | despite |
malheureusement | /malœʀøzmɑ̃/ | (adv) | unfortunately |
manches | /mɑ̃ʃ/ | (nfpl) | sleeves |
manger | /mɑ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to eat |
manier | /manje/ | (vt) | to handle |
manque | /mɑ̃k/ | (nm) | lack |
manquer | /mɑ̃ke/ | (vt) | to miss, to lack |
marcher | /maʀʃe/ | (vi) | to walk, to work |
mardi | /maʀdi/ | (nm) | Tuesday |
mare | /maʀ/ | (nf) | pond, pool |
marine | /maʀin/ | (adj) | navy (blue) |
marquage | /maʀkaʒ/ | (nm) | marking |
marque | /maʀk/ | (nf) | mark, score, bearings |
marquer | /maʀke/ | (vi, vt) | to score (a goal), to mark (a player) |
marron | /maʀɔ̃/ | (adj) | brown |
mars | #N/A | (nm) | March |
match | /matʃ/ | (nm) | match |
matin | /matɛ̃/ | (nm) | morning |
matinée | /matine/ | (nf) | morning |
mauvais, e | /mɔvɛ, ɛz/ | (adj) | bad, wrong |
me, m' | /mə, m/ | (pron) | me, to me, myself |
méchant, e | /meʃɑ̃, -t/ | (adj) | nasty |
mécontent, e | /mekɔ̃tɑ̃, -t/ | (adj) | dissatisfied |
médiane | /medjan/ | (nf) | median |
médiatique | /medjatik/ | (adj) | media |
méfier (se) | /mefje/ | (vpr) | to be wary, careful |
méforme | /mefɔʀm/ | (nf) | lack of fitness |
meilleur (le ~, la ~e) | /mɛjœʀ/ | (nm, nf) | the best one |
meilleur, e | /mɛjœʀ/ | (adj) | better, best |
mélanger | /melɑ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to mix |
même | /mɛm/ | (adj) | same |
même | /mɛm/ | (adv) | even |
même (le / la ~) | /mɛm/ | (pron) | the same one |
menaçant, e | /mənasɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | threatening |
ménagé, e | /menaʒe/ | (adj) | saved, spared |
mener | /m(ə)ne/ | (vt) | to lead |
meneur, -euse | /mənœʀ, øz/ | (nm,f) | leader |
menteur, -euse | /mɑ̃tœʀ, -øz/ | (nm, nf) | liar |
mercato | /mɛʀ'katɔ/ | (nm) | market |
merci | /mɛʀsi/ | (nm) | thank you |
mercredi | /mɛʀkʀədi/ | (nm) | Wednesday |
mériter | /meʀite/ | (vt) | to deserve |
mes | /me/ | (det) | my (pl) |
mesdames | /medam/ | (nfpl) | plural of madam, Ms, Mrs. |
mesdemoiselles | /medmwazɛl/ | (nfpl) | plural of miss, Ms, Miss |
mésentente | /mezɑ̃tɑ̃t/ | (nf) | misunderstanding, disagreement |
messieurs | /mesjø/ | (nmpl) | plural of man, sir, Mr. |
mesure | /m(ə)zyʀ/ | (nf) | measure |
mètre | /mɛtʀ/ | (nm) | metre |
mettre | /mɛtʀ/ | (vt) | to put / take |
mettre (se) | /mɛtʀ/ | (vpr) | to go, to put oneself somewhere |
meubles | /mœbl/ | (nmpl) | furniture |
mi-temps | /mitɑ̃/ | (nf) | half-time |
midi | /midi/ | (nm) | mid-day, noon |
mien (le ~, la ~ne, les ~(ne)s) | /mjɛ̃, mjɛn/ | (pron) | mine |
mieux (que) | /mjø kə/ | (adj) | better (than) |
milieu | /miljø/ | (nm) | middle, midfielder |
mille | /mil/ | (num) | thousand |
milliard | /miljaʀ/ | (nm) | billion (109) |
millimétré, e | /milimetʀe/ | (adj) | right on target |
million | /miljɔ̃/ | (nm) | million |
mince | /mɛ̃s/ | (adj) | slim |
mine (faire ~ de) | /min/ | (nf) | to pretend to |
miner | /mine/ | (vt) | to undermine, to drain |
minute | /minyt/ | (nf) | minute |
miraculeux, -euse | /miʀakylø, øz/ | (adj) | miraculous |
mise | /miz/ | (nf) | stake |
mixte | /mikst/ | (adj) | combined |
moche | /mɔʃ/ | (adj) | ugly, lousy |
moi | /mwa/ | (pron) | me, to me |
moindre | /mwɛ̃dʀ/ | (adj) | less, lower |
moins (en ~) | /mwɛ̃/ | (adv) | less, least |
mois | /mwa/ | (nm) | month |
moitié | /mwatje/ | (nf) | half |
mollet | /mɔlɛ/ | (nm) | calf |
moment | /mɔmɑ̃/ | (nm) | moment |
mon | /mɔ̃/ | (det) | my (m) |
mon, ma, mes | /mɔ̃, ma, mes/ | (adj) | my |
monde, (du ~) | /mɔ̃d/ | (nm) | world, people |
monsieur | /məsjø/ | (nm) | man, sir, Mr. |
montant | /mɔ̃tɑ̃/ | (nm) | 1. post, 2. sum total |
montée | /mɔ̃te/ | (nf) | rise, ascent, promotion |
monter | /mɔ̃te/ | (vi, vt) | to go up, to rise |
montre | /mɔ̃tʀ/ | (nf) | watch |
montrer | /mɔ̃tʀe/ | (vt) | to show |
montrer (se) | /mɔ̃tʀe/ | (vpr) | to appear |
morceau (pl -eaux) | /mɔʀso/ | (nm) | piece |
mot | /mo/ | (nm) | word |
mou, mol, molle | /mu, mɔl/ | (adj) | soft, limp |
mouillé, e | /muje/ | (adj) | wet |
moulé, e | /mule/ | (adj) | moulded |
mouvement | /muvmɑ̃/ | (nm) | move |
mouvementé, e | /muvmɑ̃te/ | (adj) | eventful, hectic |
moyen, moyenne | /mwajɛ̃, jɛn/ | (adj) | average, mediocre |
mur | /myʀ/ | (nm) | wall |
muraille | /myʀɑj/ | (nf) | great wall, fortification |
muscler | /myskle/ | (vt) | to strengthen |
musculaire | /myskylɛʀ/ | (adj) | muscular |
mystère | /mistɛʀ/ | (nm) | mystery |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
naturellement | /natyʀɛlmɑ̃/ | (adv) | naturally |
naufrage | /nofʀaʒ/ | (nm) | (ship)wreck, collapse |
né, e | /ne/ | (adj) | born |
ne... jamais | /nə ʒamɛ/ | (adv) | never |
ne... pas | /nə pɑ/ | (adv) | not |
ne... personne | /nə pɛʀsɔn/ | (adv) | nobody |
ne... plus | /nə ply, -s, -z/ | (adv) | no longer |
ne... que | /nə k, -ə/ | (adv) | only |
ne... rien | /nə ʀjɛ̃/ | (adv) | nothing |
néanmoins | /neɑ̃mwɛ̃/ | (adv) | nevertheless |
nettoyer | /nɛtwaje/ | (vt) | to clean |
neuf | /nœf, nœv/ | (num) | nine |
neuf, neuve | /nœf, nœv/ | (adj) | new |
neuvième | /nœvjɛm/ | (num) | ninth |
nez | /ne/ | (nm) | nose |
ni | /ni/ | (conj) | neither, nor |
niveau (pl -eaux) | /nivo/ | (nm) | level, standard |
noir, e | /nwaʀ/ | (adj) | black |
nom | /nɔ̃/ | (nm) | name |
nombre | /nɔ̃bʀ/ | (nm) | number |
nombreux -euse | /nɔ̃bʀø, øz/ | (adj) | many, numerous |
non | /nɔ̃/ | (adv) | no, not |
nos | /no/ | (det) | our (plural) |
note | /nɔt/ | (nf) | note, mark |
noter | /nɔte/ | (vt) | to notice |
notre | /nɔtʀ/ | (det) | our |
nous | /nu/ | (pron) | we, us |
nouveau, nouvel, nouvelle | /nuvo, nuvɛl, nuvɛl/ | (adj) | new |
novembre | /nɔvɑ̃bʀ/ | (nm) | November |
nuit | /nɥi/ | (nf) | night |
nul, nulle | /nyl/ | (adj) | nil, null |
numéro | /nymeʀo/ | (nm) | number (numeric identifier) |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
obliger | /ɔbliʒe/ | (vt) | to require, to oblige |
obtenir | /ɔptəniʀ/ | (vt) | to obtain |
occasion | /ɔkazjɔ̃/ | (nf) | opportunity, chance |
octobre | /ɔktɔbʀ/ | (nm) | October |
oeuf | /œf/ | (nm) | egg |
offensif, -ive | /ɔfɑ̃sif, iv/ | (adj) | attacking |
on | /ɔ̃/ | (pron) | one, we, they, you |
onze | /'ɔ̃z/ | (num) | eleven |
onzième | /ɔ̃zjɛm/ | (num) | eleventh |
opportuniste | /ɔpɔʀtynist/ | (adj) | opportunist |
or | /ɔʀ/ | (conj) | now, well, and yet |
or | /ɔʀ/ | (nm) | gold |
orange | /ɔʀɑ̃ʒ/ | (adj) | orange |
ordre | /ɔʀdʀ/ | (nm) | order |
orteil | /ɔʀtɛj/ | (nm) | toe |
os (pl. os) | /ɔs, o/ | (nm) | bone |
osé, e | /oze/ | (adj) | daring |
ou | /u/ | (conj) | or |
où | /u/ | (adv) | where |
où | /u/ | (adv) | where |
où | /u/ | (pron) | where, when |
ouais | /'wɛ/ | (excl) | yeah, oh yeah? |
oublier | /ublije/ | (vt) | to forget |
ouf | / 'uf/ | (excl) | phew |
oui | /wi/ | (adv) | yes |
ouvert, e | /uvɛʀ, -ɛʀt/ | (adj) | open |
ouverture | /uvɛʀtyʀ/ | (nf) | opening |
ouvrir | /uvʀiʀ/ | (vt) | to open |
oxygène | /ɔksiʒɛn/ | (nm) | oxygen |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
pain | /pɛ̃/ | (nm) | bread |
pallier | /palje/ | (vt) | to compensate for |
palmarès | /palmaʀɛs/ | (nm) | honours, list of winners |
panneau (pl -eaux) | /pano/ | (nm) | panel |
papier | /papje/ | (nm) | paper |
par | /paʀ/ | (prep) | by |
parade | /paʀad/ | (nf) | parry |
paraître | /paʀɛtʀ/ | (vi) | to appear, to seem |
parce que | /paʀsk(ə) | (conj) | because |
parcours | /paʀkuʀ/ | (nm) | journey, route |
pareil, -le | /paʀɛj/ | (adj) | similar |
paresseux, -euse | /paʀesø, -z/ | (adj) | lazy |
parfaitement | /paʀfɛtmɑ̃/ | (adv) | perfectly |
parfois | /paʀfwa/ | (adv) | sometimes |
pari | /paʀi/ | (nm) | bet, gamble |
parler | /paʀle/ | (vi) | to speak |
parmi | /paʀmi/ | (prep) | among |
parole | /paʀɔl/ | (nf) | word, speech |
part | /paʀ/ | (nf) | part, share |
part (à ~) | /paʀ/ | (nf) | apart from |
partager | /paʀtaʒe/ | (vt) | to share |
partenaire | /paʀtənɛʀ/ | (nmf) | partner |
parti, e | /paʀti/ | (adj) | gone, started |
partie | /paʀti/ | (nf) | part, game |
partir | /paʀtiʀ/ | (vi) | to go, to leave |
partir (à ~ de) | /paʀtiʀ/ | (prep) | from |
partout | /paʀtu/ | (adv) | everywhere, all |
parvenir (à) | /paʀvəniʀ/ | (vti) | to reach, to manage (with faire) |
pas | /pɑ/ | (adv) | not |
passe | /pɑs/ | (nf) | a pass |
passement | /pɑsmɑ̃/ | (nm) | passing |
passer | /pɑse/ | (vt) | to pass, to go (+ many other meanings) |
passeur, -euse | /pɑsœʀ, øz/ | (nm,f) | passer |
passible | /pasibl/ | (adj) | punishable |
pause | /poz/ | (nf) | break, pause |
pauvre | /povʀ/ | (adj) | poor |
pavé | /pave/ | (nm) | cobblestone |
payant, e | /pɛjɑ̃, -t/ | (adj) | paying, to be paid for |
paysage | /peizaʒ/ | (nm) | landscape, scene |
péage | /peaʒ/ | (nm) | toll |
peaufiner | /pofine/ | (vt) | to put the finishing touches to (work) |
pécher | /peʃe/ | (vi) | to sin, to err |
peine | /pɛn/ | (nf) | trouble |
peiner | /pene/ | (vi) | to struggle |
pelouse | /p(ə)luz/ | (nf) | football field, turf |
penalty | /penalti/ | (nm) | penalty (kick) |
pencher | /pɑ̃ʃe/ | (vt, vi) | to lean, to favour |
pendant | /pɑ̃dɑ̃/ | (prep) | during |
penser | /pɑ̃se/ | (vti) | to think |
pente | /pɑ̃t/ | (nf) | slope |
pépinière | /pepinjɛʀ/ | (nf) | tree nursery |
percée | /pɛʀse/ | (nf) | breakthrough |
percer | /pɛʀse/ | (vt) | to pierce, to break through |
perclus, e | /pɛʀkly, yz/ | (adj) | crippled |
perdre | /pɛʀdʀ(ə)/ | (vt) | to lose |
période | /peʀjɔd/ | (nf) | half (of match) |
personne | /pɛʀsɔn/ | (pron) | anyone, no one (with ne) |
perte | /pɛʀt/ | (nf) | loss |
peser | /pəse/ | (vti) | to weigh |
petit pont | /p(ə)ti pɔ̃/ | (nm) | nutmeg |
petit, e | /p(ə)ti, it/ | (adj) | small, little |
peu | /pø/ | (adv) | little, few |
peur | /pœʀ/ | (nf) | fear |
peut-être | /pøtɛtʀ/ | (adv) | perhaps |
phare | /faʀ/ | (adj) | leading, main |
phase | /fɑz/ | (nf) | phase |
phoque | /fɔk/ | (nm) | seal |
physique | /fizik/ | (adj) | physical |
pichenette | /piʃnɛt/ | (nf) | flick |
pièce | /pjɛs/ | (nf) | piece, coin, document |
pied | /pje/ | (nm) | foot |
piège | /pjɛʒ/ | (nm) | trap |
pierre | /pjɛʀ/ | (nf) | stone |
piétiner | /pjetine/ | (vi) | to make no progress |
piètre | /pjɛtʀ/ | (adj) | very poor, sorry |
pile | /pil/ | (nf) | tails (of coin) |
pinceaux | /pɛ̃so/ | (nmpl) | paint brush |
piscine | /pisin/ | (nf) | swimming pool |
place | /plas/ | (nf) | place, seat |
plaie | /plɛ/ | (nf) | a wound |
plaindre (se ~ de) | /plɛ̃dʀ/ | (vpr) | to complain about |
planche | /plɑ̃ʃ/ | (nf) | plank |
planer (sur) | /plane/ | (vi) | to hang over |
planter (se) | /plɑ̃te/ | (vpr) | to mess up |
plat, e | /pla, plat/ | (adj) | flat |
plein, e | /plɛ̃, plɛn/ | (adj) | full, complete |
pleurer | /plœʀe/ | (vti) | to weep, to mourn |
plongeant, e | /plɔ̃ʒɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | plunging |
plongeon | /plɔ̃ʒɔ̃/ | (nm) | dive |
pluie | /plɥi/ | (nf) | rain |
plus | /ply/ | (adv) | more |
plusieurs | /plyzjœʀ/ | (adj) | several |
plutôt | /plyto/ | (adv) | rather |
poche | /pɔʃ/ | (nf) | |
podium | /pɔdjɔm/ | (nm) | podium |
poids | /pwa/ | (nm) | weight |
poignet | /pwaɲɛ/ | (nm) | wrist |
poing | /pwɛ̃/ | (nm) | fist |
point | /pwɛ̃/ | (nm) | point, spot |
pointe | /pwɛ̃t/ | (nf) | peak |
pointer | /pwɛ̃te/ | (vt) | to point |
poitrine | /pwatʀin/ | (nf) | chest |
pont | /pɔ̃/ | (nm) | bridge |
portant, e | /pɔʀtɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | supporting |
porte | /pɔʀt/ | (nf) | door |
porte-bonheur | /pɔʀt(ə)bɔnœʀ/ | (nm) | lucky charm |
portefeuille | /pɔʀtəfœj/ | (nm) | wallet |
portier, -ière | /pɔʀtje, -ɛʀ/ | (nm,f) | doorman (goalkeeper) |
position | /pozisjɔ̃/ | (nf) | position |
possession | /pɔsesjɔ̃/ | (nf) | possession |
poste | /pɔst/ | (nm) | playing position |
poteau (pl -eaux) | /pɔto/ | (nm) | post |
poule | /pul/ | (nf) | pool, group |
pour | /puʀ/ | (prep) | for |
pourquoi | /puʀkwa/ | (adv) | why |
poursuivre (se) | /puʀsɥivʀ/ | (vpr) | to continue |
pourtant | /puʀtɑ̃/ | (adv) | yet |
pousser | /puse/ | (vt) | to push |
poussif, -ive | /pusif, iv/ | (adj) | wheezy, laboured |
pouvoir | /puvwaʀ | (vaux) | to be able to |
précédent, e | /pʀesedɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | previous |
predilection | /pʀedilɛksjɔ̃/ | (nf) | preference |
préliminaire | /pʀeliminɛʀ/ | (adj) | preliminary |
premier, -ière | /pʀəmje, jɛʀ/ | (adj) | first |
prendre | /pʀɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to take, to get |
preneur,-euse | /pʀənœʀ, øz/ | (nm,f) | buyer, taker |
prénom | /pʀenɔ̃/ | (nm) | first name |
préparation | /pʀepaʀasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | training, preparation |
près (de) | /pʀɛ/ | (adv) | near, close (to) |
président | /pʀezidɑ̃/ | (nm) | chairman |
presque | /pʀɛsk(ə)/ | (adv) | almost |
pressé, e | /pʀese/ | (adj) | hurried, urgent |
pressing | /pʀesiŋ/ | (nm) | pressure |
pression | /pʀesjɔ̃/ | (nf) | pressure |
prêt, e | /pʀɛ, pʀɛt/ | (adj) | ready |
prêter | /pʀete/ | (vt) | to lend |
prier | /pʀije/ | (vti) | to beg |
principal, e (mpl -aux) | /pʀɛ̃sipal, o/ | (adj) | main |
pris, e | /pʀi, pʀiz/ | (adj) | taken |
prix | /pʀi/ | (nm) | price |
prochain, e | /pʀɔʃɛ̃, ɛn/ | (adj) | next |
prochaine | /pʀɔʃɛn/ | (nf) | next time |
proche | /pʀɔʃ/ | (adj) | near |
produit | /pʀɔdɥi/ | (nm) | product |
profiter (de) | /pʀɔfite/ | (vt) | to take advantage of |
profondément | /pʀɔfɔ̃demɑ̃/ | (adv) | deeply |
profondeur | /pʀɔfɔ̃dœʀ | (nf) | depth |
prolongation | /pʀɔlɔ̃ɡasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | extra time |
prolonger | /pʀɔlɔ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to extend |
prometteur, -euse | /pʀɔmetœʀ, øz/ | (adj) | promising |
prompt, e | /pʀɔ̃,t/ | (adj) | swift |
propre | /pʀɔpʀ/ | (adj) | own |
protège-tibia | /pʀɔtɛʒtibja/ | (nm) | shin guard / pad |
pubalgie | /pybalʒi/ | (nf) | groin strain |
puis | /pɥi/ | (adv) | then |
puisque | /pɥisk(ə) | (conj) | since, as |
puissant, e | /pɥisɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | powerful |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
qu'est-ce que? | /kɛskə/ | (pron) | what? |
qualification | /kalifikasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | qualification |
qualifier (se) | /kalifje/ | (vpr) | to qualify |
quand | /kɑ̃/ | (adv) | when |
quarante | /kaʀɑ̃t/ | (num) | forty |
quart | /kaʀ/ | (nm) | quarter |
quatorze | /katɔʀz/ | (num) | fourteen |
quatorzième | /katɔʀzjɛm/ | (num) | fourteenth |
quatre | /katʀ/ | (num) | four |
quatre-vingt-dix | /katʀəvɛ̃dis/ | (num) | ninety |
quatre-vingt-onze | /katʀəvɛ̃ɔ̃z/ | (num) | ninety-one |
quatre-vingt-un | /katʀəvɛ̃œ̃/ | (num) | eighty-one |
quatre-vingts | /katʀəvɛ̃/ | (num) | eighty |
quatrième | /katʀijɛm/ | (num) | fourth |
que | /kə, k/ | (conj) | that, what, whom |
quel, quelle, quels, quelles | /kɛl/ | (adj) | what, which |
quelqu'un | /kɛlkœ̃/ | (pron) | someone |
quelque | /kɛlk(ə)/ | (adv) | approximately, (~ peu) = rather |
quelque chose | /kɛlkəʃoz/ | (adv) | something, anything |
quelque(s) | /kɛlkə/ | (adj) | some |
quelquefois | /kɛlkəfwa/ | (adv) | sometimes |
queue | /kø/ | (nf) | queue |
qui | /ki/ | (pron) | who, which |
quinzaine | /kɛ̃zɛn/ | (nf) | fortnight, about fifteen |
quinze | /kɛ̃z/ | (num) | fifteen |
quinzième | /kɛ̃zjɛm/ | (num) | fifteenth |
quoi | /kwa/ | (pron) | what, whatever |
quotidien, -ienne | /kɔtidjɛ̃, ɛn/ | (adj) | daily (paper) |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
raccrocher | /ʀakʀɔʃe/ | (vt) | to hang up |
raclée | /ʀɑkle/ | (nf) | (a) thrashing |
raconter | /ʀakɔ̃te/ | (vt) | to tell (a story) |
raison | /ʀɛzɔ̃/ | (nf) | reason |
ralenti, e | /ʀalɑ̃ti/ | (adj) | slow |
ramener | /ʀam(ə)ne/ | (vt) | to bring back |
rang | /ʀɑ̃/ | (nm) | row, rank |
ranger | /ʀɑ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to tidy up |
rapidement | /ʀapidmɑ̃/ | (adv) | fast, rapidly |
rappeler | /ʀap(ə)le/ | (vt) | to recall |
rappeler (se) | /ʀaple/ | (vt) | to recall, remember |
rare | /ʀɑʀ/ | (adj) | rare, scarce |
ras, e | /ʀɑ, ʀɑz/ | (adj) | short, close-cropped |
rater | /ʀate/ | (vt, vi) | to miss, to fail |
rayon | /ʀɛjɔ̃/ | (nm) | ray, radius |
rayure | /ʀɛjyʀ/ | (nf) | stripe |
réagir | /ʀeaʒiʀ/ | (vi) | to react, to respond |
réalisation | /ʀealizasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | achievement |
rebâtir | /ʀ(ə)bɑtiʀ/ | (vt) | to rebuild |
rebondir | /ʀ(ə)bɔ̃diʀ/ | (vi) | to bounce |
rebondissement | /ʀ(ə)bɔ̃dismɑ̃/ | (nm) | sudden new development |
récemment | /ʀesamɑ̃/ | (adv) | recently |
recevoir | /ʀ(ə)səvwaʀ/ | (vt) | to receive, get |
récit | /ʀesi/ | (nm) | account, story |
réclamer | /ʀeklɑme/ | (vt) | to claim |
recroqueviller (se) | /ʀ(ə)kʀɔk(ə)vije/ | (vpr) | to be hunched / huddled up |
recrue | /ʀəkʀy/ | (nf) | recruit |
reçu | /ʀəsy/ | (nm) | receipt |
recul | /ʀ(ə)kyl/ | (nm) | retreat |
reculer | /ʀ(ə)kyle/ | (vi) | to retreat |
récupération | /ʀekypeʀasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | recovery |
récupérer | /ʀekypeʀe/ | (vt) | to regain possession, to recover |
redémarrer | /ʀ(ə)demaʀe/ | (vi) | to start / get going again |
rediffuser | /ʀ(ə)difyze/ | (vt) | to rebroadcast |
redoutable | /ʀ(ə)dutabl/ | (adj) | formidable, tough |
redouter | /ʀədute/ | (vt) | to dread |
réduire | /ʀedɥiʀ/ | (vt) | to reduce |
rééducation | /ʀeedykasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | rehabilitation |
réfléchir | /ʀefleʃiʀ/ | (vti) | to reflect |
réflexe | /ʀeflɛks/ | (nm) | reflex |
refouler | /ʀ(ə)fule/ | (vt) | to force back, to repress |
regarder | /ʀəɡaʀde/ | (vt) | to look, watch |
règle | /ʀɛɡl/ | (nf) | rule |
règlementaire | /ʀɛɡləmɑ̃tɛʀ/ | (adj) | regulation |
réglementation | /ʀɛɡləmɑ̃tasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | rules, regulations |
rejoindre | /ʀ(ə)ʒwɛ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to rejoin |
relâcher | /ʀəlɑʃe/ | (vt) | to release |
relégation | /ʀ(ə)leɡasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | relegation |
relever | /ʀəl(ə)ve/ | (vt) | to stand up again |
remanié, e | /ʀ(ə)manje/ | (adj) | reshuffled |
remettre | /ʀ(ə)mɛtʀ/ | (vt) | to put back |
remise | /ʀ(ə)miz/ | (nf) | delivery |
remontée | /ʀ(ə)mɔ̃te/ | (nf) | recovery, rise |
remplacer | /ʀɑ̃plase/ | (vt) | to replace |
remplaҫant,e | /ʀɑ̃plasɑ̃, -ɑ̃t/ | (nm,f) | a substitute |
remplir | /ʀɑ̃pliʀ/ | (vt) | to fill (up) |
remporter | /ʀɑ̃pɔʀte/ | (vt) | to take back, to win |
renard | /ʀ(ə)naʀ/ | (nm) | fox |
rencontre | /ʀɑ̃kɔ̃tʀ/ | (nf) | match, fixture |
rencontrer (se) | /ʀɑ̃kɔ̃tʀe/ | (vpr) | to meet |
rendre (se) | /ʀɑ̃dʀ/ | (vpr) | to surrender |
renseignement | /ʀɑ̃sɛɲ(ə)mɑ̃/ | (nm) | information |
rentrée | /ʀɑ̃tʀe/ | (nf) | return, comeback |
rentrée de touche | /ʀɑ̃tʀe/ | (nf) | (a) throw-in |
rentrer | /ʀɑ̃tʀe/ | (vi) | to go / come back in |
rentrer (se) | /ʀɑ̃tʀe/ | (vpr) | to crash |
renverser | /ʀɑ̃vɛʀse/ | (vt) | to reverse |
renvoi | /ʀɑ̃vwa/ | (nm) | return |
renvoyer | /ʀɑ̃vwaje/ | (vt) | to send back, to return |
réparation | /ʀepaʀasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | redress, compensation |
repartir | /ʀ(ə)paʀtiʀ/ | (vi) | to set off again |
repenser | /ʀ(ə)pɑ̃se/ | (vt) | to rethink |
répondre | /ʀepɔ̃dʀ/ | (vti) | to answer, reply |
réponse | /ʀepɔ̃s/ | (nf) | reply, response |
repos | /ʀ(ə)po/ | (nm) | rest |
reposer (se) | /ʀəpoze/ | (vpr) | to rest, to rely on (with sur) |
repousser | /ʀ(ə)puse/ | (vt) | to repel, push back |
reprendre | /ʀ(ə)pʀɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to take back / regain /resume |
reprise | /ʀ(ə)pʀiz/ | (nf) | resumption, recapture |
réputation | /ʀepytasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | reputation |
réputé, e | /ʀepyte/ | (adj) | renowned (pour for) |
rescapé, e | /ʀɛskape/ | (adj) | surviving |
réseau (pl -eaux) | /ʀezo/ | (nm) | network |
réservé, e | /ʀezɛʀve/ | (adj) | reserved |
respirer | /ʀɛspiʀe/ | (vi) | to breathe |
resserrer | /ʀ(ə)seʀe/ | (vt) | to tighten (up) |
reste | /ʀɛst/ | (nm) | remainder |
rester | /ʀɛste/ | (vi) | to stay |
résultat | /ʀezylta/ | (nm) | result |
rétablissement | /ʀetablismɑ̃/ | (nm) | recovery (of health / fitness) |
retard | /ʀ(ə)taʀ/ | (nm) | delay |
retardement (à ~) | /ʀ(ə)taʀdəmɑ̃/ | (nm) | late |
retarder | /ʀ(ə)taʀde/ | (vt) | to delay |
retenir | /ʀət(ə)niʀ/ | (vt) | to hold (back) |
retirer | /ʀətiʀe/ | (vt) | to withdraw |
retour | /ʀ(ə)tuʀ/ | (nm) | return (match) |
retourné, e | /ʀ(ə)tuʀne/ | (adj) | turned round |
retourner | /ʀətuʀne/ | (vt) | to turn over, to upset |
retrait | /ʀ(ə)tʀɛ/ | (nm) | withdrawal |
rétrogradé, e | /ʀetʀɔɡʀade/ | (adj) | relegated, demoted |
retrouvailles | /ʀ(ə)tʀuvɑj/ | (nfpl) | reunion |
retrouver | /ʀ(ə)tʀuve/ | (vt) | to find (again) |
réunir (se) | /ʀeyniʀ/ | (vpr) | to meet |
réussir | /ʀeysiʀ/ | (vi) | to succeed |
réussite | /ʀeysit/ | (nf) | success |
revanche | /ʀ(ə)vɑ̃ʃ/ | (nf) | revenge |
rêve | /ʀɛv/ | (nm) | dream |
réveiller (se) | /ʀeveje/ | (vpr) | to wake up |
revenir | /ʀəv(ə)niʀ/ | (vi) | to return |
rez-de-chaussée | /ʀedʃose/ | (nm) | ground floor |
rhume | /ʀym/ | (nm) | head-cold |
ricocher | /ʀikɔʃe/ | (vi) | to ricochet off, rebound from |
rien | /ʀjɛ̃/ | (pron) | nothing |
rire | /ʀiʀ/ | (vi) | to laugh |
risque | /ʀisk/ | (nm) | risk |
rivalité | /ʀivalite/ | (nf) | rivalry |
rocambolesque | /ʀɔkɑ̃bɔlɛsk/ | (adj) | fantastic |
rôder | /ʀode/ | (vi) | to prowl (around) |
roi | /ʀwa/ | (nm) | king |
rond | /ʀɔ̃/ | (nm) | ring |
ronger | /ʀɔ̃ʒe/ | (vt) | to gnaw |
rouge | /ʀuʒ/ | (adj) | red |
rouler | /ʀule/ | (vi, vt) | to roll |
rude | /ʀyd/ | (adj) | tough, rough |
rue | /ʀy/ | (nf) | street |
rugir | /ʀyʒiʀ/ | (vi) | to roar |
rugissement | /ʀyʒismɑ̃/ | (nm) | roar |
rythme | /ʀitm/ | (nm) | rhythm, pace |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
sa | /sa/ | (det) | his / her (f) |
sacrer | /sakʀe/ | (vt) | to crown |
saigner | /seɲe/ | (vt) | to bleed |
sain, e | /sɛ̃, sɛn/ | (adj) | healthy |
saisir | /seziʀ/ | (vt) | to seize, grab |
saison | /sɛzɔ̃/ | (nf) | season |
salut! | /saly/ | (excl) | hi! / bye! |
samedi | /samdi/ | (nm) | Saturday |
sanctioner | /sɑ̃ksjɔne/ | (vt) | to punish, discipline |
sang-froid | /sɑ̃fʀwa/ | (nm) | self-control |
sans | /sɑ̃/ | (prep) | without |
santé | /sɑ̃te/ | (nf) | health |
sauf | /sof/ | (prep) | except |
sauter | /sote/ | (vi) | to jump |
sauver | /sove/ | (vt) | to save |
sauvetage | /sov(ə)taʒ/ | (nm) | rescue, salvage |
savoir | /savwaʀ/ | (vt) | to know |
savon | /savɔ̃/ | (nm) | soap |
scander | /skɑ̃de/ | (vt) | to chant |
sceller | /sele/ | (vt) | to seal |
schéma | /ʃema/ | (nm) | diagram |
score | /skɔʀ/ | (nm) | the score / lead |
se | /sə/ | (pron) | him/her/itself, each other |
séance | /seɑ̃s/ | (nf) | session |
sécher | /seʃe/ | (vti) | to dry, to skip |
second, e | /s(ə)ɡɔ̃, ɔ̃d/ | (adj) | second |
secours | /səkuʀ/ | (nm) | assistance |
seize | /sɛz/ | (num) | sixteen |
seizième | /sɛzjɛm/ | (num) | sixteenth |
séjour | /seʒuʀ/ | (nm) | stay, visit |
sélectionneur, -euse | /selɛksjɔnœʀ, -øz/ | (nm,f) | selector |
selon | /s(ə)lɔ̃/ | (prep) | according to |
semaine | /s(ə)mɛn/ | (nf) | week |
sembler | /sɑ̃ble/ | (vt) | to seem |
semonce | /səmɔ̃s/ | (nf) | warning |
sens | /sɑ̃s/ | (nm) | meaning, direction |
sentier | /sɑ̃tje/ | (nm) | path |
sentir (se) | /sɑ̃tiʀ/ | (vpr) | to feel |
sept | /sɛt/ | (num) | seven |
septembre | /sɛptɑ̃bʀ/ | (nm) | September |
septième | /sɛtjɛm/ | (num) | seventh |
séquence | /sekɑ̃s/ | (nf) | sequence |
sérieusement | /seʀjøzmɑ̃/ | (adv) | seriously |
sérieux, -ieuse | /seʀjø, jøz/ | (adj) | serious |
serré, e | /seʀe/ | (adj) | tight |
servir | /sɛʀviʀ/ | (vt) | to serve |
ses | /se/ | (det) | his / her (pl) |
seul, e | /sœl/ | (adj) | single, alone |
seulement | /sœlmɑ̃/ | (adv) | only |
sevré | /səvʀe/ | (adj) | weaned |
short | /ʃɔʀt/ | (nm) | shorts |
si | /si/ | (adv) | yes, so, however, as |
si | /si/ | (conj) | if |
siège | /sjɛʒ/ | (nm) | seat |
siens (les) | /sjɛ̃/ | (nmpl) | one's own people |
siffler | /sifle/ | (vi) | to blow the whistle |
sifflet | /siflɛ/ | (nm) | the whistle |
signer | /siɲe/ | (vt) | to sign |
simplement | /sɛ̃pləmɑ̃/ | (adv) | simply, just, easily |
sinon | /sinɔ̃/ | (conj) | otherwise |
situation | /sitɥasjɔ̃/ | (nf) | situation, job |
six | /sis/ | (num) | six |
sixième | /sizjɛm/ | (num) | sixth |
smasher | /sma(t)ʃe/ | (vt) | to smash |
soi | /swa/ | (pron) | oneself |
soif | /swaf/ | (nf) | thirst |
soigner | /swaɲe/ | (vt) | to look after, to treat |
soir | /swaʀ/ | (nm) | evening, night |
soirée | /swaʀe/ | (nf) | evening, party |
soit | /swa/ | (conj) | either, or, whether, given |
soixante | /swasɑ̃t/ | (num) | sixty |
soixante et onze | /swasɑ̃teɔ̃z/ | (num) | seventy-one |
soixante-dix | /swasɑ̃tdis/ | (num) | seventy |
soixante-douze | /swasɑ̃tduz/ | (num) | seventy-two |
sol | /sɔl/ | (nm) | ground, soil |
solder (se) | /sɔlde/ | (vpr) | to end (in) |
soleil | /sɔlɛj/ | (nm) | sun |
solide | /sɔlid/ | (adj) | solid, strong |
sollicité, e | /sɔlisite/ | (adj) | in demand |
son | /sɔ̃/ | (det) | his, her (m) |
sondage | /sɔ̃daʒ/ | (nm) | (opinion) poll |
sort | /sɔʀ/ | (nm) | lot, fate |
sortie | /sɔʀti/ | (nf) | exit |
sortir | /sɔʀtiʀ/ | (vti) | to go out |
soudain, e | /sudɛ̃, ɛn/ | (adv) | sudden |
soudé, e | /sude/ | (adj) | united |
souffle | /sufl/ | (nm) | breath |
souhaiter | /swete/ | (vt) | to hope for something |
soulagement | /sulaʒmɑ̃/ | (nm) | relief |
soulever | /sul(ə)ve/ | (vt) | to raise |
souligner | /suliɲe/ | (vt) | to underline |
soupirail | /supiʀaj/ | (nm) | basement window |
sourire | /suʀiʀ/ | (vi) | to smile |
sous | /su/ | (prep) | under |
soutenir | /sut(ə)niʀ/ | (vt) | to support |
soutien | /sutjɛ̃/ | (nm) | support |
souvent | /suvɑ̃/ | (adv) | often |
spécial, e (mpl -aux) | /spesjal, jo/ | (adj) | special |
spectaculaire | /spɛktakylɛʀ/ | (adj) | spectacular |
spectateur, -trice | /spɛktatœʀ, tʀis/ | (nm,f) | spectator |
sport | /spɔʀ/ | (nm) | sport |
sportif, -ive | /spɔʀtif, iv/ | (adj) | sporting, athletic |
stade | /stad/ | (nm) | stadium, stage |
stopper | /stɔpe/ | (vi, vt) | to stop |
subir | /sybiʀ/ | (vt) | to suffer |
subtiliser | /syptilize/ | (vt) | to steal |
succès | /syksɛ/ | (nm) | success |
suite | /sɥit/ | (nf) | sequel |
suivant, e | /sɥivɑ̃,-t/ | (adj) | following |
suivre | /sɥivʀ/ | (vt) | to follow |
sujet (au ~ de) | /syʒɛ/ | (nm) | about |
superbe | /sypɛʀb/ | (adj) | superb |
superficie | /sypɛʀfisi/ | (nf) | area |
supplice | /syplis/ | (nm) | torture |
supplier | /syplije/ | (vt) | to beg |
sur | /syʀ/ | (prep) | on, about |
sûr, e | /syʀ/ | (adj) | sure |
surchauffé, e | /syʀʃofe/ | (adj) | overheated |
surface | /syʀfas/ | (nf) | surface |
surnom | /syʀnɔ̃/ | (nm) | nickname |
surnombre | /syʀnɔ̃bʀ/ | (nm) | surplus |
surprenant, e | /syʀpʀənɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | surprising |
surprise | /syʀpʀiz/ | (nf) | surprise |
surtout | /syʀtu/ | (adv) | above all |
surveiller | /syʀveje/ | (vt) | to watch, to supervise |
survêtement | /syʀvɛtmɑ̃/ | (nm) | tracksuit |
survolté | /syʀvɔlte/ | (adj) | over-excited, highly charged |
sympa(thique) | /sɛ̃patik/ | (adj) | nice, friendly |
synthétique | /sɛ̃tetik/ | (adj) | synthetic |
système | /sistɛm/ | (nm) | system |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
ta | /ta/ | (det) | your (f) |
tableau (pl -eaux) | /tablo/ | (nm) | board, table |
tâche | /tɑʃ/ | (nf) | task, job |
tacle | /takl/ | (nm) | tackle |
tacler | /takle/ | (vt) | to tackle |
tactique | /taktik/ | (adj) | tactical |
taille | /taj/ | (nf) | size |
talent | /talɑ̃/ | (nm) | talent |
talentueux, talentueuse | /talɑ̃tɥø, øz/ | (adj) | talented |
talonnade | /talɔnad/ | (nf) | back-heeler |
tant (en tant que) | /tɑ̃/ | (adv) | in the capacity of, as |
tantôt | /tɑ̃to/ | (adv) | sometimes, this afternoon |
tard | /taʀ/ | (adv) | late |
tarder | /taʀde/ | (vi) | to delay, to be late |
te | /tə/ | (pron) | you, yourself |
technique | /tɛknik/ | (adj) | technical |
tel, -le | /tɛl/ | (adj) | such |
télévisé, e | /televize/ | (adj) | televised |
téléviseur | /televisœʀ/ | (nm) | TV set |
tellement | /tɛlmɑ̃/ | (adv) | so much, so many |
temporiser | /tɑ̃pɔʀize/ | (vi) | to play for time |
temps | /tɑ̃/ | (nm) | time, weather |
tenant, e | /tənɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (nm,f) | holder |
tendance | /tɑ̃dɑ̃s/ | (nf) | tendency, trend |
tendu, e | /tɑ̃dy/ | (adj) | tense |
tenir | /t(ə)niʀ/ | (vt, vi) | to hold, to keep, to control, to resist |
tension | /tɑ̃sjɔ̃/ | (nf) | tension |
tentative | /tɑ̃tativ/ | (nf) | attempt |
tenter | /tɑ̃te/ | (vt) | to try |
tenue | /t(ə)ny/ | (nf) | kit |
terminer | /tɛʀmine/ | (vt) | to finish |
terne | /tɛʀn/ | (adj) | dull |
ternir | /tɛʀniʀ/ | (vt) | to tarnish |
terrain | /tɛʀɛ̃/ | (nm) | pitch, ground |
terre | /tɛʀ/ | (nf) | earth, ground |
terroir | /tɛʀwaʀ/ | (nm) | region |
tes | /te/ | (det) | your (pl) |
tête | /tɛt/ | (nf) | head, header |
tiers | /tjɛʀ/ | (nm) | third (fraction) |
tir | /tiʀ/ | (nm) | shot |
tirage | /tiʀaʒ/ | (nm) | pulling |
tirer | /tiʀe/ | (vt, vi) | to pull, to shoot, to take |
titre | /titʀ(ə)/ | (nm) | title |
titulariser | /titylaʀize/ | (vt) | to pick |
toi | /twa/ | (pron) | you |
tomber | /tɔ̃be/ | (vi) | to fall |
ton, ta | /tɔ̃, ta/ | (det) | your |
tonitruant, e | /tɔnitʀyɑ̃, ɑ̃t/ | (adj) | thundering |
tort | /tɔʀ/ | (nm) | fault, wrong |
tôt | /to/ | (adv) | soon, early |
total, e (mpl -aux) | /tɔtal, o/ | (adj) | total |
touche | /tuʃ/ | (nf) | touch, touchline, throw-in |
toucher | /tuʃe/ | (vt) | to touch, to hit |
toujours | /tuʒuʀ/ | (adv) | still, always |
tour | /tuʀ/ | (nm) | round, stage |
tournant | /tuʀnɑ̃/ | (nm) | turning point |
tourner | /tuʀne/ | (vt) | to turn |
tournoi | /tuʀnwa/ | (nm) | tournament |
tous, toutes | /tu, tut/ | (adj) | all, any (plur) |
tout | /tu/ | (adv) | very, quite |
tout, toute | /tu, tut/ | (adj) | all, any (sing) |
trajectoire | /tʀaʒɛktwaʀ/ | (nf) | trajectory, path |
transfert | /tʀɑ̃sfɛʀ/ | (nm) | transfer |
transmettre | /tʀɑ̃smɛtʀ/ | (vt) | to pass (on) |
transmission | /tʀɑ̃smisjɔ̃/ | (nf) | passing on, transmission |
transpercer | /tʀɑ̃spɛʀse/ | (vt) | to pierce |
transversal, e (mpl -aux) | /tʀɑ̃svɛʀsal/ | (adj) | cross |
transversale | /tʀɑ̃svɛʀsal/ | (nf) | crossbar |
travail (pl -aux) | /tʀavaj/ | (nm) | work |
travailler | /tʀavaje/ | (vt) | to work (on) |
traverser | /tʀavɛʀse/ | (vt) | to cross |
trébucher | /tʀebyʃe/ | (vi) | to stumble |
treizième | /tʀɛzjɛm/ | (num) | thirteenth |
trentaine | /tʀɑ̃tɛn/ | (nf) | about thirty |
trente | /tʀɑ̃t/ | (num) | thirty |
très | /tʀɛ/ | (adv) | very |
trève | /tʀɛv/ | (nf) | winter break |
tribune | /tʀibyn/ | (nf) | stand, grandstand |
tricher | /tʀiʃe/ | (vi) | to cheat |
tricolore | /tʀikɔlɔʀ/ | (adj) | three-coloured |
trois | /tʀwɑ/ | (num) | three |
troisième | /tʀwɑzjɛm/ | (num) | third |
tromper | /tʀɔ̃pe/ | (vt) | to deceive, to slip past |
tromper (se) | /tʀɔ̃pe/ | (vpr) | to make a mistake |
trop | /tʀo/ | (adv) | too |
trophée | /tʀɔfe/ | (nm) | trophy |
trou | /tʀu/ | (nm) | hole, gap |
trouver | /tʀuve/ | (vt) | to find |
trouver (se) | /tʀuve/ | (vpr) | to find oneself, to be |
tu, t' | /ty, t/ | (pron) | you |
tuer | /tɥe/ | (vt) | to kill |
type | /tip/ | (nm) | guy, classic example |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
un | /œ̃/ | (det) | a, an |
un-contre-un | /œ̃-kɔ̃tʀ-œ̃/ | (nm) | one-on-one |
un, e | /œ̃, yn/ | (num) | one |
un, e | /œ̃, yn/ | (pron) | one (person) |
une | /yn/ | (det) | a, an |
une | /yn/ | (nf) | headline |
unième | /ynjɛm/ | (num) | first |
uniquement | /ynikmɑ̃/ | (adv) | only, exclusively |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
vague | /vaɡ/ | (nf) | wave |
vaincre | /vɛ̃kʀ/ | (vt) | to beat, defeat |
vainqueur | /vɛ̃kœʀ/ | (nm) | victor |
valable | /valabl/ | (adj) | valid |
valeur | /valœʀ/ | (nf) | value, worth |
vedette | /vədɛt/ | (nf) | star |
veille | /vɛj/ | (nf) | the day before |
vendre | /vɑ̃dʀ/ | (vt) | to sell |
vendredi | /vɑ̃dʀədi/ | (nm) | Friday |
venir | /v(ə)niʀ/ | (vi) | to come |
vent | /vɑ̃/ | (nm) | wind |
vente | /vɑ̃t/ | (nf) | sale |
ventre | /vɑ̃tʀ/ | (nm) | middle, belly |
verre | /vɛʀ/ | (nm) | glass |
vers | /vɛʀ/ | (prep) | towards |
vert, e | /vɛʀ, -t/ | (adj) | green |
vestiaire | /vɛstjɛʀ/ | (nm) | changing room |
vêtement | /vɛtmɑ̃/ | (nm) | item of clothing |
victoire | /viktwaʀ/ | (nf) | victory |
vide | /vid/ | (adj) | empty |
vie | /vi/ | (nf) | life |
vierge | /vjɛʀʒ/ | (adj) | blank |
vieux, vieille (mpl vieux) | /vjø, vjɛj/ | (adj) | old |
village | /vilaʒ/ | (nm) | village |
ville | /vil/ | (nf) | town |
vingt | /vɛ̃/ | (num) | twenty |
vingt et un | /vɛ̃teœ̃/ | (num) | twenty-one |
vingt-deux | /vɛ̃tdø/ | (num) | twenty-two |
vingt-trois | /vɛ̃ttʀwɑ/ | (num) | twenty-three |
vingtième | /vɛ̃tjɛm/ | (num) | twentieth |
violet, e | /vjɔlɛ,-t/ | (adj) | purple |
virage | /viʀaʒ/ | (nm) | bend, corner |
vis-à-vis | /vizavi/ | (prep) | opposite, in relation to |
visage | /vizaʒ/ | (nm) | face |
viser | /vize/ | (vt) | to aim at / for |
vision | /vizjɔ̃/ | (nf) | sight, view |
vite | /vit/ | (adv) | quickly |
vitesse | /vitɛs/ | (nf) | speed |
vivant, e | /vivɑ̃, -t/ | (adj) | living |
vivre | /vivʀ/ | (vt) | to live through |
voici | /vwasi/ | (prep) | here is, here are |
voie | /vwa/ | (nf) | road, track |
voilà | /vwala/ | (prep) | there is, there are |
voir | /vwaʀ/ | (vti) | to see |
voisin, e | /vwazɛ̃, -in/ | (nm, nf) | neighbour |
voiture | /vwatyʀ/ | (nf) | car |
voix | /vwa/ | (nf) | voice |
volée | /vɔle/ | (nf) | volley |
voler | /vɔle/ | (vti) | to steal, to fly |
volontaire | /vɔlɔ̃tɛʀ/ | (adj) | intentional |
vos | /vo/ | (det) | your (plural) |
votre | /vɔtʀ/ | (det) | your |
vouloir | /vulwaʀ/ | (vt) | to want |
vous | /vu/ | (pron) | you |
voûte | /vut/ | (nf) | vault, arch |
vrai, e | /vʀɛ/ | (adj) | true, real |
vraiment | /vʀɛmɑ̃/ | (adv) | really, truly |
vraisemblable | /vʀɛsɑ̃blabl/ | (adj) | probable |
y | /i/ | (adv) | to it, there |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
yeux | /jø/ | (nmpl) | eyes |
French Word | Pronunciation | Grammar | English Word |
zen | /zɛn/ | (adj) | unfazed |
zone | /zon/ | (nf) | zone |
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