Lessons · Vocabulary · Grammar · Appendices · Texts
Culture · Dining in France
Places | |||||
la cuisine | kitchen | Béatrice est dans la cuisine. | Béatrice is in the kitchen. | ||
la salle à manger | dining room | ||||
le restaurant | restaurant | ||||
Meals | |||||
le repas | meal | ||||
le petit déjeuner | breakfast | ||||
le déjeuner | lunch | ||||
le dîner | dinner | ||||
le goûter | snack | ||||
Food stores | |||||
la boucherie | butcher shop1 | ||||
la boulangerie | bakery2 | ||||
le dépôt de pain | a place that sells bread2 | ||||
la charcuterie | delicatessen3 | ||||
l'épicerie (f) | grocery4 | ||||
la crémerie | dairy store | ||||
la poissonnerie | seafood store | ||||
le marché | outdoor market | ||||
la pâtisserie | pastry shop | Je vais goûter dans une pâtisserie. | I'm going to snack in a pastry shop. | ||
Actions and feelings | |||||
avoir faim | to be hungry | ||||
avoir soif | to be thirsty | ||||
manger | to eat | On mange au restaurant. | We are eating at the restaurant. | ||
boire | to drink | ||||
prendre | to take, to eat, to drink | ||||
vouloir | to want | ||||
mettre le couvert | to set the table | Le couvert est mis pour deux. | The table is set for two. | ||
préparer un repas | to prepare a meal |
Canadian and Belgian French has an off-by-one behavior with meals : breakfast is called déjeuner, lunch is called dîner and dinner is souper.
- French butchers do not sell pork, pork products, nor horsemeat. For these products, go to a charcuterie.
- In France, bakeries only sell fresh bread. Places where they sell bread that is not fresh are called dépôt de pain.
- 'Charcuteries' sell things besides pork products, including pâte, salami, cold meats, salads, quiches and pizzas.
- An alternative to an 'épicerie' is an alimentation générale (a general foodstore).
Grammar · To want and to be able to · Vouloir et pouvoir
The verb vouloir, meaning to want, is irregularly conjugated (it is not a regular -ir verb).
vouloir | to want |
je veux /vø/ (vew) | I want |
tu veux /vø/ (vew) | you want |
il veut /vø/ (vew) | he wants |
nous voulons /vu.lɔ̃/ (voo-loh(n)) | we want |
vous voulez /vu.le/ (voo-lay) | you want |
ils veulent /vøl/ (vewl) | they want |
voulu /vu.ly/ (voo-lew) | wanted |
The related phrase vouloir dire /vu.lwaʁ diʁ/ means to mean. The idiom en vouloir /ɑ̃ vu.lwaʁ/ means to be angry (with) .
Pouvoir, meaning to be able to, is conjugated similarly to vouloir.
pouvoir | to be able to |
je peux /pø/ (pew) | I am able to |
tu peux /pø/ (pew) | you are able to |
il peut /pø/ (pew) | he is able to |
nous pouvons pu.vɔ̃/ (poo-voh(n)) | we are able to |
vous pouvez /pu.ve/ (poo-vay) | you are able to |
ils peuvent /pøv/ (pewv) | they are able to |
pu /py/ (pew) | been able to |
The noun le pouvoir means power or authority, and the term au pouvoir means in power. The adverb peut-être /pø.tɛtʁ/, literally translated as could be, means maybe or perhaps.
Voulez-vous un sandwich ? | Do you want a sandwich? | ||||
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ? | What does this mean? | ||||
Que veut dire ce mot ? | What does this word mean? | ||||
Je peux venir ce soir. | I can come this evening. | ||||
Veux-tu venir avec moi demain ? Peut-être. | Do you want to come with me tomorrow? Maybe. | ||||
Elle peut parler cinq langues couramment. | She can speak five languages fluently. | ||||
Tu peux fumer si tu le souhaites. | You can smoke if you wish. | ||||
Je peux appeler un médecin si tu ne te sens pas bien. | I can call a doctor if you do not feel well. | ||||
Ne comptez pas sur lui, il peut partir du jour au lendemain. | Do not count on him, he can leave overnight. | ||||
À cette époque, il peut pleuvoir plusieurs fois par jours. | At that time, it can rain several times a day. | ||||
Ne t'impatiente pas ! Elle a pu être prise dans les embouteillages. | Don't be impatient! She could have been caught in traffic jams. | ||||
Peux-tu m'ouvrir ce bocal s'il te plait ? Oui, je veux bien essayer. | Can you open this jar for me please? Yes, I want to try. |
Supplementary usage notes · Pouvoir
Pouvoir is not used with verbs relating to the five senses:
- I can see you. - Je te vois. (not Je peux te voir., which is I can meet you.)
Pouvoir is not used to mean can in the sense of to know how to. Use savoir instead.
- I can swim. - Je sais nager. (not Je peux nager.)
In Belgian French, pouvoir is additionally not used to say someone is capable of something, savoir is also used for that.
- Je ne sais pas dormir. - I am not able to sleep. to a Belgian, I do not know how to sleep. to a Frenchman.
- Je ne peux pas dormir. - I am not allowed to sleep. to a Belgian, I am not able to sleep. to a Frenchman.
Puis is the first person present indicative form used in inversion and as an archaic variant.
Vocabulary · Dining at a restaurant
arriver | to arrive | On est arrivés au restaurant vers 9 heures. | We arrived at the restaurant around 9 o'clock. | ||
la table occupée la table libre | an occupied table a free table | ||||
trouver | to find | ||||
se trouver | to be found | La boulangerie se trouve en face du cinéma. | The bakery is (found) opposite the cinema. | ||
commander | to order | Il a commandé un sandwich. | He ordered a sandwich. | ||
le déjeuner déjeuner | lunch to eat lunch | ||||
le petit déjeuner | breakfast | ||||
le dîner dîner | dinner to dine, to eat dinner | ||||
désirer | to desire | ||||
le serveur la serveuse | waiter waitress | ||||
la carte | menu | ||||
l'addition (f) | check | ||||
le pourboire | tip | ||||
laisser | to leave | ||||
je voudrais… | I would like… | Je voudrais un peu de beurre avec mon croissant, s'il vous plaît. | I would like a bit of butter with my croissant, please. |
Grammar · To serve · Servir
Servir, meaning to serve (to bring a meal to someone), is conjugated similarly to sortir, partir, and dormir.
servir | to serve |
je sers /sɛʁ/ (sehr) | I serve |
tu sers /sɛʁ/ (sehr) | you serve |
il sert /sɛʁ/ (sehr) | he serves |
nous servons /sɛʁ.vɔ̃/ (sehr-voh(n)) | we serve |
vous servez /sɛʁ.ve/ (sehr-vay) | you serve |
ils servent /sɛʁv/ (sehrv) | they serve |
servi /sɛʁ.vi/ (sehr-vee) | served |
The verbs desservir /de.sɛʁ.viʁ/, meaning to clear (a table) or to clear away, and resservir /ʁə.sɛʁ.viʁ/, meaning to serve again, are conjugated in the same way as servir.
Il va servir le dîner à huit heures. | He's going to serve dinner at eight. | ||||
On nous a servi à dîner. | We were served dinner. | ||||
Ils ont servi un plat de légumes. | They served a vegetable dish. | ||||
Le dîner est servi, on peut se mettre à table. | Dinner is served, you can sit at the table. | ||||
Il veut desservir la table. | He wants to clear the table. | ||||
Vous êtes bien mal servi. | You are very poorly served. |
Supplementary usage notes · Servir and desservir
Servir means to serve (to bring a meal to someone):
- On nous a servi à dîner. (We were served dinner.)
It can also mean to serve more generally:
- Il sert son pays. (He serves his country.)
- Il a servi dans l’infanterie. (He served in the infantry.)
- Il aime à se faire servir. (He likes to be served.)
It can also mean to be used for or to be useful for someone:
- Ce livre lui a bien servi dans son travail. (This book served him well in his work.)
- Cela ne sert à rien! (That is useless!)
- Cette machine ne peut plus servir. (This machine is no longer useful.) (lit: This machine no longer serves.)
In the context of sports, servir means to serve (start a point with service) or to set up (pass to, in order to give a scoring chance).
In the context of transportation, desservir, meaning to serve (of a train or bus, to stop at a particular town), is used instead:
- Ce train dessert les grandes villes de la région. (This train serves the big towns in the region.)
- Cet autobus dessert les boulevards. (This bus serves the boulevards.)
- Ce bureau de poste dessert plusieurs communes. (This post office serves several municipalities.)
Grammar · -cer verbs
-cer verbs are regular -er verbs, but are also stem changing. The most common -cer verb is commencer, meaning to begin.
commencer | to begin |
je commence /kɔ.mɑ̃s/ (koh-mah(n)s) | I begin |
tu commences /kɔ.mɑ̃s/ (koh-mah(n)s) | you begin |
il commence /kɔ.mɑ̃s/ (koh-mah(n)s) | he begins |
nous commençons /kɔ.mɑ̃.sɔ̃/ (koh-mah(n)-soh(n)) | we begin |
vous commencez /kɔ.mɑ̃.se/ (koh-mah(n)-say) | you begin |
ils commencent /kɔ.mɑ̃s/ (koh-mah(n)s) | they begin |
commencé /kɔ.mɑ̃.se/(koh-mah(n)-say) | begun |
Common -cer verbs
Supplementary vocabulary · Other -cer verbs
tracer | to draw or plot | ||||
placer | to place, to seat | ||||
agacer | to irritate, to tease | ||||
forcer | to force | ||||
commencer | to begin | ||||
prononcer | to say, to mention, to give (a speech) | ||||
lancer | to throw, to launch | ||||
effacer | to erase | ||||
acquiescer | to acquiesce | ||||
influencer | to influence | ||||
sucer | to suck | ||||
pincer | to pince | ||||
recommencer | to restart | ||||
avancer | to advance, to go forward | ||||
remplacer | to replace | ||||
annoncer | to announce, to predict | ||||
se balancer | to swing | ||||
menacer | to threaten, to endanger | ||||
se fiancer | to get engaged | ||||
clamecer | to snuff it. | ||||
froncer | to scowl | ||||
épicer | to spice, to add spice to | ||||
renforcer | to reinforce, to strengthen | ||||
percer | to pierce | ||||
financer | to fund | ||||
rincer | to rinse | ||||
enfoncer | to push or press something in | ||||
déplacer | to move | ||||
divorcer | to divorce | ||||
bercer | to cradle | ||||
lacer | to lace, to lace up | ||||
coincer | to corner | ||||
replacer | to put back, to replace | ||||
manigancer | to conspire | ||||
décontenancer | to make uncomfortable | ||||
tancer | to scold, to reprimand | ||||
relancer | to throw back, to restart | ||||
dénoncer | to denounce | ||||
grimacer | to grimace | ||||
concurrencer | to compete with | ||||
renoncer | to resign, to quit, to renounce | ||||
immiscer | to involve | ||||
se immiscer (dans) | to interfere (with) | ||||
foncer | to darken, to tear along | ||||
déréférencer | to dereference. | ||||
exercer | to instruct, to command, to exercise | ||||
pioncer | to be sleeping | ||||
évincer | to evict | ||||
ambiancer | to cause ambience | ||||
devancer | to get in front of, to go past, to overtake | ||||
grincer | to squeak | ||||
désamorcer | to defuse | ||||
amorcer | to prime, to set in motion | ||||
commercer | to trade | ||||
épucer | to remove fleas | ||||
tiercer tercer | plough for the third time
till for the third time | ||||
entrelacer | to interlock, to interweave | ||||
glacer | to freeze; to turn to ice | ||||
poncer | to rub down with an abrasive | ||||
policer | to police | ||||
défoncer | to smash in, to rip | ||||
préfacer | to write a preface | ||||
exaucer | to fulfil the wish of a prayer | ||||
énoncer | to enounce | ||||
cofinancer | to cofinance. | ||||
condoléancer | to condole |
Supplementary vocabulary · Silverware and the table
le couvert | cover | ||||
l'assiette (f) | plate | also: dish | On a besoin d'assiettes. C'est une bonne assiette. | We need plates. It's a good dish. | |
le bol | bowl | ||||
la soucoupe | saucer | ||||
le couteau | knife | ||||
la cuillère | spoon | ||||
la fourchette | fork | ||||
la serviette | napkin | ||||
la nappe | tablecloth | ||||
la tasse | cup | ||||
le verre | glass | On va boire un verre ? | Will we drink a glass? |
Supplementary usage notes · To take, to eat, to drink · Prendre
prendre | to take |
je prends /pʁɑ̃/ (prah(n)) | I take |
tu prends /pʁɑ̃/ (prah(n)) | you take |
il prend | he takes |
nous prenons | we take |
vous prenez | you take |
ils prennent | they take |
pris /pʁi/ | taken |
Supplementary vocabulary · Quantities
le gramme | gram | ||||
le kilo(gramme) | kilogram | ||||
le litre | liter | ||||
la bouteille | bottle1 | Une bouteille d’eau est utile en excursion. | A bottle of water is useful during trips. | ||
la boîte | can | ||||
la livre | pack, pound2 | ||||
le paquet | packet | ||||
le pot | pot |
- -eille is pronounced eh-yuh
- Do not confuse with le livre (book) .
French : Lessons · Vocabulary · Grammar · Appendices · Texts