< Folkstyle Wrestling
The Objective
There are three basic victory conditions in a wrestling match:
- Pinning your opponent (Win By Fall)
- Scoring more points than your opponent in the time alotted (Win By Decision)
- Scoring 15 points more than your opponent at any point during the match (Win By Technical Fall)
- In team tournaments and meets, different points are awarded to the team, depending on whether or not a pin occurred, how large the point spread was at the end of the match one.
The Format
- Three periods
- Can be different amount of time for periods depending on the league
- For College the Norm is usually 3-2-2
- For High School the Norm is usually 2-2-2
- For Modified and Youth the Norm is usually 1-1-1
- Can be different amount of time for periods depending on the league
The Three Positions
- Neutral
- Referee's Position
- Top
- Optional/Freestyle
- Bottom
- Top
Ways to Score
There are 5 ways to score-
- Takedown- Defined as taking opponent from feet to mat. This is worth 2 points.
- Escape- Defined as escaping opponent's control and facing him. This is worth one point.
- Reversal- Defined as coming from mat, and taking opponent to mat, in a single move/move combo, which is worth 2 points.
- Nearfall- Points gained when opponent's back/shoulders break the 45 degree plane with respect to the mat for a duration of time. A two-four count awards you 2 points, then a 5 count awards you 3 points.
- Riding Time-Defined as being in control on the mat, for a long period of time, usually used in collegiate wrestling. If one wrestler has more than 1 minute more of riding time than his opponent, he is awarded 1 point at the end of regulation time.
- Stalling
- Fleeing the mat
- locking hands around waist on ground without 2points of body
Note:(When a wrestler lifts another off the mat, it is the lifting wrestler's responsibility to ensure the other's safe return to the mat.)
- Locking hands strictly around an opponent's waist while on the mat.
- Potentially Dangerous
- Choking
- Full Nelson
- Body Figure Four
- Head Scissors
- Chicken wing (extended past a certain point)
- Arm across the back above 90 Degrees
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Swearing
- Striking
- Unnecessary Roughness
- Grabbing of the singlet
- Throwing your headgear
- physically hurting your opponent for revenge of previous match
- Smack Talking
- Pulling opponents head gear off or making it an obstruction of view
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