< First Aid

Feel free to move things around as tasks get completed


Don't exist yet

  • First Aid/Weapon-Induced Injuries


  1. Invite more people to contribute
  2. Expand First Aid/Appendix B: Behind the Scenes
  3. Use these templates to spruce up the book
  4. Use development stages to indicate which modules need expansion
  5. Please keep Sources up-to-date. If you use a source, put it there.
  6. All pages for first aid (i.e. not CPR or "concept" pages, but actual first aid content pages) need a common organization system:
    • Introduction: (what it is, how it happens, what's going on physiologically)
    • Recognition: Signs & Symptoms (including notes about how to differentiate it from other things with similar S&S)
    • Treatment: (including treatment priorities and don'ts)

Requested Input

These issues are currently being actively discussed, and we'd love to have your input:

Talk:First Aid#Disclaimers
Do we want to keep the disclaimers on First Aid?  Mike.lifeguard | talk 05:20, 22 November 2007 (UTC)
Not kept  Mike.lifeguard | talk 22:06, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Wikibooks:Featured books/Nominations#First Aid (PDF)
First Aid has been nominated for Featured Book status!  Mike.lifeguard | talk 05:20, 22 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/Life-Threatening Medical Emergencies#Deletion of module
Whether to keep the Life-Threatening Medical Emergencies module or not
Not kept Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/Oxygen Administration#Proposal for deletion
Whether to keep the oxygen admin module or not
Kept Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/Emergency First Aid & Initial Action Steps#AVPU or ALVPU
Whether to keep the 4-point scale, or move to a 5-point scale
4-pt scale seems standard Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid#Proposal
A proposal to re-organize the BLS chapter to match First Aid/CPR summary
Talk:First Aid#Emergency Childbirth
Whether we want to include it at all, and if so, where?
Not included; content remains on the talk page for future use elsewhere Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/Emergency First Aid & Initial Action Steps#BLS Chapter
Where AEDs fit into this book: BLS or advanced skill?
AED use is an advanced skill; Basic AED knowledge is included throughout Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/Emergency First Aid & Initial Action Steps#Ambulance before Airway - Disagree
Call EMS first, or open airway and check breathing, then call EMS?
Talk:First Aid/Emergency First Aid & Initial Action Steps#AAA vs GO DR SHAVPU
Which, if any mnemonic should be used? Perhaps using AAA as a structural organization and GODRSHAVPU as a mnemonic would be best?
This was done Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/B for Breathing#ILCOR/AHA only, or include regional standards?
What does ILCOR actually say about when to call EMS, AED's role in BLS and the number of initial rescue breaths?
Talk:First Aid/C for Compressions#I believe
AEDs again
see above Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid/Extended Assessment#Keep the Article?
Whether to keep the extended assessment module
Kept Mike.lifeguard | talk 23:39, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
Talk:First Aid#Victims, patients, casualties
We reached consensus on this one, and I already made the changes.
We're using victim for everything except in Advanced Topics, where we'll have the option of using patient. Mike.lifeguard | talk 02:09, 16 July 2007 (UTC)
Meta content 

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