< Ethnomedicine

Ethnomedicine by Malady

List of Maladies


Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells. This results in a reduced ability of blood to transfer oxygen to the tissues, causing tissue hypoxia. Since all human cells depend on oxygen for survival, varying degrees of anemia can have a wide range of clinical consequences. Anemia is the most common disorder of the blood. There are several kinds of anemia, produced by a variety of underlying causes. Anemia can be classified in a variety of ways, based on the morphology of RBCs, underlying etiologic mechanisms, and discernible clinical spectra, to mention a few.


A treatment for facial acne is to apply Yellow Egg Yolk to the infected area. Or use Toothpaste and Honey with a bandaid for an overnight fix. Another home remedy is simply Toothpaste. Sometimes washing affected area with Tea Tree Oil can also be beneficial.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cognitive deterioration together with declining activities of daily living and behavioral changes. It is the most common type of dementia. The first symptom is loss of memory which increases with illness progression, then intellectual impairment extends to the areas of language, skilled movements, and recognition. The main cause of the disease is unknown.


Asthma is a chronic condition affecting populations around the world. Public attention has recently focused on this condition because its prevalence and the associated mortality rate have increased over the last several decades. While familial aggregation is observed, no clear pattern of segregation can be discerned. Most likely, there are multiple genetic, developmental, and environmental factors which interact to produce the overall condition. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asthma


A treatment for arthritis is glucosamine. Some easy and effective home remedies used to prevent or treat arthritis are the consumption of one of the following: Kombucha, Potato Juice, or Apple Cider Vinegar

Bad Breath

Hydrogen Peroxide is used to cure bad breath within many Western Societies. You are supposed to mix about a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with 8-10oz of water . Rinse your mouth with the solution and let it stand for 2–3 minutes. If you look into your mouth you will be able to see the peroxide solution working in between your teeth and under your gum line. Rinse your mouth well and brush your teeth as usual.


A treatment for baldness is cod liver oil and apple cider vinegar


Bedwetting has been attributed to a number of causes including deep sleep, urinary disorders, or even problems with the spinal cord. There are however a couple simple before bed solutions to this unfortunate common occurrence. Cranberry juice, if taken in the amount of about eight ounces before going sleeping each night can help. You can also eat two teaspoons of raisins and one teaspoon of walnut halves.

Bee Stings

One remedy for bee stings is the use of Broadleaf Plantain and Soybean Paste. Another is to apply the mixture of baking soda and water to the bee sting area. Mix a third of a cup of baking soda with two thirds of a cup of water, and put it on and around the sting. After a couple of minutes, you should start to feel relief. The paste will dry up and stop working after about 15 minutes, so apply more.

If stung by a bee one way to reduce pain and inflammation (if you are not allergic to bee stings) is to make a paste with a few drops of water to a teaspoon of meat tenderizer. In order for this to be affective however you must use a brand of meat tenderizer that has Papain in it. Papain breaks down the protein that is in insect bites which is why it is needed. Adolph's and McCormick are two brands that contain Papain.

If you'd like to safeguard yourself against future bee stings, you may want to start taking zinc or thiamine. These nutrients may affect your body odor, which in turn could keep the insects away. You can infuse your diet with foods such as red meats, oysters, and fortified cereals, which are high in zinc. If you decide to go that route, make sure to check with your doctor first, as high amounts of nutrients may be unhealthy. http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/48/13.cfm

Placing peeled and sliced potatoes on a bee sting can also help the sting become less painful and irritating faster.

Black Eye

A black eye occurs when blood begins to pool near the tender area of the eyeball in order to hasten the healing process. Asprin is not a good way decrease the pain of a black eye due to the fact that it's is a anticoagulant which will not allow the blood to clot as it should,slowing the healing process.Black Eye


A treatment for healing blisters is with Tea Bags. One should use a non-flavored tea bag and soak it in a cup of hot water just as if making a drink. After 2–3 minutes, when the tea bag begins to soak up the water, remove it and place it directly on the open wound/blister. For 10 minutes, push slightly down on the tea bag, allowing the herb juice within to trickle out onto the wound. After 10 minutes, check the skin surrounding the blister for a discoloration of either tan, brown, yellow, or orange skin. If this is apparent, take the tea bag off. If not, soak the tea bag on the blister for 2 more minutes. For the next half hour leave the blister open to fresh air, no allowing it to touch any objects or clothing. One should continue this process twice a day until the blister is properly healed. This treatment with tea bags will allow the blister to heal quickly. This remedy is used in the Western Society.

Bloody Nose

Bloody noses can be helped with cold water applied to the forehead. Another, less common method is stuffing the nostril with ruptured yarrow. This with help the blood coagulate more quickly.

The most common type is called the Anterior nosebleed. This could be caused by a dry nose, smoking, or medicinal blood thinners. In the case of these, one should sit in a chair and lean forward without tilting the head. Pinch the nose lightly with a small, wet cloth for about 5 minutes. Some cayenne pepper can be mixed water and can be drunk. This will draw blood away from the head to the stomach.

The other common type of nosebleed is called a Posterior nosebleed,which is most common among the elderly. It is caused by high blood pressure,the bleeding begins at the rear of the nose a begins to flow down the throat.

In both Posterior and Anterior cases an increased intake of iron can make them less frequent.


Dit Da Jow, “hit and fall wine”, commonly called “Jow”, is a liniment used by practitioners of the Chinese martial arts. More specifically used by practitioners of the iron body styles of kung fu; iron palm, vest, arm, leg, fist, and head. Jow is used to treat soft tissue damage such as bruising, strains, aches, increases blood flow.

There are two types of Jow, hot and cold. The “Hot Jow” is used for more heavily damaged areas, deep bruising and very tight muscles. “Cold Jow” is more generalized and used for typical daily training training. The differences between the two are 1) “Hot Jow” is heated before application and 2) the recipes are slightly different. The ingredients may differ to some degree but all Jows are fundamentally the same, they are a combination of a strong alcohol (Chinese rice wine or Vodka are common) and specific quantities of specific herbs such as Artemesia (Liu ji nu), Myrrh (Moyao), Borneol (Bingpian), Carthamus (Honghua), Cirsium (DaJi), Dragon's Blood (Xuejie), Musk (Shexiang), Pinellia (ShengBanXia), Cinnabar (Zhusha).

Jow is applied to the effected area right befor

Another way of clearing up bruises quickly is to massage the bruised area for a short period of time. This may seem painful, but if you can handle it, it is effective. The massaging breaks up the blood in the area and allows it to move, and thus the bruise will clear up faster.


A way to alleviate the pain of burns is Aloe Vera. Another way to alleviate the pain of burns is by applying Crest Original Toothpaste, see Toothpaste To prevent sunburns, use Daily Suncreen.

Canker Sores

Canker sores are painful reddish, sometimes white, sores on the inside of the mouth. The exact cause of canker sores is unknown, but is linked to stress, poor nutrition, menstrual cycles,changes in climate and food allergies.

The use of baking soda can help ease the pain and aid healing of canker sores. Using a mirror locate the sore, expose the canker sore by holding lips open with one hand. Dip the tip of one finger in baking soda and dab it onto the sore, covering it in baking soda. Continue to hold lips to expose the area, and avoid getting the area wet with saliva. Allow the baking soda to sit on the sore for a minute or two, then rinse with water. By the next day the canker sore should be less painful and begin shrinking. Hot fluids, such as green tea seem to aid healing. Repeat daily until the sore disappears.

This remedy has its origins in the great farm lands of Wisconsin, and likely many households across the country.

Also gargling a warm mixture of salt and water can help relieve canker sores. Mix a tea spoon of salt with a cup or so warm water (as hot as you can stand without burning yourself). Stir it until it dissolves. Gargle or rinse the solution in your mouth for 20–30 seconds, spit it out and repeat. Don't use the same solution over; rinse with it once and spit it out. Do this several times a day.

Using a tea tree oil mouth wash can also be a natural way of helping let your mouth heal itself of canker sores. Desert Essence is a company which produces such a product.

Rinsing your mouth out with sauerkraut juice has long been known to cure canker sores and prevent future ones from forming. Just swish a tablespoon of sauerkraut juice in your mouth for about thirty seconds one or two times each day.

There are also ways to prevent the occurrence of canker sores through your diet. Eating foods rich in vitamin b such as whole grain foods and a variety of vegetables. Some man need to avoid dairy products and acidic foods as these can irritate canker sores even further.

Although dairy products can be a cause of canker sores, yogurt consumed while experiencing one may help relieve symptoms. It is believed that the cultures in Acidophilus yogurt may help combat the bacteria present at the site of a canker sore. For more information, see Yogurt for Canker Sores.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Remedies include a wrist support pad.

Chapped Lips

Chapped lips is seen as a dehydration problem. Licking the lips has a temporary effect, but the evaporation that occurs afterwards only leads to further dehydration. Lip balm is the most effective way to lock in moisture and prevent the lips from dehydrating. Vaseline and suntan lotion also work.


A home remedy for the chickenpox is an Oatmeal Bath Other home remedies for chicken pox are to take baths daily in baking soda or oatmeal. Using calamine lotion or benadryl liquid or capsules by mouth for the itching skin. Use Neosporin ointment about 4 times a day for infected sores. Use Vitamin E oil or honey over skin to help the healing process. Trim nails and do not scratch sores, let the scabs fall off by them selves. Take Tylenol of fever.

Cold Sore

Not sure if originating from but from Australia and china combined as a home remedy they would use nail polish and tea tree oil. On first notice of a cold sore coming on take a q-tip and dip it in nail polish remover. Place the q-tip on your cold sore until the q-tip is somewhat dry. Through out the rest of the day dab tea tree oil on the cold sore 3 times a day. If the cold sore is still a problem the next day repeat from step one starting from the nail polish remover. There are risks doing this, its not for someone with sensitive skin since 100% tea tree oil can be very irritating to the skin and so can nail polish remover, and first of when you read the back of nail polish remover it will say "do not inhale or put directly onto skin" so use at your own risk. If you are worried about the nail polish remover skip it and just try the tea tree oil. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Teatreeoil.jpg/800px-Teatreeoil.jpg

Another remedy for cold sores involves vitamin E gel capsules. Pierce a hole in one of the capsules and smear the liquid on the cold sore 3-4 times per day. The sore tends to heal in a few days' time, as vitamin E is very beneficial to skin health and maintenance, and direct application is quicker than increased ingestion.

The Common Cold

A common cold can be prevented by taking Airborne, Humidifiers, Zinc or Emergen-C, Daily Multi-Vitamin. Exercise and proper diet can aid in prevention.

Cures for the common cold include Mustard Plaster. Symptom alleviation techniques for the common cold include Hot Food and Acetaminophen.


Prevention and cure for constipation includes Prune Juice and also Honey and Salt Relief of constipation can also be helped by drinking a mild hot drink, such as a weak tea or even just a mug of hot water.


A Prevention and cure for cramps, see Cramps Another cure for cramps is Acetaminophen


A faster, more efficient way to cure cuts is Neosporin

A way to prevent cuts is Knee pads/elbow pads

Hydrogen Peroxide can also help to cure a cut if it is infected.


Prevention for dandruff includes using dandruff.

Another type of treatment is a vinegar and water mixture.


To help clear up decongestion, use Eucalyptus. Ear Candling can also be used to clear up congestion in the sinuses. A Vapor Bowl can be used to relieve congestion of the chest. A "Jigger" of Whiskey, which is an old German remedy will also help to clear up unwanted congestion.


Prevention for dehydration includes drinking water.


A remedy for diabetes is Neem

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash mostly affects babies and toddlers who are still in their diaper phase in the growth cycle. It happens when moisture gets trapped in the diaper of the child. There are Diaper Rash preventions as well as a home remedy with Shark Liver Oil that can be used to help with the rash.


If you are having flow problem in the bathroom with Constipation and Diarrhea, You should consume the meat of an apple to loosen things up, or consume the skin of an apple to tighten things up.


For a shallow wound or other minor cuts, Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to sterilize the injury. Take a small amount, about a cap full, and pour it over the infected area. If bacteria are present, the reaction will cause the hydrogen peroxide to bubble. This means that it is working and the area is being disinfected. Once you have poured the hydrogen peroxide over the wound anywhere from 1-5 times, rise off the wound with water. Repeat twice a day, until the reaction no longer bubbles. However, this method can be dangerous as the amount of hydrogen peroxide used is considered excessive, and can cause damage to the skin and flesh surrounding the wound.

Honey can be smeared on a minor cut or scrape to aid in healing, as it possessed antibacterial properties. Aloe vera gel or liquid can also be used for this purpose.


One remedy for eczema is Cold Compress. Another good remedy is putting Coconut Oil directly on affected area.

If the eczema is in a place such as the underarms, baby powder is another effective remedy. It removes any moisture and soothes the redness and itchiness. Johnson's baby powder is a good product, as it is perfume free and will not irritate the skin.


Remedies for fever include Cold Compress, Acetaminophen, Distilled Spirits, Hot Food.

Fungal Infections

A remedy for fungal infections is mugwort.

A remedy for toenail fungal infections is vicks vaporub.


Glaucoma is a group of diseases of the optic nerve involving loss of retinal ganglion cells in a characteristic pattern of optic neuropathy. Although raised intraocular pressure is a significant risk factor for developing glaucoma, there is no set threshold for intraocular pressure that causes glaucoma. One person may develop nerve damage at a relatively low pressure, while another person may have high eye pressure for years and yet never develop damage. Untreated glaucoma leads to permanent damage of the optic nerve and resultant visual field loss, which can progress to blindness. Cannabis is widely used by and legally prescribed to patients with glaucoma in Western Culture.


Halitosis can be prevented with Saliva or the process of salivation.


A hangover is the result of drinking too much alcohol and not drinking water. The symptoms are nausea, headache, and sometimes dizziness There are simple food solutions to prevent hangovers. There are also a lot of different things you can do in the morning to alleviate your symptoms such as taking alka-seltzer and drinking a cup or two of water.


Headaches are a common complaint among many people, but oftentimes they can be treated fairly easily. Headaches are usually caused by stress, lack of sleep, eyestrain, loud noises etc. One of the most effective ways to treat a headache is to lie down in a cool, quite, dark room with a cold ice pack or wet washcloth over your eyes. This will mainly promote relaxation, which in most cases is the cause of the headache.

Another possible solution for temporarily treating a headache is pinching your hand as hard as possible. This creates another minimal pain, but will draw the attention away from the headache.

Another usually never thought of remedy for headaches is working out. Usually working out is probably the last thing that someone with a really bad headache would want to do, but it has been shown to help alleviate the pain. Try a light work out program, such as a brisk walk or join an actually fitness program. Too much exercise during a migraine could make it worse though. Working out releases natural endorphins, releases tense muscles, reduces anxiety, increased blood and lymph circulation, reduced fatigue, improves sleep which means more sleep, and improves digestion among many other things. All of these things that exercise helps can help to cause headaches, so exercising can help to reduce headaches.

One remedy for headaches is drinking Gatorade If at-home remedies do not help to alleviate the pain, acupuncture is an excellent next step to recovery.


An effective cure for hiccups is drinking water upside-down or Drinking water with nose and ears plugged. Some people think that being suddenly surprised or very scared can get rid of hiccups. Possibly because of this and general food preferences eating a spoon full of sugar with a little bit of vinegar on it can cure the hiccups. This remedy is not actually as disgusting as it sounds.

High Cholesterol

Prevention for high cholesterol includes exercise and a healthy diet.


Hives are raised, itchy, red, histamine filled welts that appear on the surface of the skin. Hives range in size form a quarter inch to 3 inches or more across. They may last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. A hive can be caused by an insect bite or in response to an allergic reaction. Hives can be treated with Benadryl


Prevention for influenza can be Flu Vaccine.

Ingrown Toenails

Many of you have accumulated ingrown toenails and may have wondered how to get rid of them. Within the Western Societies a cure that may help get rid of ingrown toenails may be to soak your foot in warm water for 15 minutes to soften the skin around the nail. To do this, it is best to soak your foot in hotter water than you would usually use and massage the foot for the 15 minutes allowed. Daily foot soaks in warm water will help relieve the swelling or tenderness while the toenails grow out. Letting the toenails grow out and taking proper care of them will help prevent them from being ingrown again.


A remedy for insomnia is Passion Flower A remedy for insomnia is Warm Milk A remedy for insomnia is Chamomile Tea and Whole Wheat Snack.


Jaundice occurs when the liver can not handle the load it is given. Urine becomes darker, stools become lighter, and bilirubin (a yellow/brown substance that is the result of red blood cells breaking down) begins to collect in tissue all over the body. Jaundice is more of a symptom of a disease than a disease iself. It can be a sign of pernicious anemia, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and hemolysis.Some symptoms of Jaundice are yellowing of the eyes,the mucous membranes,and also the skin.


Lice are mites (prediculosis) that can be seen with the naked eye. They lay eggs on the shafts of hair on the scalp (nits, shells that contain eggs, are glued to the head). In about a week the immature louse hatches and hides in the scalp for two to three weeks until it matures enough to lay eggs of its own. They survive on human blood acquired through tiny bites in the skin of the scalp. These pesky parasites cause itching- just the thought of them can tickle! If one itches too often or too hard, the scalp can become inflamed or even infected, which can cause the glands in the neck to swell. Being socially shunned for a couple of days can also be a side effect of lice.

It is a common misconception that if one acquires lice, they don't practice good hygiene. Actually, lice come whether or not one bathes regularly. However, there are some preventive practices. Since lice are transmitted through direct contact with a contaminated person's hair and/or through the sharing of brushes, combs, hats, and other hair accessories, one should not share these objects. This is one time being selfish can actually help the greater good of everyone!

Lice can be treated with medication and other treatments. Medicated shampoos kills the live lice (regular shampoo doesn’t work, so cleanliness is not a prevention practice), and egg (nit) remover gets rid of the eggs and nits that are more firmly attached to the hair and scalp. Combing one’s hair after using the shampoo and remover should dislodge anything that is left over. There are also other sketchier ways of removing the lice, one of which is Malathion (or Ovide) which is a pesticide that should be used cautiously and on children no younger than six years of age. Malathion is not widely used because of its potential toxicity, and should be used as a last resort. A few alternative home remedies include olive oil, mayonnaise, and petroleum jelly (Vaseline), all of which prevent the lice from moving, thereby killing them. Some have found that Listerine mouthwash works as well. Saturate your hair, then cover with a shower cap for 15 minutes and shampoo as normal. You may want to repeat this process if it does not kill all the lice eggs immediately. A more drastic approach is to shave ones head compleatly. It may seem extreamly drastic, but this is an extreamly quick and effective way to remove not only the adult lice, but the eggs as well. However, many people feel that it's quick and effective results are not worth the cost of loosing all of ones hair. http://www.healthcentral.com/peoplespharmacy/408/61022.html


A remedy for Migraine headaches is butterbur. Another is feverfew, which can be taken in caplets both for preventative treatment and acute attacks.

Migraine headaches that lead to nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity encumber individual’s everyday. When you suspect you may have a migraine you should seek treatment immediately.A Cold Pack over your eyes is a remedy to help relieve a migraine.

Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is the disturbance of the inner ear which is caused by repeated motion such as that of a swell of the sea, car movement, turbulence on an airplane, etc. Symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Other common signs are sweating, discomfort, and an overall feeling of not feeling well. An alternate practice to alleviate such symptoms is ginger root and African ginger.

Muscle Aches

A remedy for muscle aches is Bananas A preventative practice for muscle aches is Stretching.

Muscle Cramping]

Muscle cramping is very common in Western Societies. It often occurs during exercise in hot weather and at night. It is often caused by low levels of potassium in ones body. Potassium and sodium work together across cell membranes to regulate muscle cramping.

Muscle Soreness

After working out, playing a sport, or working with heavy objects, it is possible to pull a muscle. When you pull a muscle, it hurts quite a bit, and will impact your ability to work out afterwards, or even go about daily tasks. When a sore muscle occurs, there are creams and other such things that you can apply. However, at the interest of time and money, there are simple treatments that can be taken. 1st, it is important to apply ice to the region that hurts for twenty minutes, once every hour until pain subsides. After pain subsides, and even in between icings, one should stretch to rid the area of lactic acid, which contributes to the pain. Stretching gently is important, since the area is already sore, and vigorous stretching will only cause the muscle to hurt more. It is important that you walk 15–30 minutes a day, not just because walking is good for your mind and body, but also because it will increase circulation through your body, and will deliver oxygen to the sore muscle. Drinking 8+ glass’ of water a day will help increase hydration to the muscle, which will also ease the pain. Most importantly, stay off the muscle. Do not curl weights if your biceps is sore, and do not run 4 miles if the sore muscle is in your leg.

Overall Wellness

Maintaining a balance of yin and yang, mind and body can be done by performing Tai Chi regularly. Drinking a glass of kombucha can also stimulate metabolism and other bodily functions in turn leading to overall wellness.


Pain can be alleviated by a lot of medications and practices. One popular medication used to treat minor aches and pains is Acetaminophen


Pneumonia is a sickness of the lungs and the respiratory system that causes the lungs and the alveoli to become inflamed and produce fluids. This can result from a variety of causes including viruses, bacteria, and over cooling of the body. A remedy for this sickness is a Lung Compress.

Pink Eye

Pink Eye is also called conjunctivitis, it is an inflammation of the membrane (the conjunctiva) that lines the eyelid and covers the surface of the eye. Bacteria and viruses (which are very contagious) allergies, dry air, and irritants in the air such as smoke, fumes, or chemicals can cause pink eye. When bacteria or a virus is involved, the condition is more commonly called an infection.

The symptoms of pinkeye may include redness in the whites of the eyes, red and swollen eyelids, lots of tears, itching or burning, a sandy feeling in the yes, and sensitivity to light. Most cases of pinkeye will clear up on their own in 7 to 10 days. A warm compress applied directly to the eye several times a day will relive discomfort during this period.

Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac

Itchy and occasionally painful skin irritations caused by poison ivy, oak and sumac are a result of physical contact with the poison secreted by these plants. The most effective preventative measures, know what these plants look like and which environments they grow, can reduce the chance of exposure. For those who regularly find themselves in the wilderness contact with these plants is inevitable. Thankfully the poisons are only frustrating and itchy not deadly.

The rash that is caused by the poison is typically reddish, bumpy, and itchy. The rash itself will secrete a toxin that causes it to spread to other areas or other people through direct or indirect contact. With this in mind the first step in treatment is containment. Areas effected should not be touched by any other part of the body, a simple ACE bandage wrapped around the area will suffice. Itching irritates the rash and prolongs the infection.

Over the counter rash ointments are available, ointments do reduce itching and help stimulate healing, but there are several home remedies that work just as well if not better. The first of which is the topical application of oatmeal, the heat and moisture from the oatmeal sooths the itching. Oatmeal’s thick viscous consistency conducts heat and insulates very well. An oatmeal treatment may be used as needed for the entire duration of the rash.

Secondly, a mixture of baking soda and vinegar is believed to extract the toxins from the rash, quickly reducing the size and reducing the duration of the infection. A large amount of baking soda is mixed with a relatively small amount of vinegar to create a thick paste. The vinegar is added in small increments to reduce the size of the resulting chemical reaction. Heating paste prior to it’s application will sooth the itching upon contact and open the pours of the skin allowing the toxins to flow out into the paste. When the paste has become dry and brittle it is washed off with cold water and reapplied as needed.

Or for an irritating plant induced rash you could try a Honey Wrap.


Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease that creates lesions or sores on skin and is treatable by many methods. The use of moisturizers will help relieve some of the itch associated with the condition. Exposure to sunlight also seems to benefit persons with this condition. Vitamin D, Vitamin E, as well as Grape Root have been shown as treatments for the symptoms.

Red Eyes

The use of a Cold Washcloth over closed eyes helps to constrict blood flow within your eyes. This aids in reducing red eyes because the restricted blood vessels stop pumping blood into your eye. Also, the cold washcloth helps add moisture to your eyes which will help get rid of any unwanted material within your eyes. This is a typical medical practice of the Western Societies.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

A remedy for rheumatoid arthritis is Borage Oil.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a mood disorder experienced during the winter months. Between September and April, an estimated half-million people experience SAD every year. It is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus due to the shortened daylight hours and general lack of sunlight in the winter.

Symptoms include a general feeling of depression, not normally experienced throughout the rest of the year. SAD is more commonly found at latitudes north of 30°N and south of 30°S and rarely found in tropic regions.

SAD can be prevented and remedied by so-called SAD lamps, which emit full spectrum bright light. SAD lamps do not emit UV light, so the imbalance may be corrected without resulting in skin damage.

Sore Throat

Sore throats are most commonly cause by infection, about 90% of which are viral. Usually, cases are minor and can be cured through simple at home remedies. If serious, they may lead to strep throat or bronchitis. A home remedy to treat sore throats include Honey Tea. A remedy to treat sore throats includes Menthol Eucalyptus Cough Drops. Gargling salt water is an age old remedy that helps relieve pain associated with a sore throat. This remedy is best utilized if you catch the sore throat at an early stage. The reasoning behind using water with a high concentration of salt is to soak out the some of the inflaming agents that cause a sore throat. Additionally, salt water has a certain cleansing effect with regard to viral or bacterial infection. A normal salt to water ratio is 1/2 teaspoon per 8 ounces of water. This remedy provides only short term relief, and must be repeated often to continue to see results. But over/extended use may cause more harm than help. As a good rule of thumb don’t gargle more than 2 teaspoons an hour, this will allow for 4 gargles per hour, which should be plenty. This is a family practice, passed down generation by generation, and has no specific cultural ties. Another way to cure sore throats that has traditionally been used in many different cultures is consumption of licorice root, which increases mucous production in the throat. Ice cream has also commonly been used in Western Society to deal with and sooth sore throats. In Chinese culture, ginseng soup is commonly ingested for a simple cure of calming and relaxing the throat.

Snake Bite

Leeches can be very effective in extracting snake venom from a snake bite. More recently in medical history the leech is used to prevent venous congestion (pooling of excess blood) when re-attaching fingers, toes, or ears. The most effective species of leech for medical use is called the Hirudo medicinalis which has three jaws that look like little saws with about 100 sharp teeth used to puncture the skin of a host. It is recommended to leave the leech on the infected area for about 6–12 hours. By that time the leech will have extracted enough blood to digest and live off for about another year before needing another host while removing poisonous venom or excess blood. The hirudo medicinalis leech’s saliva contains anesthetic so the host or patient feels little pain while it is attached. Their saliva also contains an anticoagulant which keeps the host’s blood from clotting which may cause more bleeding after the leech has been removed but is not dramatic enough to affect a human. It is normal for a healing leech bite to itch and should be thoroughly cleaned to prevent any kind of infection. There is nothing that exists in modern medicine today as effective for snake venom or venous congestion used today which is why leeches are used around the world. The practice of using leeches to extract blood was first recorded to have been used in ancient Greece as a part of the humoral theory. Leeches are known to be sold in animal markets in Istanbul and many other civilizations around the world.

Spina Bifida

Spina bifida refers to a disorder involving the incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord and/or the protective coverings of a developing baby. A way to prevent spina bifida in a developing fetus is the regular consumption of folic acid among pregnant and sexually active women. http://www.stronghealth.com/services/urology/pediatricurology/spinabifida.cfm The Food and Drug Administration recommends that every pregnant women incorporate 400 micrograms of folic acid into their diet.


A sprain can be alleviated with ginger root. Alternating hot and cold packs on the affected area is also thought to be helpful, as it stimulates blood flow and helps damaged tissue to mend. Resting the sprain and wrapping it with a tension bandage to aid in support is also recommended.

Stinging Nettle

A natural remedy that can be used upon contact with a stinging nettle can be applied using specific Ferns to the infected area.

A home remedy used to treat the pain associated with stinging nettle skin contact is an application of cottage cheese to the affected area.

A natural remedy that is used to cure the affects caused by stinging nettles are Doc Leaves (Rumex obtusifolia), they are simply rubbed on the area affected.

Stomach Ache

A stomach ache is usually referred to when there is any discomfort in the abdominal area. One of the common diagnosis of a stomach ache is indigestion, which can be aided by uncooked rice

Other cures or treatments for a stomach ache are antacids, gatorade, ginger ale, and yogurt.

Also try Sprite and Crackers or Peppermint Tea.


A way to relieve stress is Playing Music/Singing, ingesting forms of St. John's wort, yoga, Massage, and #Incense.

Common Symptoms of excessive stress:

  • Regularly walking, eating, or working in a hurried way.
  • Thinking and worrying excessively about the past or future.
  • Frequent tension in the body (esp. neck, face, shoulders, back and chest, and stomach) which often goes unnoticed until one slows down, breaths deep and carefully surveys the body. Sometimes leads to tension headaches or migraines.
  • Feeling of the "weight of the world" on your shoulders.
  • Feeling emotionally on edge or uncharacteristically irritable.
  • Regular tiredness during the day.
  • Significant need for outside stimulation to feel good (coffee/caffeine, sweeteners, food, sex, TV, alcohol, money, accomplishments, etc.)

Strategies for Relieving Stress: The most common way to help reduce stress is to try to make life as stress-free as possible. This may include getting activities out of the way that are causing your stress or constantly reminding you that you shouldn't be stressed out, especially about small things. Exercise is a great long term reducer of stress. Enrolling in an exercise class such as yoga or dancing has been shown to significantly reduce stress over time. Another simple way of becoming stress free is cleaning around your environment. It clears the mind and is a light exercise. Cleaning allows for a cleaner more relaxing environment to work in. Working in a more relaxed environment lets the mind focus on what’s important. sleep is another terrific method of getting rid of stress.

Prayer and meditation also helps cope and manage stress.


To rid those painful bumps on your eyelid use the Tea Bags trick to sooth them away.

Another way to help rid of a sty would be to use an Eye Cup. A sty is an infection or inflammation of the secretory glands of the eyelids. This common infection or inflammation results from blocked glands within the eyelid. When the gland is blocked, the oil produced by the gland occasionally gets backed up and forms a lump, which can be red and painful. The eye cup can be used to clean out the eye and wash out the glands. The idea is to use the cup 3-4 times daily with warm (NOT HOT) water mixed with a little bit of sulphur. Blink as many times as possible for about 45 seconds. This remedy is very common within Hispanic culture.

Such diseases as Diabetes, Parkingson's Disease, Gallstones, and Obesity

For such diseases as these Caffeine can be used to reduce the risk of getting such disease.

Sunburn Skin

The best over-counter lotion/crème to alleviate sunburn pains such as stinging is to use Noxzema moisturizer that is found in the stores. It feels terrific especially if you store the Noxzema in a drawer because the crème naturally maintains a cool level which feels incredible on a sun burned skin. Apply enough Noxzema to cover the sunburn completely; and apply a minimum of 2-3 times a day. The sunburn should most likely be gone within 2 days depending on the degree of the sunburn. NOTE: Some of the Noxzema moisturizer's come with Aloe-Vera; and use caution if your skin is sensitive to Aloe-Vera or use a different kind of Noxzema without Aloe-Vera.

Licorice root can also help heal inflammation of the stomach. When taken, it coats the stomach membrane with mucous to reduce the damage done to the membrane by stomach acids and kills "Helicobactor pylori", a bacteria associated with stomach inflammation.

Tooth Ache

Toothaches can be a pain, but a quick remedy is Vanilla Extract.

Tooth Discoloration

To eliminate plaque and gain whiteness and shine, use a mix of baking soda and salt as a paste.

Upset Stomach

A home remedy for curing an upset stomach is the use of Coca Cola/ Coke Syrup.

Also try sprite and crackers, peppermint tea, eating burnt toast, or Ethnomedicine/Home Remedies#Pressure Points.


A hard rough lump growing on the skin, caused by infection with certain viruses and occurring typically on the hands or feet. Morning Spit can also be used to treat warts. Many people in the Western culture cure warts in mainly two different ways. One is going to the doctor and getting them frozen off. The other is getting a prescription medication drug that will make the wart go away. The less known method of wart removal is the use of morning spit has been known to cure a wart in about a week. This has to do with the bacteria in the mouth that comes when people fall asleep.

Some people have been known to apply a paste of baby powder and aloe vera gel to the wart. .

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