< English for B2 Students

I've visited Venice

Aim of this lesson: Talk about hobbies and your family and practice using the present perfect to talk about experiences.

Chloe and Michael are students at university in Manchester. They're talking about places that they went to in the past.


A gondola, Venice, Italy


Chloe Have you ever been to Venice?
Michael No, I've never been there. What's it like?
Chloe It was great, but I went there with my aunt and cousins so I didn't have a lot of free time.
Michael Did you go on a gondola?
Chloe No, but I wanted to! Where have you been that was exciting?
Michael I've been to South Africa. In South Africa we went sailing, which was fantastic.

Grammar Focus - Present Perfect

  • I have visited Venice.

Do we know when I visited Venice? Do we know how many times I visited Venice?

The Present Perfect is a very commonly used form in English. It is very important to learn how this form is used.

Present Perfect

English for B2 students Grammar • Unit 3
Present Perfect

Form Example
+ positive sentences SUBJECT + HAVE / HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE I have seen The Lord of the Rings.
- negative sentences SUBJECT + HAVEN'T / HASN'T + PAST PARTICIPLE I haven't seen The Lord of the Rings.
? questions HAVE / HAS + SUBJECT + PAST PARTICIPLE ? Have you seen The Lord of the Rings?
  • Also for negative sentences we can use have / has + never + past participle - I have never seen The Lord of the Rings.
  • For questions we often ask Have you ever if we want people to tell us about an experience at ANY time in their life - Have you ever seen the Lord of the Rings?
  • Remember that the present perfect is only used in situations where we don't know WHEN it happened - I went to France last year NOT I have been to France last year.

Vocabulary - Family

The picture of Frodo Baggins' family tree (from the Lord of the Rings films) shows his family.

English for B2 students Vocabulary • Unit 3
Adjectives & Prepositions

Relation to Frodo Name
Frodo's father Drogo Baggins
Frodo's mother Primula Brandybuck
Frodo's aunt (auntie) Dora Baggins
Frodo's uncle Dudo Baggins
Frodo's grandfather Fosco Baggins
Frodo's grandmother Ruby Bolger
Dora Baggins' nephew Frodo
Fosco Baggins' grandson Frodo
Drogo Baggins' son Frodo

Speaking Practice

Try to practice asking and answering these questions in pairs. If you're working on your own then write your answers.

  • How big is your family? Do you have many brothers, sisters, aunts, or uncles?
  • Have you ever been on vacation with your family? Did you like it?
  • Have you ever been to see a film at the cinema more than once? When? What film was it?
  • Whom are you closest to in your family? How often do you see that person?


Try these questions to see if you can use the present perfect correctly. The answers can be found here.

Complete the following sentences using the present perfect or past simple:

  1. Have you ever eaten / Did you ever eat curry?
  2. Last year I went / have been to Poland.
  3. No, I have never seen / never have seen The Lord of the Rings.
  4. My brother says that he haven't eaten / hasn't eaten curry.
  5. Did you go on vacation last summer? Yes, I have been / went to Croatia.

Grammar Reference

For further information about present perfect and past simple see Tenses and Forms.

AimsUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Test 1

• Unit 7 • Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11 • Unit 12 • Test 2

This is the test page - the answers are not to be inserted here, but to be found here

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