Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes


  • 4–5 tablespoons malted chocolate mix or Ovaltine (Ovomaltine), or dry malt extract[1]
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • 1 cups (236 mL) hot water


  1. Mix the Ovaltine and cocoa powder together.
  2. Pound with a spoon until very fine, this will help eliminate the time of stirring.
  3. Shake the Ovaltine and drinking powder for 10 seconds. This is called an instant hot chocolate mix.
  4. Pour the mix into the water. Stir well. Top with whipped cream if desired and serve, sprinkled with cinnamon or chocolate powder, if desired.


For a sweeter taste:

  • 1 tbs. of Hershey's Chocolate Mix
  1. Add to the hot water, stir before adding the mix. (Thick version)


  1. Available from brewing supply stores or on-line.

See also

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