Deep Fried Turkey
Category Turkey recipes
Servings 20 - 30
Time Thawing: 3 to 5 days
Cooking: 45 minutes to an hour

Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes

| Southern U.S. cuisine | Poultry recipes 



  • Dedicated turkey frying set: cooking pot, propane burner, 550°F 16 inch thermometer with clip, turkey stand, and triangular handled hook
  • At least 10 pounds of propane
  • Fire extinguisher, check it is ready to use and charged


  1. If frozen, thaw turkey in a safe manner. Remove giblets bag from cavity.
  2. Place turkey on its stand and set it in the dedicated turkey-frying pot.
  3. Pour water into pot until turkey is covered completely and water level is two inches above the turkey.
  4. Remove turkey from water, and mark level of water in pot.
  5. Pour out water (discard). Dry the pot thoroughly and fill to line with peanut oil.
  6. Heat oil in pot over propane burner to 400°F, by thermometer, in area at least TWENTY FEET FROM ANY BUILDING.
  7. Slowly lower completely thawed, completely drained turkey (on its stand) into oil using the hook with an oven mitt.
  8. The temperature of the oil will decrease to 350°F. Maintain that temperature closely!
  9. Monitor temperature constantly until heat is turned off. Don't let it drop below 345°F or go over 355°F
  10. Fry turkey 3 minutes per pound. Be careful not to over-cook it! If it floats, it's over-done!
  11. Remove turkey using hook with oven mitt.
  12. Check temperature using meat thermometer in deep part of meat, to be at least 160°F.
  13. Turn off fire and allow to cool completely before even considering moving.
  14. Rest turkey on tray, breasts down, 20-30 minutes before carving.

Tips, Notes, and Variations

  • If you are not willing to perform step #1 of directions, you are not safe to cook using this method.
  • If you cannot understand steps #3 through #6, do not use this method.
  • The safest way to thaw a turkey is in the refrigerator. Any other way invites salmonella.
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