Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients
| Basic foodstuffs

This page is intended to be a list of links to descriptions of various types of meat and poultry (or food items derived from meat and poultry) that can be used as an ingredient in cooking, rather than recipes or lists of recipes.
Some of the better written descriptions of meat and poultry ingredients, as of the last edit of this page, include:
For a complete list of all meat and poultry ingredient descriptions available on the Cookbook, please see Category:Meat and poultry.
Below are a few types of meat and poultry ingredients, fanciful or otherwise, contributors have manually added to this page.
Game in fur
- Wild Sheep & Goat
- African Game Meats
- Antelope & springbok
- 'Bush Meat'
- Gnu
- Water Buffalo
- Zebra
Game in feather
- Snipe & Woodcock
- Pigeon & Squab
- Guineafowl
- Partridge
- Grouse & Ptarmigan
- Widgeon
- Wild Duck & Goose
Processed Meats
Exotic meats
Many meats can become infected with various bacteria, such as Staphylicoccus, Campylobacter Jejuni, and E. Coli O157:H7, when the animal is butchered. This can occur because the intestines can be accidentally cut into, releasing contaminated fecal matter, and butcher's knives can bacome contaminated. Infection chances are greatly reduced by thorough cooking.