Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes

| Bread | Breakfast
Category Bread recipes
Time 45 minutes

Biscuits are a type of quickbread sometimes served with lunch or dinner, especially for an informal or casual meal. Sometimes biscuits are served with gravy. Often biscuits are served with breakfast. Eaters typically apply butter, honey, jam, or jelly to their biscuits. For breakfast, an eater might add a fried egg, fried ham, sausage or cheese.

Biscuits come in two forms, cut and dropped. Cut biscuits use a fairly normal dough that is rolled out and cut with a circular cookie cutter. Drop biscuits use a somewhat more liquid dough that is dropped onto a cookie sheet with a spoon.


[note 1]
Baker's %
2 c (240 mL) flour250100%
1 T (15 mL) baking powder13.85.52%
1/3 t (2 mL) salt20.8%
1/3 c (80 mL) lard or shortening68.3327.33%
1 c (240 mL) milk for drop biscuits, or 3/4 c (180 mL) milk for cut biscuits183-24473.2-97.6%


  1. Mix the dry ingredients.
  2. Cut (mix) in the fat, preferably as you would for an apple crisp or traditional pie crust.
  3. Add the milk, mixing only as needed to wet the dough or batter.
  4. If doing drop biscuits, you'll plop the batter by spoonfuls (large spoonfuls) onto the cookie sheet. Otherwise, for cut biscuits:
    1. Give the dough a quick knead.
    2. Roll the dough out to 1/2 ", using flour as needed to avoid sticking.
    3. Cut circles with a 2.5" cookie cutter, or carve hexagons (a honeycomb pattern) with a knife.
  5. Space the biscuits 1" apart on the cookie sheet.
  6. Bake 10 to 12 minutes in a 450°F oven, stopping when lightly browned on top.
  7. Serve hot.

Conversion Notes

  1. Weight conversions from USDA National Nutrient Database. Original recipe text and ingredient order preserved. Used cups and spoon values for conversions. Presumed all purpose flour, household composite vegetable shortening, and whole milk. The two milk weights are given as a range and are sequentially reversed from the order given in the volumetric text.
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