< Coaching Youth Middle Distance Runners
Coaching Youth
Middle Distance Runners
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Poehlein, M. (2000). 800 meters to mile. In J. Rogers (Ed.). USA Track & Field coaching manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (pp. 93109). http://books.google.com/books?id=YiqowAKyNeQC&pg=PA93. 
Snell, P. (1990). Middle distance running. In T. Reilly, N. Secher, P. Snell et al. (Eds.). Physiology of sports. London, England: Taylor & Francis (pp. 90106). https://books.google.com/books?id=pMuSAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA90. 
USA Track & Field. (2016). USA Track & Field 2016 competition rules. Indianapolis, IN: Author. http://www.usatf.org/usatf/files/08/08858a62-cbaa-4828-ae85-bd9384f33fcc.pdf. 

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