< Chess Opening Theory
Ammonia Opening
a b c d e f g h
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)


Moves: 1. Nh3
ECO code: A00
Parent: Starting position

1. Nh3 - Ammonia Opening

The Ammonia opening is based on the chemical formula of ammonia (NH3) and the fact that ammonia, like this opening, 'stinks'. Other titles for this opening include; the Amar Opening, the Paris Opening, and Drunken Knight Opening. Chess author Tim Harding has jokingly suggested that "Amar" is an acronym for "Absolutely mad and ridiculous"; that sums up this move!

It's not bad, it just does not improve White's position, as such it's a wasted opportunity.

Black's responses

This has effectively given the first move to Black. Any one of White's opening moves may be employed by Black (except, of course, 1... g5.)


No statistics as 1. Nh3 occurs rarely among serious chess players.

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    • Eric Schiller (2002). Unorthodox Chess Openings (Second Edition ed.). Cardoza. ISBN 1-58042-072-9. 

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