< Chemical Information Sources

SIRCh: Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry

SIRCh provides links to factual sources on the Internet where answers can be found to chemical questions.

Main TopicIncludes
How and Where to StartPublications, Guides, Computer Searching,
Current Awareness, Reviews, Document Delivery, Background Reading
How and Where to Search: GeneralChemical Databases, Author, Citation, Subject, Chemical Name, Formula, Structure Searching
How and Where to Search: SpecializedSynthesis, Reaction, Safety, Analytical, Physical, Patent Searching
Communicating in ChemistryBlogs, Newsgroups, Listserves, Visualization, Writing
MiscellaneousHistory, Directories, Teaching, Study, Careers, Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics
Supplemental ResourcesCIS, CIIM, Problem Sets, CRSD, CHMINF-L


How and Where to Start

SIRCh: The Publication Process

SIRCh: Guides to Chemical Information Sources and Databases

SIRCh: Computer Searches

SIRCh: Keeping Up and Looking Back: Current Awareness, Reviews, and Document Delivery

SIRCh: Deep Background Reading: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Treatises, Monographs, and Other Books

How and Where to Search: General

SIRCh: Chemistry Databases on the Web (Alphabetical List)

SIRCh: Chemistry Databases on the Web (Classified List)

SIRCh: Author and Citation Searches

SIRCh: Subject Searches

SIRCh: Chemical Name and Formula Searches

SIRCh: Structure Searches

How and Where to Search: Specialized

SIRCh: Synthesis and Reaction Searches

SIRCh: Chemical Safety and Toxicology Searches

SIRCh: Analytical Chemistry Searches

SIRCh: Physical Property Searches

SIRCh: Chemical Patent Searches

Communicating in Chemistry

SIRCh: Chemistry Blogs and Discussion Groups

SIRCh: Molecuar Visualization Tools and Sites

SIRCh: Science Writing Aids


SIRCh: Chemical History, Biography, Directories, and Industry Sources

SIRCh: Teaching and Study of Chemistry

SIRCh: Chemistry Courses on the Web

SIRCh: Careers in Chemistry

SIRCh: Cheminformatics (aka, Chemoinformatics or Chemiinformatics)

SIRCh: Bioinformatics

Supplemental Resources

Chemical Information Sources: Lecture notes on the topics listed above.

CIIM: Chemical Information Instructional Materials (Web resources for more in-depth training on the topics discussed in the chapters.)

CRSD: Chemical Reference Sources Database (a searchable database that covers reference books, commercial databases, etc.)

CHMINF-L: Chemical Information Sources Discussion List (a listserv in existence since 1991 with many chemistry librarians, chemists, publishers, and others interested in chemical information; has a searchable archive of all posts since its inception.)

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