< Canne de Combat
Blue pommel
- The beginning
- Technical requirements : balance, quality, the 6 techniques , the 8 parries , dodgings .
- Theory : Knowledge of the weapon, and the history of the canne.
Green pommel
- The two hands works together
- Topic: I touch and I am not touched
- Technical requirements : slits, voltes and framing
- Theory: Criteria of the validity of a hit (movement, valid areas)
Red pommel
- The co-operation to the opposition
- Topic: I am not touched and I touch
- Principle: defensive organization and concept of response
- Technical requirements: Shift, overflow, opposition, management of the effort
- Theory: regulation Canes of Combat and Bâton, the behaviour, the equipment, the obligations of the players, the principles of the judgement, the sanctions and penalties
- Allows to be initiator
White pommel
- Entered the confirmation
- Topic: I touch before being touched
- Principle: anticipation
- Technical requirements: behavioral diagram, sequence prepared for a demonstration, interiorization of the practice (closed eyes)
- Theory: the file of J/A, the categories of age and the various types of competition
Yellow pommel
- Pommel of the acquisition
- Topic: “I disturb for touching”
- Principle: pretence (see the article on the pretence of B. Dubreuil)
- Technical requirement: work in simple cane, double cane and stick
- Theory: to have the diploma of regional training J/A, take part at the various meetings (official and semi-official)
- Allows to be instructor
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