< Canadian Criminal Sentencing < Cases

Ranges of sentences for the offence of Robbery.

Store Robberies

R. v. Fleming2013 CanLII 75 (NL PC)NLPC90 daysOffender gave note to pharmacist demanding oxycontin, claimed he had a gun.
R. v. Pruden-Collins2012 BCPC 441 (CanLII)BCPC5 yearsrobbed Subway restaurant with firearm
R. v. Oates2012 ONCJ 461ONPC4 years 9 monthsone store robbery, one bank robbery--prior record of 6 robberies
R. v. Soosay2012 ABPC 220ABPCCSOtwo robberies and a B&E--offender was developmentally delayed
R v Macri2012 SKPC 94SKPC1 yearoffender was driver for two armed robberies of stores
R v Brown2012 ONCJ 262ONPC20 monthsrobbed a pharmacy while masked, co-accused had a knife
R. v. Pearson2012 ABQB 240ABSCtwo years less a day CSOoffender displayed knife to clerk asking for money, clerk says "really?", then offender says "no, not really", and then leaves--good PSR--guilty plea
R. v. Massaquoi2012 BCPC 113BCPC75 monthsyouth sentenced as adult--break into jewellery store with firearm
R. v. Kewell2012 ONCJ 228ONPC4 yearsprior record of 6 robberies
R. v. Hansen2012 BCCA 142BCCA48 monthstwo store robberies, defence appeal dismissed
R. v. Grujic2012 ONCA 146ONCA48 monthstwo store robberies
R. v. Link2012 MBPC 25MBPC8 months CSO
R. v. Hutchings2012 NLCA 2NLCA5.5 yearstwo counts of armed robbery--overview of procedure to decide on totality
R. v. Kotelko and Lindell2011 MBPC 76MBPC4 monthsstealing from store while armed with knife
R. v. Rogers2011 BCCA 156BCCA5.5 years
R. v. Sampson2010 SKC 28SKPC15 moassisted principle in robbery with shotgun.
R. v. Lebar2010 ONCA 220ONCArobbed store with a knife, fled with cash; refused CSO
R. v. Maroti2010 MBCA 54MBCA3 yearsseries of 7 robberies of gas stations
R. v. Flowers2010 ONCA 129ONCA10 years8 counts of robbery with a firearm
R. v. Furness2007 BCCA 492BCCA5 years7 robberies of fast-food establishments
R. v. Howse2006 ABCA 163ABCA8 years4 counts of armed robbery offender aged 31, recovering addict, 54 prior offences; court stated “the three year starting point for convenience store robberies.”
R. v. Lee2004 ABCA 70ABCA2 yearsconvenience store armed robbery--prior record of 40 convictions, most in youth court--high risk to reoffend--premeditation and use of disguise--overturned 6 months
R. v. Kaiswatum2003 SKCA 19SKCA18 monthsrob store with butcher knife; prior record
R. v. Figley2003 SKCA 24SKCA13 monthsrob store with knife
R. v. Bratzer[2001] NSJ 461 (C.A.)NSCA2 year less CSO3 armed store robberies; unique circumstances
R. v. Allison-McLeish2001 CanLII 24040 (ONCA)ONCA3.5 yearsrobbed convenience store with sawed-off shotgun; hit victim in head several times
R. v. Barrett and Campbell[2000] NSJ 178 (C.A.)NSCA10 yearsstore robbery; clerk shot
R.v. Longaphy[2000] NSJ 376 (C.A.)NSCA5 yearsstore robbery; knife; on parole for robbery at time
R. v. Pratt2000 SKCA 38SKCA6 yearstwo robberies with gun; addiction motivated
R. v. Wust2000 SCC 18, [2000] 1 S.C.R. 455CANSCC3.5 yearsrobbed gas station with loaded firearm; masked; struck victim several times
R. v. Arrance[2000] 1 S.C.R. 488, 2000 SCC 20CANSCC3.5 yearsrobbed gas station with loaded shotgun; pointed at victim's chest; long record
R. v. Izzard1999 CanLII 18558 (NS C.A.)NSCA2 yearsoffender was lookout and driver; armed robbery of convenience store; co-accused tied clerk up
R. v. McDonald1998 CanLII 13327 (ON C.A.)ONCA3 yearsrobbed fast food restaurant with BB gun
R. v. Wiberg1997 SKCA 88SKCA1 year19 year old; no record; rob store with knife
R. v. Scott[1996] NSJ 242 (C.A.)NSCAS/saccused was driver for abusive and controlling husband; unique circumstances
R. v. Emmerson(1993) 121 N.S.R. (2d) 252 (C.A.)NSCA2 yearsage 21; consumed drugs and alcohol; robbed convenience store of $23; appealed S/S
R. v. Fleming[1993] NSJ 469 (C.A.)NSCA12 yearsstore robbery; masked; armed with tire iron and knife; stabbed in neck and face; injuries life threatening
R. v. Hynes[1993] NSJ 193NS7 yearsarmed robbery with a mask; prior record
R. v. Bourgeois[1992] N.S.J. No. 486NS4 yearsarmed robbery; not principal
R. v. Colley(1991) 100 N.S.R. (2d) 447 (C.A.)NSCA15 yearsgas station robbery with tire iron; hit clerk causing skull fracture; did second robbery later in evening; long related record
R. v. Merlin(1991) 102 N.S.R. (2d) 266 (C.A.)NSCA1 yearrobbed store with knife
R. v. Cormier1990 CanLII 2534 (NS CA) NSCA4 yearsappealed from 3.5 years; mask and knife robbery of KFC; clerks were handcuffed; stole company car; long related record;
R. v. Large[1984] O.J. No. 155 (ONCA)ONCA90 daysstore robbery with knife

Street robbery

R. v. Meechas2012 MBPC 53MBPCSuspendedoffender was aboriginal, just turned 18 years old
R. v. Gobin2012 ONSC 3523ONSC3 yearsrobbery of vehicle using a fake firearm
R v Ayad2012 ONSC 883ONSCSuspendedhigh shcool student robbed another of iphone during lunch period
R v Secter2012 ABPC 95ABPC90 daysoffender was driver in a robbery scheme where offenders would drive by and steal cell-phones from sellers
R v Lopez2012 NBQB 29NBSC12 monthsattempted street robbery, violence involved
R v Ridgeway2012 ABCA 29ABCA22 monthsstreet robbery with imitation gun;
R. v. Barrett2012 ONSC 82ONSC6 years2 car jackings and 1 store robbery
R. v. Kunzig2011 MBPC 81MBPCS/soffender jumped 15 year old, stole skateboard, threatened victim; youthful, no record, focus on rehabilitation
R. v. Nerling2012 ABCA 114ABCA90 daysmugging robbery -- appeal from S/S
R. v. Conlon2011 ABCA 379ABCA90 daysrobbery; long time on strict bail conditions; no criminal record
R. v. Busby2011 BCPC 331BCPC3 yearsplanned robbery of person; stabbing
R v Gordon2011 SKCA 130SKCA5 yearsbeat up and stabbed victim
R. v. Osmond2011 ONSC 4124ONSC2 yearsbeat up friend over owed money; incl. aggravated assault (3 years)
R. v. Awasis2010 BCCA 213BCCA2 yearsgrabbed wallet on subway, used force to escape
R. v. Lapointe-Melo2010 ONCJ 314ONPC30 daysassist friends in robbing backpack of youth; offender held victim down;
R. v. Gouthro2010
R. v. Meawasige2008 ONCJ 122ONPC5 mo after 7 mo remand creditrobbed victim with a cap gun in a park; aboriginal offender; history of substance abuse
R. v. Ramalho2004 BCCA 617BCCA2 years less a day CSOshot gun robbery in parking lot--offender had FAS
R. v. Klapcic2001 BCCA 487BCCA10 yearspistol whip old man to get ATM code from him; 3 prior robberies
R. v. Kusi1999 CanLII 2355 (ON C.A.)ONCA 5 yearsrobbed taxi driver; long record
R. v. Brewer[1997] NSJ 161 (C.A.)NSCA6 years4 robberies of taxi driver to get money for crack; non-verbal threat
R. v. Bulat[1996] A.J. No. 647AB90 daysmugging; minor injuries
R. v. Beals(1994) 130 N.S.R. (2d) 177 (C.A.)NSCA6 years3 cab drivers robbed; punched driver;
R. v. Brown[1994] M.J. No. 586MB90 dayspurse snatching; no record; employed
R v. Cocq[1991] OJ No. 1939 (C.A.)ONCA90 daysoffender of good character
R. v. Pawluk 1990 ABCA 212ABCA4 monthspurse snatching
R. v. Swan 1983 ABCA 85ABCA12 monthsstole purse; resistance but no violence
R. v. Stanton 1983 ABCA 252ABCA53 daysstole purse

Bank robbery

R. v. Nilsson2012 BCCA 498 (CanLII)BCCA8 yearsOffender convicted of two counts robbery.
R v Rudolph2012 SKQB 442 (CanLII)SKSC10 years
R. v. Zakis2012 BCCA 450 (CanLII)BCCA6 yearsasked bank teller for $10,000.
R. v. Mohammed2012 ONSC 3072ONSC18 months
R. v. Johnson2012 ONCA 339ONCA20 years9 counts of bank robbery--prior record of 26 bank robberies--appeal from 26 years
R. v. Hassan2011 ONSC 5128 ONSC28 months
R. v. Nembhard2010 ONCA 420 ONCA7 years2 bank robberies
R. v. Evanson2009 BCCA 425BCCA39 months
R. v. Smith2007 BCPC 198BCPC3 yearsseries of 3 bank robberies; threatening note; no weapons visible
R. v. Dionne2004 BCCA 275BCCA3 yearsmasked bank robbery; no threats;
R. v. Carlson2002 CanLII 44928 (ONCA) ONCA17.5 yearscareer bank robber; armed with firearm; masked
R. v. Jenkins2004 ABPC 48ABPC7 years
R. v. Corkum1997 CanLII 1466 (NS SC)NSSC8 yearstwo counts of bank robbery--sentence divided between 3 and 5 years consecutive
R. v. Helpard[1995] NSJ 426 (C.A.)NSCA5 yearsbank robbery--no record
R. v. Leet(1989), 88 N.S.R. (2d) 161NSCA5 yearsfour counts robbery, of which three related to one bank--masked and armed with imitation handgun--offender age 37, married, educated, and with four children--divided between two years and three years consecutive
R. v. Brophy(1989) 89 N.S.R. (2d) 417NSCA5 yearstwo counts robbery--one bank and one store all on same day--used imitation handgun--offender was 28-year-old --sentenced to 5 years and 3 years consecutive

Home Invasion

R. v. Lewis[2012] N.J. No. 59NLCA8 years
R. v. Argueta2011 ONCJ 578ONPC5.5 years
R. v. M.E.W.2011 BCPC 267BCPC30 months
R. v. X.Y.2007 ONCA 189ONCA
R. v. Wright2006 CanLII 40975 (ON C.A.)ONCA8 years
R. v. Dear2003 ABQB 239ABSC8 yearsyoung female victim; attacked in apartment over 15 min; long record
R. v. Whicher2002 BCCA 336BCCA10 yearselderly couple's home; history of drug addiction; demanded money at knifepoint
R. v. Harriott2002 CanLII 23588 (ON C.A.)ONCA8 yearsinvaded home; threatened to kill home owners
R. v. Wang2001 CanLII 20933, 2001 CanLII 9528 (ON C.A.)ONCA5 years3 home invasion robberies; acted as lookout and brandished a sword
R. v. Harris2000 NSCA 7NSCA15 yearsvicious home invasion of elderly couple; brain injury and broken hip
R. v. Barrett and Campbell2000 NSCA 76NSCA 2 and 10 years
R. v. Harris[2000] NSJ 9 (C.A.)NSCA15 yearshome invasion; extreme violence
R. v. Lewis2000 CanLII 2623 (ON C.A.)ONCA10 yearsrobbed in home; face crushed; throat cut and stabbed several times; loss of eye and permanent disfigurement
R. v. Bernier2003 BCCA 134BCCA6 yearsreduced from 14 years
R. v. Stephenson(1998) 169 NSR 159 (CA)NSCA6 yearshome invasion of of 86 year old; accused was driver who directed the principle
R. v. Fraser(1997) 158 N.S.R. (2d) 163NS6 yearshome invasion of 83 year old's home; masks; knife; cut phone wires; confined victim; no prior record; range said to be 6 to 10 for these types
R. v. Foster(1997), 161 NSR 371 (CA)NSCA6 yearsoverturned 28 months; home invasion of 62 year old; punches to head of victim until unconscious; stole wallet
R. v. Matwiy1996 CanLII 6629 (AB C.A.)ABCA10 yearsarmed with knife and shotgun; thought victim was drug dealer; extensive criminal record
R. v. Hachez1995 CanLII 1109 (ON C.A.)ONCA10 yearstwo home invasion robberies; lengthy criminal record
R. v. Matwiy1994 CanLII 9150 (AB QB) ABSC10 yearsarmed home invasion; lengthy record; co-accused also got 11 years
R. v. Leger1993 CanLII 3107, (1994), 125 N.S.R. (2d) 154NSCA5 yearshome invasion robbery
R. v. Benoit(1990) 95 N.S.R. (2d) 113 (C.A.)NSCA4 yearshome invasion; masked; elderly woman hit in face
R. v. Bateman[1988] A.J. No. 287AB7 years
R. v. Kraft(1986), 68 A.R. 83AB6.5 yearsimitated cops to get in; robbed to collect debt
R. v. Johnson(1984) 61 NSR 357 (CA)NSCA12 years


R. v. Singh2012 ONSC 4429ONSC6.5 yearsrobbery of a job site with loaded restricted firearm (5 year mandatory)--police brutality involved
R. v. Hawkins2008 NBCA 40NBCA13 yearsguilty to 33 offences including several armed robberies--29 year old drug addict--lengthy record --reduced from 20 years
R. v. Williams2001 NSCA 17NSCA3 years
R. v. Bruyere(1999), 144 Man. R. (2d) 142 (C.A.)MBCA9 months CSOarmed robbery
R. v. Clare2000 CanLII 10755 (MB CA), (2000), 145 Man. R. (2d) 142MBCA12 months CSOtwo armed robberies’
R. v. Damery1996 CanLII 5233 (NS CA) NSCA5.5 years
R. v. Fraser(1995) 145 N.S.R. (2d) 76 (C.A.) 1995 CanLII 4270NSCA6 years2 robberies; overturned JR for 4 years
R. v. Higgins(1984), 64 N.S.R. (2d) 272NSCA7 yearsrecord of two prior robberies--appeal dismissed
R. v. Grady(1971) 5 N.S.R. (2d) 264NSCA
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