< Canadian Criminal Sentencing < Cases


R. v Moller2012 ABCA 381 (CanLII)4 yearsbeat victim with beer bottle
R. v. Barnsdale 2012 MBCA 562 yearsbeat good friend in head with a shovel multiple times, caused crippling brain damage
R. v. Knott2012 MBQB 105Suspendedwas party to a beating
R. v. Best2012 NSCA 343 yearsaggravated assault and break and enter
R. v. Neshinapaise,2012 ONCJ 822.5 yearsCaused severe brain damage
R. v. Merceica,2011 BCPC 3793 yearsaggravated assault; throw hot liquid at someone in correctional facility.
R. v. Cox,2010 NLTD 127 12 monthshit broke ribs, punctured one lung
R. v. Ali,2010 MBCA 14 9 monthsaggravated assault; broken jaw
R. v. MacDonald2010 NSSC 281 12 monthspermanent minor nerve damage
R. v. Cador,2010 ABCA 379
R. v. C.R.D.2010 ABCA 12890 days inter.breaking son's leg
R. v. Sayazie2010 SKCA 14 3 yearsspousal beating, caused permanent muscle damage; no record
R. v. Lambert2010 NBQB 1014.5 years
R. v. Ward2009 BCCA 5567 yearsserious permanent damage to brain and body
R. v. Gaudet,2009 NSPC 54 9 months with probation
R. v. Boachie,2008 ONCA 342 23 mo (268) and 1 year (firearm)after 61 mo remand19 year threatened 12 year old boy with handgun to head; extensive youth record
R. v. Menard2008 BCCA 522 8 monthsstrike to head with wooden and metal objects
R. v. Sooch2007 ABPC 260 4 years23 year old; strangulation of girlfriend
R. v. Payne2007 BCCA 541 8 yearsextortion; struck with axe on head and hand
R. v. J. A.,2006 BCPC 625 2 years less a day CSO
R. v. Ruksys2006 ABCA 270 15 monthsstruck in the head, neck and arm until unconscious. Life threatening injuries.
R v. Armstrong[2003] B.C.J. No. 1667 (S.C.)8 yearsassaulted two probation officers with a bat causing significant injuries; mental health history;
R.V.Morash2005 skca9 yearsaggravated assault, assault with a weapon, break in enter- rendered victim unconcious and them brutally stomped head. Permanent brain damage.
R. v. Craig2005 BCCA 484 2 years less a daymaiming
R. v. Ervin,2003 ABCA 179
R. v. Gates2002 BCCA 128 broken arm, a head wound requiring 18 stitches, split lip, black eyes, cigarette burns and bruises
R. v. Hulshof2001 BCCA 308 4 yearsrobbery with knife; multiple cuts to face
R. v. Gagliardi2000 ABCA 137
R v. Tusek[1999] O.J. No. 3413 (C.A.)4 yearsstabbing customer in restaurant; age 19; no record
R. v. Chisholm1998 CanLII 2740 (NS C.A.) 6 months imprisonmentaggravated assault; drunken bar fight
R. v. Rasanen1997 CanLII 3368 (BC C.A.) 6 yearspremeditated attack; bragged to friends about it.

Child victim

R. v. Nickel 2012 ABCA 158 3 years put 9 month old's feet in boiling water
R. v. S.(M.J.)\ 2006 ABCA 176 2 years less a day


R. v. J.R.2012 BCPC 2404 yearsstabbing with knife in head, unprovoked
R. v. Sharma2012 BCPC 1764 years
R v Wilson2012 ONCA 3724 yearsoffender and co-accused stabbed vicctim 3 times in the back for an unpaid drug debt.
R. v. Haly2012 ONSC 230236 months
R. v. Makhniashvili2011 ONCJ 7726 yearsaggravated assault; two incidents of stabbing family members in abdomen
R. v. Wheeler2011 CanLII 69366 (NL PC)4 yearsstabbing in face
R. v. Ashley2008 NSPC 112 years less a day CSOaggravated assault; stabbing twice with a knife
R. v. Morgan2008 NWTCA 123.5 years3 stabs to the head
R. v. Craig[2005] B.C.J. No. 2180 (C.A.)2-3 yearsstabbed ex-partner in abdomen
R. v. Taghiev[2004] O.J. No.5519 (S.C.J.)2 years less a daystabbed acquiantence in back over dispute; positive background
R. v. Belisario2002 BCCA 208 15 monthsstabbing; no record
R v. Deesasan[1996] O.J. No. 48912 monthsstabbing in bus; victim in hospital
R. v. Wu[1994] N.B.J. No.96 (C.A.)9 yearsretribution stabbing of sleeping victim; injuries in multiple regions of body; no record
R. v. Khan[1991] O.J. No. 1025 (C.A.)8 yearsunprovoked stabbing of stranger in subway; mental health issue; dated prior related record


R. v. Johnson2012 CanLII 42709 (NL PC)23 monthsserious beating, broken limbs
R. v. Saraj2012 ONSC 43393 yearsbeat a taxi driver with a pipe and fists
R v Elson2012 ABPC 8830 monthsoffender beat victim to unconsciousness
R. v. DeSilva[2010] O.J. No. 4862 (S.C.J.)2 years less a daybeating victim with a cane causing broken bones; victim was accused of sexually assaulting offender's daughter
R. v. McCowan2010 MBCA 45 5.5 yearspunches to face causing permanent disability
R. v. Desjarlais2009 MBPC 452 yearshit with multi-tool causing lacerations to forehead, eyelid and leg all requiring sutures
R. v. Sidhu2005 BCCA 178 3 yearspunch and stomp to head after unconscious
R. v. Irwin2004 BCCA 433 4 yearskick him and stomp victim into unconsciousness
R. v. Moroz2003 ABPC 5 12 months CSOstruck on the head at least six times with a ball-peen hammer. Significant consumption of cocaine.
R. v. Hiscock2002 BCSC 1772 8 yearsvictim beaten by gang, put in vegetative state.
R. v. Dunn2002 CanLII 53265 (ON C.A.) 9 yearsattack until unconscious; long record of violence
R. v. D.L.[2002] B.C.J. No. 1987 (SC)6 to 7 yearsrandom beating
R. v. MacLeod1999 BCCA 420 3 yearsbrutal beating and sexual assault


R. v. Michael Larmond2011 ONSC 71707 yearsaccused shoots victim while collecting a drug debt


R. v. Phelan2012 CanLII 36207 (NL SCTD)30 monthsinfected victim with HIV

See Also

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