Standard Template Library (STL)
The Standard Template Library (STL), part of the C++ Standard Library, offers collections of algorithms, containers, iterators, and other fundamental components, implemented as templates, classes, and functions essential to extend functionality and standardization to C++. STL main focus is to provide improvements implementation standardization with emphasis in performance and correctness.
Instead of wondering if your array would ever need to hold 257 records or having nightmares of string buffer overflows, you can enjoy vector and string that automatically extend to contain more records or characters. For example, vector is just like an array, except that vector's size can expand to hold more cells or shrink when fewer will suffice. One must keep in mind that the STL does not conflict with OOP but in itself is not object oriented; In particular it makes no use of runtime polymorphism (i.e., has no virtual functions).
The true power of the STL lies not in its container classes, but in the fact that it is a framework, combining algorithms with data structures using indirection through iterators to allow generic implementations of higher order algorithms to work efficiently on varied forms of data. To give a simple example, the same std::copy function can be used to copy elements from one array to another, or to copy the bytes of a file, or to copy the whitespace-separated words in "text like this" into a container such as std::vector<std::string>.
// std::copy from array a to array b
int a[10] = { 3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,4 };
int b[10];
std::copy(&a[0], &a[9], b);
// std::copy from input stream a to an arbitrary OutputIterator
template <typename OutputIterator>
void f(std::istream &a, OutputIterator destination) {
// std::copy from a buffer containing text, inserting items in
// order at the back of the container called words.
std::istringstream buffer("text like this");
std::vector<std::string> words;
assert(words[0] == "text");
assert(words[1] == "like");
assert(words[2] == "this");

The C++ Standard Library incorporated part of the STL (published as a software library by SGI/Hewlett-Packard Company). The primary implementer of the C++ Standard Template Library was Alexander Stepanov.
Today we call STL to what was adopted into the C++ Standard. The ISO C++ does not specify header content, and allows implementation of the STL either in the headers, or in a true library.
Compilers will already have one implementation included as part of the C++ Standard (i.e., MS Visual Studio uses the Dinkum STL). All implementations will have to comply to the standard's requirements regarding functionality and behavior, but consistency of programs across all major hardware implementations, operating systems, and compilers will also depends on the portability of the STL implementation. They may also offer extended features or be optimized to distinct setups.
There are many different implementations of the STL, all based on the language standard but nevertheless differing from each other, making it transparent for the programmer, enabling specialization and rapid evolution of the code base. Several open source implementations are available, which can be useful to consult.
- List of STL implementations.
- libstdc++ from gnu (was part of libg++)
- SGI STL library ( free STL implementation.
- Rogue Wave standard library (HP, SGI, SunSoft, Siemens-Nixdorf) / Apache C++ Standard Library (STDCXX)
- Dinkum STL library by P.J. Plauger ( commercial STL implementation widely used, since it was licensed in is co-maintained by Microsoft and it is the STL implementation that ships with Visual Studio.
- Apache C++ Standard Library ( ) (open source)
- STLport STL library ( open source and highly cross-platform implementation based on the SGI implementation.
The containers we will discuss in this section of the book are part of the standard namespace (std::). They all originated in the original SGI implementation of the STL.
Sequence Containers
- Sequences - easier than arrays
Sequences are similar to C arrays, but they are easier to use. Vector is usually the first sequence to be learned. Other sequences, list and double-ended queues, are similar to vector but more efficient in some special cases. (Their behavior is also different in important ways concerning validity of iterators when the container is changed; iterator validity is an important, though somewhat advanced, concept when using containers in C++.)
- vector - "an easy-to-use array"
- list - in effect, a doubly-linked list
- deque - double-ended queue (properly pronounced "deck", often mispronounced as "dee-queue")
The vector is a template class in itself, it is a Sequence Container and allows you to easily create a dynamic array of elements (one type per instance) of almost any data-type or object within a programs when using it. The vector class handles most of the memory management for you.
Since a vector contain contiguous elements it is an ideal choice to replace the old C style array, in a situation where you need to store data, and ideal in a situation where you need to store dynamic data as an array that changes in size during the program's execution (old C style arrays can't do it). However, vectors do incur a very small overhead compared to static arrays (depending on the quality of your compiler), and cannot be initialized through an initialization list.
Accessing members of a vector or appending elements takes a fixed amount of time, no matter how large the vector is, whereas locating a specific value in a vector element or inserting elements into the vector takes an amount of time directly proportional to its location in it (size dependent).
- Example
David Cary 2009-03-04
quick demo for wikibooks
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<int> pick_vector_with_biggest_fifth_element(vector<int> left,vector<int> right)
if(left[5] < right[5])
return( right );
// else
return left ;
int* pick_array_with_biggest_fifth_element(int * left,int * right)
if(left[5] < right[5])
return( right );
// else
return left ;
int vector_demo(void)
cout << "vector demo" << endl;
vector<int> left(7);
vector<int> right(7);
left[5] = 7;
right[5] = 8;
cout << left[5] << endl;
cout << right[5] << endl;
vector<int> biggest(pick_vector_with_biggest_fifth_element( left, right ) );
cout << biggest[5] << endl;
return 0;
int array_demo(void)
cout << "array demo" << endl;
int left[7];
int right[7];
left[5] = 7;
right[5] = 8;
cout << left[5] << endl;
cout << right[5] << endl;
int * biggest =
pick_array_with_biggest_fifth_element( left, right );
cout << biggest[5] << endl;
return 0;
int main(void)
- Member Functions
The vector
class models the Container concept, which means it has begin()
, end()
, size()
, max_size()
, empty()
, and swap()
- informative
- Returns reference to first element of vector.vector::back
- Returns reference to last element of vector.vector::size
- Returns number of elements in the vector.vector::empty
- Returns true if vector has no elements.
- standard operations
- Inserts elements into a vector (single & range), shifts later elements up. Inefficient.vector::push_back
- Appends (inserts) an element to the end of a vector, allocating memory for it if necessary. Amortized O(1) time.vector::erase
- Deletes elements from a vector (single & range), shifts later elements down. Inefficient.vector::pop_back
- Erases the last element of the vector, (possibly reducing capacity - usually it isn't reduced, but this depends on particular STL implementation). Amortized O(1) time.vector::clear
- Erases all of the elements. Note however that if the data elements are pointers to memory that was created dynamically (e.g., the new operator was used), the memory will not be freed.
- allocation/size modification
- Used to delete a origin vector and copies the specified elements to an empty target vector.vector::reserve
- Changes capacity (allocates more memory) of vector, if needed. In many STL implementations capacity can only grow, and is never reduced.vector::capacity
- Returns current capacity (allocated memory) of vector.vector::resize
- Changes the vector size.
- iteration
- Returns an iterator to start traversal of the vector.vector::end
- Returns an iterator that points just beyond the end of the vector.vector::at
- Returns a reference to the data element at the specified location in the vector, with bounds checking.
vector<int> v;
for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it/* increment operand is used to move to next element*/) {
cout << *it << endl;
std::vector<T> provides Random Access Iterators; as with all containers, the primary access to iterators is via begin() and end() member functions. These are overloaded for const- and non-const containers, returning iterators of types std::vector<T>::const_iterator and std::vector<T>::iterator respectively.
vector examples
/* Vector sort example */
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main()
using namespace std;
cout << "Sorting STL vector, \"the easier array\"... " << endl;
cout << "Enter numbers, one per line. Press ctrl-D to quit." << endl;
vector<int> vec;
int tmp;
while (cin>>tmp) {
cout << "Sorted: " << endl;
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
int i = 0;
for (i=0; i<vec.size(); i++) {
cout << vec[i] << endl;;
return 0;
The call to sort above actually calls an instantiation of the function template std::sort, which will work on any half-open range specified by two random access iterators.
If you like to make the code above more "STLish" you can write this program in the following way:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
int main()
using namespace std;
cout << "Sorting STL vector, \"the easier array\"... " << endl;
cout << "Enter numbers, one per line. Press ctrl-D to quit." << endl;
istream_iterator<int> first(cin);
istream_iterator<int> last;
vector<int> vec(first, last);
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
cout << "Sorted: " << endl;
copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
return 0;
Linked lists
The STL provides a class template called list (part of the standard namespace (std::)) which implements a non-intrusive doubly-linked list. Linked lists can insert or remove elements in the middle in constant time, but do not have random access. One useful feature of std::list is that references, pointers and iterators to items inserted into a list remain valid so long as that item remains in the list.
list examples
/* List example - insertion in a list */
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
void print_list(std::list<int> const& a_filled_list)
using namespace std;
ostream_iterator<int> out(cout, " ");
copy(a_filled_list.begin(), a_filled_list.end(), out);
int main()
std::list<int> my_list;
print_list(my_list); //print : 1 10
std::cout << std::endl;
print_list(my_list); //print : 45 1 10
return 0;
Associative Containers (key and value)
This type of container point to each element in the container with a key value, thus simplifying searching containers for the programmer. Instead of iterating through an array or vector element by element to find a specific one, you can simply ask for people["tero"]. Just like vectors and other containers, associative containers can expand to hold any number of elements.
Maps and Multimaps
map and multimap are associative containers that manage key/value pairs as elements as seen above. The elements of each container will sort automatically using the actual key for sorting criterion. The difference between the two is that maps do not allow duplicates, whereas, multimaps does.
- map - unique keys
- multimap - same key can be used many times
- set - unique key is the value
- multiset - key is the value, same key can be used many times
/* Map example - character distribution */
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main()
/* Character counts are stored in a map, so that
* character is the key.
* Count of char a is chars['a']. */
map<char, long> chars;
cout << "chardist - Count character distributions" << endl;
cout << "Type some text. Press ctrl-D to quit." << endl;
char c;
while (cin.get(c)) {
// Upper A and lower a are considered the same
c=tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));
chars[c]=chars[c]+1; // Could be written as ++chars[c];
cout << "Character distribution: " << endl;
string alphabet("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
for (string::iterator letter_index=alphabet.begin(); letter_index != alphabet.end(); letter_index++) {
if (chars[*letter_index] != 0) {
cout << char(toupper(*letter_index))
<< ":" << chars[*letter_index]
<< "\t" << endl;
return 0;
Container Adapters
- stack - last in, first out (LIFO)
- queue - first in, first out (FIFO)
- priority queue
C++'s iterators are one of the foundation of the STL. Iterators exist in languages other than C++, but C++ uses an unusual form of iterators, with pros and cons.
In C++, an iterator is a concept rather than a specific type, they are a generalization of the pointers as an abstraction for the use of containers. Iterators are further divided based on properties such as traversal properties.
The basic idea of an iterator is to provide a way to navigate over some collection of objects concept.
Some (overlapping) categories of iterators are:
- Singular iterators
- Invalid iterators
- Random access iterators
- Bidirectional iterators
- Forward iterators
- Input iterators
- Output iterators
- Mutable iterators
A pair of iterators [begin, end) is used to define a half open range, which includes the element identified from begin to end, except for the element identified by end. As a special case, the half open range [x, x) is empty, for any valid iterator x.
The most primitive examples of iterators in C++ (and likely the inspiration for their syntax) are the built-in pointers, which are commonly used to iterate over elements within arrays.
Iteration over a Container
Accessing (but not modifying) each element of a container group of type C<T> using an iterator.
for (
typename C<T>::const_iterator iter = group.begin();
iter != group.end();
T const &element = *iter;
// access element here
Note the usage of typename. It informs the compiler that 'const_iterator' is a type as opposed to a static member variable. (It is only necessary inside templated code, and indeed in C++98 is invalid in regular, non-template, code. This may change in the next revision of the C++ standard so that the typename above is always permitted.)
Modifying each element of a container group of type C<T> using an iterator.
for (
typename C<T>::iterator iter = group.begin();
iter != group.end();
T &element = *iter;
// modify element here
When modifying the container itself while iterating over it, some containers (such as vector) require care that the iterator doesn't become invalidated, and end up pointing to an invalid element. For example, instead of:
for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) {
if (erase_required) {
for (i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ) {
if (erase_required) {
i = v.erase(i);
} else {
The erase() member function returns the next valid iterator, or end(), thus ending the loop. Note that ++i is not executed when erase() has been called on an element.
A functor or function object, is an object that has an operator ()
. The importance of functors is that they can be used in many contexts in which C++ functions can be used, whilst also having the ability to maintain state information. Next to iterators, functors are one of the most fundamental ideas exploited by the STL.
The STL provides a number of pre-built functor classes; std::less, for example, is often used to specify a default comparison function for algorithms that need to determine which of two objects comes "before" the other.
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
// Define the Functor for AccumulateSquareValues
template<typename T>
struct AccumulateSquareValues
AccumulateSquareValues() : sumOfSquares()
void operator()(const T& value)
sumOfSquares += value*value;
T Result() const
return sumOfSquares;
T sumOfSquares;
std::vector<int> intVec;
for( int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx )
AccumulateSquareValues<int> sumOfSquare = std::for_each(intVec.begin(),
AccumulateSquareValues<int>() );
std::cout << "The sum of squares for 1-10 is " << sumOfSquare.Result() << std::endl;
// note: this problem can be solved in another, more clear way:
// int sum_of_squares = std::inner_product(intVec.begin(), intVec.end(), intVec.begin(), 0);
The STL also provides several useful algorithms, in the form of template functions, that are provided to, with the help of the iterator concept, manipulate the STL containers (or derivations).
The STL algorithms aren't restricted to STL containers, for instance:
#include <algorithm>
int array[10] = { 2,3,4,5,6,7,1,9,8,0 };
int* begin = &array[0];
int* end = &array[0] + 10;
std::sort(begin, end);// the sort algorithm will work on a C style array
- The _if suffix
- The _copy suffix
- Non-modifying algorithms
- Modifying algorithms
- Removing algorithms
- Mutating algorithms
- Sorting algorithms
- Sorted range algorithms
- Numeric algorithms
Sorting and related operations
Minimum and maximum
The standard library provides function templates min
and max
, which return the minimum and maximum of their two arguments respectively. Each has an overload available that allows you to customize the way the values are compared.
template<class T>
const T& min(const T& a, const T& b);
template<class T, class Compare>
const T& min(const T& a, const T& b, Compare c);
template<class T>
const T& max(const T& a, const T& b);
template<class T, class Compare>
const T& max(const T& a, const T& b, Compare c);
An example of how to use the Compare type parameter :
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
class Account
private :
std::string owner_name;
int credit;
int potential_credit_transfer;
public :
Account(std::string name, int initial_credit, int initial_credit_transfer) :
bool operator<(Account const& account) const { return credit <; }
int potential_credit() const { return credit + potential_credit_transfer; }
std::string const& owner() const { return owner_name; }
struct CompareAccountCredit
bool operator()(Account const& account1, Account const& account2) const
{ return account1 < account2; }
struct CompareAccountPotentialCredit
bool operator()(Account const& account1, Account const& account2) const
{ return account1.potential_credit() < account2.potential_credit(); }
int main()
Account account1("Dennis Ritchie", 1000, 250), account2("Steeve Jobs", 500, 10000),
result_comparison = std::min(account1, account2, CompareAccountCredit());
std::cout << "min credit of account is : " + result_comparison.owner() << std::endl;
result_comparison = std::min(account1, account2, CompareAccountPotentialCredit());
std::cout << "min potential credit of account is : " + result_comparison.owner() << std::endl;
return 0;
Allocators are used by the Standard C++ Library (and particularly by the STL) to allow parameterization of memory allocation strategies.
The subject of allocators is somewhat obscure, and can safely be ignored by most application software developers. All standard library constructs that allow for specification of an allocator have a default allocator which is used if none is given by the user.
Custom allocators can be useful if the memory use of a piece of code is unusual in a way that leads to performance problems if used with the general-purpose default allocator. There are also other cases in which the default allocator is inappropriate, such as when using standard containers within an implementation of replacements for global operators new and delete.